
Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2020 Previous Year Question Paper With Answer Key

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DU MSc Development Communication and Extension
Topic: DCE MSC S2
1) Communication is said to be a
[Question ID = 6300]

1. Unilateral process [Option ID = 25194]
2. Universal process [Option ID = 25195]
3. Unicorn process [Option ID = 25196]
4. University process [Option ID = 25197]
Correct Answer :
Universal process [Option ID = 25195]
2) Which of the following is NOT a principle of communication?
[Question ID = 6301]

1. Communication process is systematic [Option ID = 25198]
2. Communication process is interactional [Option ID = 25199]
3. Communication process is systemic [Option ID = 25200]
4. Communication process is aesthetic [Option ID = 25201]
Correct Answer :
Communication process is aesthetic [Option ID = 25201]
3) A series of drawings depicting key scenes of a planned advertisement is called
[Question ID = 6302]

1. Comprehensive layout [Option ID = 25202]
2. Story board [Option ID = 25203]
3. Campaign [Option ID = 25204]
4. Communication strategy [Option ID = 25205]
Correct Answer :
Story board [Option ID = 25203]
4) The study of how space communicates nonverbally is called
[Question ID = 6303]

1. Proxemics [Option ID = 25206]
2. Schematic [Option ID = 25207]
3. Para language [Option ID = 25208]
4. Chronemics [Option ID = 25209]
Correct Answer :
Proxemics [Option ID = 25206]
5) As per Aristotle's model of communication, the three dimensions of a persuasive speech are
[Question ID = 6304]

1. Pathos, Empathy, Mathos [Option ID = 25210]
2. Ethos, Logos, Pathos [Option ID = 25211]
3. Logos, Ethos, Laos [Option ID = 25212]
4. Ethos, Chaos. Pathos [Option ID = 25213]
Correct Answer :
Ethos, Logos, Pathos [Option ID = 25211]
6) Following model of communication is referred to as the circular model
[Question ID = 6305]

1. Shannon & Weaver Model [Option ID = 25214]
2. Berlo's Model [Option ID = 25215]
3. Laswell's Model [Option ID = 25216]
4. Osgood & Schramm Model [Option ID = 25217]
Correct Answer :
Osgood & Schramm Model [Option ID = 25217]
7) Facebook, Instagram are an examples of
[Question ID = 6306]

1. Mass Media [Option ID = 25218]
2. Traditional Media [Option ID = 25219]
3. Social Media [Option ID = 25220]
4. Public relations [Option ID = 25221]

Correct Answer :
Social Media [Option ID = 25220]
8) The type of research completed before the advertising campaign to help guide the creative effort is called
[Question ID = 6307]

1. Message research [Option ID = 25222]
2. Tracking study [Option ID = 25223]
3. Formative research [Option ID = 25224]
4. Reflexivity research [Option ID = 25225]
Correct Answer :
Formative research [Option ID = 25224]
9) Public relations messages do NOT appear as
[Question ID = 6308]

1. Features [Option ID = 25226]
2. News stories [Option ID = 25227]
3. Editorials [Option ID = 25228]
4. Headlines [Option ID = 25229]
Correct Answer :
Headlines [Option ID = 25229]
10) Which of the following is not a feature of Communication for Development
[Question ID = 6309]

1. Dialogic [Option ID = 25230]
2. Participatory [Option ID = 25231]
3. Multimedia [Option ID = 25232]
4. Vertical [Option ID = 25233]
Correct Answer :
Vertical [Option ID = 25233]
11) The affinity function in human communication refers to the process of
[Question ID = 6310]

1. Building social relationships [Option ID = 25234]
2. Learning new knowledge [Option ID = 25235]
3. Relaxation and entertainment [Option ID = 25236]
4. Building infrastructure [Option ID = 25237]
Correct Answer :
Building social relationships [Option ID = 25234]
12) A communication system involving two people communicating with each other is called
[Question ID = 6311]

1. Intrapersonal communication system [Option ID = 25238]
2. Small group communication system [Option ID = 25239]
3. Dyadic communication system [Option ID = 25240]
4. Large group communication system [Option ID = 25241]
Correct Answer :
Dyadic communication system [Option ID = 25240]
13) In the modernization paradigm of development, communication systems were largely
[Question ID = 6312]

1. Topdown [Option ID = 25242]
2. Bottomup [Option ID = 25243]
3. Peoplecentric [Option ID = 25244]
4. Organizationalcentric [Option ID = 25245]
Correct Answer :
Topdown [Option ID = 25242]
14) Following is an example of formal communication in an organization
[Question ID = 6313]

1. Appointment letter [Option ID = 25246]
2. Grapevine [Option ID = 25247]
3. Memo [Option ID = 25248]
4. Organisational chart [Option ID = 25249]
Correct Answer :
15) Which of the following is not a salient feature of traditional folk media?
[Question ID = 6314]

1. Reliance on electronic media [Option ID = 25250]

2. Preservation of culture [Option ID = 25251]
3. Entertainment [Option ID = 25252]
4. Dissemination of information [Option ID = 25253]
Correct Answer :
Reliance on electronic media [Option ID = 25250]
16) Mass communication organizations
[Question ID = 6315]

1. Require little money to operate [Option ID = 25254]
2. Have Multiple gatekeepers [Option ID = 25255]
3. Cater only to a few people [Option ID = 25256]
4. Are noncompetitive [Option ID = 25257]
Correct Answer :
Have Multiple gatekeepers [Option ID = 25255]
17) PSA stands for
[Question ID = 6316]

1. Public Service Advertisement [Option ID = 25258]
2. Public Social Action [Option ID = 25259]
3. Public Service Access [Option ID = 25260]
4. Private Service Advertisement [Option ID = 25261]
Correct Answer :
Public Service Advertisement [Option ID = 25258]
18) The appeal directed at the consumer's sense of judgment between right and wrong is
[Question ID = 6317]

1. Rational Appeal [Option ID = 25262]
2. Fantasy Appeal [Option ID = 25263]
3. Moral Appeal [Option ID = 25264]
4. Emotional Appeal [Option ID = 25265]
Correct Answer :
Rational Appeal [Option ID = 25262]
19) Which of the following is the best classification category for films?
[Question ID = 6318]

1. Graphic aid [Option ID = 25266]
2. Visual aid [Option ID = 25267]
3. Audio Visual aid [Option ID = 25268]
4. Audio aid [Option ID = 25269]
Correct Answer :
Audio Visual aid [Option ID = 25268]
20) Central to the Uses and Gratification theory of mass communication are
[Question ID = 6319]

1. Messages [Option ID = 25270]
2. Channels [Option ID = 25271]
3. Encoders [Option ID = 25272]
4. Audiences [Option ID = 25273]
Correct Answer :
Audiences [Option ID = 25273]
21) Which of the following is NOT a feature of participatory communication?
[Question ID = 6320]

1. Collaborative process [Option ID = 25274]
2. Vertical interaction [Option ID = 25275]
3. Cycles of action and reflection [Option ID = 25276]
4. Capacity building [Option ID = 25277]
Correct Answer :
Vertical interaction [Option ID = 25275]
22) People who regulate the content in mass communication are called
[Question ID = 6321]

1. Viewers [Option ID = 25278]
2. Gatekeepers [Option ID = 25279]
3. Opinion leaders [Option ID = 25280]
4. Critics [Option ID = 25281]
Correct Answer :

Gatekeepers [Option ID = 25279]
23) The focus of Ladli scheme is to promote
[Question ID = 6322]
1. Survival of girls
[Option ID = 25282]
2. Health services for girls
[Option ID = 25283]
3. Employment opportunities for girls
[Option ID = 25284]
4. Vocational training of girls
[Option ID = 25285]
Correct Answer :
Survival of girls
[Option ID = 25282]
24) Glass ceiling experienced by women relates to
[Question ID = 6323]

1. Health opportunities [Option ID = 25286]
2. Workplace opportunities [Option ID = 25287]
3. Residential opportunities [Option ID = 25288]
4. Land rights [Option ID = 25289]
Correct Answer :
Workplace opportunities [Option ID = 25287]
25) A radio which is primarily not for profit and is operated and owned by the community they serve is
[Question ID = 6324]

1. Commercial radio [Option ID = 25290]
2. Community Radio [Option ID = 25291]
3. Public radio [Option ID = 25292]
4. Corporate radio [Option ID = 25293]
Correct Answer :
Community Radio [Option ID = 25291]
26) The percentage of reservation for women at Panchayat level is
[Question ID = 6325]

1. 50% [Option ID = 25294]
2. 11% [Option ID = 25295]
3. 10% [Option ID = 25296]
4. 33% [Option ID = 25297]
Correct Answer :
33% [Option ID = 25297]
27) Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) is operationalised under the programme
[Question ID = 6326]

1. NHM [Option ID = 25298]
2. NRLM [Option ID = 25299]
3. ICDS [Option ID = 25300]
4. MGNREGA [Option ID = 25301]
Correct Answer :
NHM [Option ID = 25298]
28) Following is the principle of extension education
[Question ID = 6327]

1. Degree oriented [Option ID = 25302]
2. Classroom teaching [Option ID = 25303]
3. Rigid curriculum [Option ID = 25304]
4. Flexible curriculum [Option ID = 25305]
Correct Answer :
Flexible curriculum [Option ID = 25305]
29) An "Ad copy" that uses the endorsement of a satisfied customer is
[Question ID = 6328]

1. Comparative copy [Option ID = 25306]
2. Reminder copy [Option ID = 25307]

3. Expository copy [Option ID = 25308]
4. Testimonial Ad copy [Option ID = 25309]
Correct Answer :
Testimonial Ad copy [Option ID = 25309]
30) Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of ____ global goals
[Question ID = 6329]

1. 16 [Option ID = 25310]
2. 17 [Option ID = 25311]
3. 18 [Option ID = 25312]
4. 19 [Option ID = 25313]
Correct Answer :
17 [Option ID = 25311]
31) Which of these must be avoided for effective communication?
[Question ID = 6330]

1. Ambiguity [Option ID = 25314]
2. Listening [Option ID = 25315]
3. Sharing of activity [Option ID = 25316]
4. Politeness [Option ID = 25317]
Correct Answer :
Ambiguity [Option ID = 25314]
32) The science of teaching adults is called
[Question ID = 6331]

1. Andragogy [Option ID = 25318]
2. Analogy [Option ID = 25319]
3. Mystagogy [Option ID = 25320]
4. Pedagogy [Option ID = 25321]
Correct Answer :
Andragogy [Option ID = 25318]
33) The principle used to cross checking findings in participatory processes
[Question ID = 6332]

1. Diversity [Option ID = 25322]
2. Optimal Ignorance [Option ID = 25323]
3. Triangulation [Option ID = 25324]
4. Validation [Option ID = 25325]
Correct Answer :
Triangulation [Option ID = 25324]
34) Following is NOT a component of the Logic Model
[Question ID = 6333]

1. Outputs [Option ID = 25326]
2. Outcomes [Option ID = 25327]
3. Inputs [Option ID = 25328]
4. Evaluation [Option ID = 25329]
Correct Answer :
Evaluation [Option ID = 25329]
35) An understanding of prevailing conditions prior to program planning is called
[Question ID = 6334]

1. Situation analysis [Option ID = 25330]
2. Content analysis [Option ID = 25331]
3. Cultivation analysis [Option ID = 25332]
4. Agenda analysis [Option ID = 25333]
Correct Answer :
Situation analysis [Option ID = 25330]
36) A key factor accelerating the process of social change is
[Question ID = 6335]

1. Passive participation [Option ID = 25334]
2. Selective tokenism [Option ID = 25335]
3. Community mobilization [Option ID = 25336]
4. Preferential selection [Option ID = 25337]
Correct Answer :
Community mobilization [Option ID = 25336]

37) A conventional training programme is completely driven by
[Question ID = 6336]

1. Learner [Option ID = 25338]
2. Trainer [Option ID = 25339]
3. Researcher [Option ID = 25340]
4. Reporter [Option ID = 25341]
Correct Answer :
Trainer [Option ID = 25339]
38) Type of demonstration used in extension activities is
[Question ID = 6337]

1. Method demonstration [Option ID = 25342]
2. Community demonstration [Option ID = 25343]
3. Complex demonstration [Option ID = 25344]
4. Direct demonstration [Option ID = 25345]
Correct Answer :
Method demonstration [Option ID = 25342]
39) The organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information to understand and represent the
[Question ID = 6338]

1. Active listening [Option ID = 25346]
2. Perception [Option ID = 25347]
3. Empathy [Option ID = 25348]
4. Passive Listening [Option ID = 25349]
Correct Answer :
Perception [Option ID = 25347]
40) The process of transmitting the Culture from one generation to another is called
[Question ID = 6339]

1. Enculturation [Option ID = 25350]
2. Acculturation [Option ID = 25351]
3. Cross cultural communication [Option ID = 25352]
4. Intracultural communication [Option ID = 25353]
Correct Answer :
Enculturation [Option ID = 25350]
41) A purposeful, systematic and selective way of watching a phenomenon is referred as
[Question ID = 6340]

1. Interview [Option ID = 25354]
2. Observation [Option ID = 25355]
3. Case Study [Option ID = 25356]
4. Questionnaire [Option ID = 25357]
Correct Answer :
Observation [Option ID = 25355]
42) An aggregate index of social and environmental indicators that takes into account Basic Human Needs, Foundations of
Wellbeing, and Opportunity is called
[Question ID = 6341]

1. Social Progress Index [Option ID = 25358]
2. Human Development Index [Option ID = 25359]
3. Meaning in Life Index [Option ID = 25360]
4. Wellbeing Index [Option ID = 25361]
Correct Answer :
Social Progress Index [Option ID = 25358]
43) The model of communication that relates to "Noise" is
[Question ID = 6342]

1. Aristotle's Model [Option ID = 25362]
2. Laswell's Model [Option ID = 25363]
3. Shannon & Weaver's Model [Option ID = 25364]
4. Osgood & Schramm's Model [Option ID = 25365]
Correct Answer :
Shannon & Weaver's Model [Option ID = 25364]
44) The process by which we are able to place ourselves in another person's shoes is called

[Question ID = 6343]
1. Perception [Option ID = 25366]
2. Apathy [Option ID = 25367]
3. Empathy [Option ID = 25368]
4. Sympathy [Option ID = 25369]
Correct Answer :
Empathy [Option ID = 25368]
45) Organization chart is also known as
[Question ID = 6344]

1. Tree chart [Option ID = 25370]
2. Flow chart [Option ID = 25371]
3. Flip chart [Option ID = 25372]
4. Striptease chart [Option ID = 25373]
Correct Answer :
Flow chart [Option ID = 25371]
46) Which model stresses on the concept of gatekeeper in mass communication?
[Question ID = 6345]

1. Theodore Newcomb's [Option ID = 25374]
2. Shannon & Weaver's [Option ID = 25375]
3. Aristotle [Option ID = 25376]
4. Bruce Westley & Maclean's [Option ID = 25377]
Correct Answer :
Bruce Westley & Maclean's [Option ID = 25377]
47) Development Model that envisioned underdeveloped countries can get out of their poverty by modernizing them and
free market approaches
[Question ID = 6346]

1. Basic Needs Model [Option ID = 25378]
2. New Paradigm of Development [Option ID = 25379]
3. Dominant Paradigm [Option ID = 25380]
4. Dependency Model [Option ID = 25381]
Correct Answer :
Dominant Paradigm [Option ID = 25380]
48) The process of selecting a subset from a large population is
[Question ID = 6347]

1. Sampling [Option ID = 25382]
2. Measurement [Option ID = 25383]
3. Review [Option ID = 25384]
4. Prediction [Option ID = 25385]
Correct Answer :
Sampling [Option ID = 25382]
49) Panchayati Raj Institutions in India are important expressions of people's participation in local Self Governance through
[Question ID = 6348]

1. Centralization [Option ID = 25386]
2. Domination [Option ID = 25387]
3. Decentralization [Option ID = 25388]
4. Demonetisation [Option ID = 25389]
Correct Answer :
Decentralization [Option ID = 25388]
50) Mass Communication Theory that falls under the allpowerful media paradigm is
[Question ID = 6349]

1. Agenda setting theory [Option ID = 25390]
2. Magic bullet theory [Option ID = 25391]
3. Dissonance theory [Option ID = 25392]
4. The uses and gratification theory [Option ID = 25393]
Correct Answer :
Magic bullet theory [Option ID = 25391]
51) Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Transtheoretical model of change
[Question ID = 6350]

1. Contemplation [Option ID = 25394]
2. Precontemplation [Option ID = 25395]
3. Action [Option ID = 25396]

4. Inaction [Option ID = 25397]
Correct Answer :
Inaction [Option ID = 25397]
52) The model which describes mass communication process as a set of concentric elements involved in a series of actions
and reactions
[Question ID = 6351]

1. One Step Model [Option ID = 25398]
2. HUB Model [Option ID = 25399]
3. Two Step Model [Option ID = 25400]
4. Westley and Maclean Model [Option ID = 25401]
Correct Answer :
HUB Model [Option ID = 25399]
53) Paternalistic dominance is referred to as
[Question ID = 6352]

1. A way to describe male control over woman [Option ID = 25402]
2. A way to describe woman control over man [Option ID = 25403]
3. A way to describe woman control over woman [Option ID = 25404]
4. A way to describe man control over man [Option ID = 25405]
Correct Answer :
A way to describe male control over woman [Option ID = 25402]
54) The following is a relationrelated PLA Technique
[Question ID = 6353]

1. Venn Diagram [Option ID = 25406]
2. Wealthranking [Option ID = 25407]
3. Resource map [Option ID = 25408]
4. Seasonal Mapping [Option ID = 25409]
Correct Answer :
Venn Diagram [Option ID = 25406]
55) Aristotle's model of communication is most appropriate in the context of
[Question ID = 6354]

1. Personal communication [Option ID = 25410]
2. Interpersonal communication [Option ID = 25411]
3. Personal letter [Option ID = 25412]
4. Public speech [Option ID = 25413]
Correct Answer :
Public speech [Option ID = 25413]
56) When the researcher asks a predetermined set of questions, using the same wording and order of questions as specified
it is called
[Question ID = 6355]

1. Participant Observation [Option ID = 25414]
2. Participant Case Study [Option ID = 25415]
3. Unstructured Interview [Option ID = 25416]
4. Structured Interview [Option ID = 25417]
Correct Answer :
Structured Interview [Option ID = 25417]
57) Leadership style where leaders don't direct the group and function as observers
[Question ID = 6356]

1. Authoritarian [Option ID = 25418]
2. Laissez faire [Option ID = 25419]
3. Republic [Option ID = 25420]
4. Assertive [Option ID = 25421]
Correct Answer :
Laissez faire [Option ID = 25419]
58) The process of Perception doesn't include one of the following step
[Question ID = 6357]

1. Sensory stimulation organised [Option ID = 25422]
2. Sensory stimulation initiated [Option ID = 25423]
3. Sensory stimulation received [Option ID = 25424]
4. Sensory stimulation decoded [Option ID = 25425]
Correct Answer :

Sensory stimulation initiated [Option ID = 25423]
59) A Press kit does NOT contain
[Question ID = 6358]

1. Press release [Option ID = 25426]
2. Photographs [Option ID = 25427]
3. Contact info of competitive brands [Option ID = 25428]
4. Brochure [Option ID = 25429]
Correct Answer :
Contact info of competitive brands [Option ID = 25428]
60) Which of the following is NOT a component of Woods Triangle for Development Support Communication
[Question ID = 6359]

1. Knowledge generators [Option ID = 25430]
2. Activist Parties [Option ID = 25431]
3. Political leaders [Option ID = 25432]
4. Knowledge users [Option ID = 25433]
Correct Answer :
Activist Parties [Option ID = 25431]
61) The various components of Johari's window are
A. Blind self
B. Hidden self
C. Open self
D. Group self
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6360]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25434]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25435]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25436]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25437]
Correct Answer :
A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25434]
62) The selection of a channel is based on
A. Availability
B. Organizational hierarchy
C. Cost
D. Frequency of use
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6361]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25438]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25439]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25440]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25441]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25440]

63) Developed countries are characterized by
A. High per capita income
B. High levels of population growth
C. High levels of industrialization
D. High levels of formal sector employment
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6362]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25442]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25443]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25444]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25445]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25444]
64) Human Development Index is a composite measure that takes into consideration the following aspects
A. Mass media penetration
B. Life expectancy at birth
C. Per capita income
D. Education
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6363]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25446]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25447]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25448]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25449]
Correct Answer :
B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25449]
65) Which of the following are the agencies for women's development in India
A. Controller and Auditor General of India
B. National Commission for Women
C. Central Social Welfare Board
D. Ministry of Women and Child Development
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6364]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25450]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25451]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25452]
4. B, C and D only

[Option ID = 25453]
Correct Answer :
B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25453]
66) Problems encountered by women working in the unorganised sector are
A. Long working hour
B. High wage rate
C. Hazardous working conditions
D. Insecurity of employment
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6365]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25454]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25455]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25456]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25457]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25456]
67) Principles of PLA include
A. Reversal of learning
B. Offsetting biases
C. Selective participation
D. Triangulation
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6366]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25458]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25459]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25460]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25461]
Correct Answer :
A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25459]
68) The barriers in the communication process include the following
A. Information overload
B. Symmetrical relations
C. Inattention
D. Technical fault
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6367]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25462]

2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25463]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25464]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25465]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25464]
69) CSR related regulations are applicable to
A. Multi National Companies
B. Public Sector Organizations
C. Non Government Organizations
D. Indian Big Corporates
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6368]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25466]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25467]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25468]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25469]
Correct Answer :
A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25467]
70) The use of appropriate training methods leads to
A. Increased dissonance
B. Conducive learning environment
C. Enhanced learning
D. Strengthen group interaction
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6369]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25470]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25471]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25472]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25473]
Correct Answer :
B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25473]
71) Mass contact methods of Extension include
A. Posters and Banners
B. Personal visits and Training
C. Models and Exhibits
D. Radio and Television

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6370]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25474]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25475]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25476]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25477]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25476]
72) Methods of public speech can be
A. Impromptu
B. Active
C. Manuscript
D. Extempore
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6371]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25478]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25479]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25480]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25481]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25480]
73) As per Murphy and Hilderbrandt, the different aspects of treatment of message are
A. Compulsion
B. Clarity
C. Credibility
D. Conciseness
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6372]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25482]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25483]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25484]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25485]
Correct Answer :
B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25485]
74) Intrapersonal communication is largely influenced by our

A. Motivation
B. Organisational structure
C. Values and beliefs
D. Personality
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6373]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25486]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25487]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25488]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25489]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25488]
75) Information transmitted through Grapevines is mostly
A. Gossip
B. Reliable
C. Deceptive
D. Rumor
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6374]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25490]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25491]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25492]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25493]
Correct Answer :
A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25492]
76) Following are the barriers in intercultural communication
A. Ethnocentric behavior
B. Cultural shock
C. Ability to perceive differences
D. Stereotyping
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6375]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25494]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25495]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25496]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25497]

Correct Answer :
A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25495]
77) Following are the different types of organizational networks
A. Hyphened
B. Vertical
C. Horizontal
D. Diagonal
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6376]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25498]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25499]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25500]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25501]
Correct Answer :
B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25501]
78) Individuals who are part of small group communication systems
A. Experience assembly effect
B. Develop an identity
C. Have common goals
D. Are anarchic
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6377]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25502]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25503]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25504]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25505]
Correct Answer :
A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25502]
79) Variables in research could be
A. Independent
B. Dependent
C. Exhausting
D. Intervening
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6378]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25506]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25507]

3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25508]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25509]
Correct Answer :
A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25507]
80) Philosophy of Development Communication suggests that it should be
A. Purposive
B. Positive
C. Pruned
D. Pragmatic
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6379]
1. A, B and C only
[Option ID = 25510]
2. A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25511]
3. A, C and D only
[Option ID = 25512]
4. B, C and D only
[Option ID = 25513]
Correct Answer :
A, B and D only
[Option ID = 25511]
81) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: The terms "goals" and "objectives" are often used interchangeably, and there is no difference between them
Reason R: Goals are general, intangible, broad, abstract and strategic whereas objectives are specific, measurable, narrow,
concrete and tactical

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6380]
1. A is correct but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25514]
2. A is incorrect but R is correct
[Option ID = 25515]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25516]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25517]
Correct Answer :
A is incorrect but R is correct
[Option ID = 25515]
82) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Increased exposure to prodevelopment content in mass media is enough for behavior change in the primary

Reason R: Mass media messages can centre stage issues and build a positive environment
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6381]
1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25518]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct

[Option ID = 25519]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25520]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25521]
Correct Answer :
A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25519]
83) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: SDGs provide guidelines for developing polices and programs for development
Reason R: SDGs are inflexible to local circumstances and needs
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6382]
1. A is correct, R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25522]
2. A is correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
[Option ID = 25523]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25524]
4. Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
[Option ID = 25525]
Correct Answer :
A is correct, R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25522]
84) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: The blue print of extension programme developed for one country are applicable for any other country
Reason R: Extension education methods should be in line with cultural differences
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6383]
1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25526]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25527]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25528]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25529]
Correct Answer :
A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25527]
85) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Pilot study is usually carried out with the objective to explore the scope of undertaking a particular research
study and its design

Reason R: Study tools must be pretested before finalization
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6384]
1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25530]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25531]
3. Both A and R are correct

[Option ID = 25532]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25533]
Correct Answer :
Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25532]
86) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Right to Information (RTI) has become a new source of news and information
Reason R: Currently government officers are not allowed to provide information to journalists under RTI
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6385]
1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25534]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25535]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25536]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25537]
Correct Answer :
A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25534]
87) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: PQLI does not measure qualitative indicators such as freedom and justice
Reason R: The focus of PQLI remains on measuring gender disparities
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6386]
1. A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25538]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25539]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25540]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25541]
Correct Answer :
A is correct, but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25538]
88) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: The linear model views communication as a oneway process
Reason R: In the linear model, a speaker speaks and the listener listens
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6387]
1. A is correct but R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25542]
2. A is incorrect and R is correct
[Option ID = 25543]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25544]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25545]

Correct Answer :
Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25544]
89) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Radio reaches out to specific audience groups
Reason R: Radio is a blind medium
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6388]
1. A is correct, but R is false
[Option ID = 25546]
2. A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25547]
3. Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
[Option ID = 25548]
4. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
[Option ID = 25549]
Correct Answer :
A is incorrect, but R is correct
[Option ID = 25547]
90) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Mass media like television are highly interactional in nature
Reason R: In mass communication feedback is delayed
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 6389]
1. A is correct, R is incorrect
[Option ID = 25550]
2. A is incorrect, R is correct
[Option ID = 25551]
3. Both A and R are correct
[Option ID = 25552]
4. Both A and R are incorrect
[Option ID = 25553]
Correct Answer :
A is incorrect, R is correct
[Option ID = 25551]
91) Match List I with List II
List I List II
Communication Type
Typical Trait
A. Synchronous
I. Active Participation
B. Mediated
II. Passive Participation
C. Unmediated
III. Instant Connection
D. Asynchronous
IV. Connection at one's ease

V. Polarised Participatio
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6390]
1. A V, B II, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25554]
2. A V, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 25555]
3. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 25556]
4. A III, B II, C I, D IV

[Option ID = 25557]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25557]
92) Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Liberal
I. sexual identity
B. Radical
II. Violence against women
C. Marxist
III. Civil rights
D. Psychoanalytic
IV. Capitalism

V. Inheritance rights
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6391]
1. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 25558]
2. A III, B II, C IV, D I
[Option ID = 25559]
3. A IV, B I, C V, D III
[Option ID = 25560]
4. A III, B II, C IV, D V
[Option ID = 25561]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25559]
93) Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Resource map
I. Relative importance of services
B. Venn diagram
II. Temporal analysis
C. Seasonal diagram
III. Spatial distribution
D. Social map
IV. Stratification in the community

V. Training of trainers
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6392]
1. A II, B III, C IV, D I
[Option ID = 25562]
2. A III, B V, C IV, D II
[Option ID = 25563]
3. A I, B II, C III, D IV
[Option ID = 25564]
4. A III, B I, C II, D IV
[Option ID = 25565]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25565]
94) Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Sakshar Bharat Mission
I. Voter awareness
II. Family planning
C. National Health Mission
III. Job cards
D. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act IV. Anganwadi Centre

V. Vocational education

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6393]
1. A V, B III, C IV, D I
[Option ID = 25566]
2. A V, B IV, C II, D III
[Option ID = 25567]
3. A V, B II, C III, D IV
[Option ID = 25568]
4. A V, B I, C II, D IV
[Option ID = 25569]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25567]
95) Match List I with List II
List I List II
Key Feature
A. Aristotle
I. Rhetoric
B. Berlo
II. Noise
C. Shannon & Weaver
III. Concept of Fidelity
D. Schramm
IV. Feedback

V. Audience Research
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6394]
1. A I, B III, C II, D V
[Option ID = 25570]
2. A V, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 25571]
3. A II, B III, C I, D IV
[Option ID = 25572]
4. A I, B III, C II, D IV
[Option ID = 25573]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25573]
96) Match List I with List II
List I List II
Media organizations
Areas of work
I. TV Broadcast
II. Radio Broadcast
III. News Agency
IV. Publicity

V. Censorship
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6395]
1. A III, B II, C I, D IV
[Option ID = 25574]
2. A IV, B I, C III, D II
[Option ID = 25575]
3. A II, B IV, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25576]
4. A II, B V, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25577]
Correct Answer :

[Option ID = 25575]
97) Match List I with List II
List I List II
AV aid
A. Graphic Aids
I. Slide show
B. Audio aids
II. Disc recordings
C. Three dimensional aids
III. Model
D. Projected aids
IV. Poster

V. Black board
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6396]
1. A IV, B II, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25578]
2. A V, B II, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25579]
3. A IV, B II, C I, D III
[Option ID = 25580]
4. A V, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 25581]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25578]
98) Match List I with List II
List I List II
Features of SEM
Levels of SEM
A. Social networks
I. Individual
B. Knowledge, attitude, skills
II. Community
C. Environnent, ethos
III. Public policy
D. Cultural values, norms
IV. Interpersonal

V. Organizational
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6397]
1. A IV, B II, C III, D V
[Option ID = 25582]
2. A IV, B I, C II, D III
[Option ID = 25583]
3. A IV, B I, C V, D II
[Option ID = 25584]
4. A IV, B I, C III, D V
[Option ID = 25585]
Correct Answer :
A IV, B I, C V, D II
[Option ID = 25584]
99) Match List I with List II
List I
List II
I. Inheritance Rights
B. 73 & 74
Amendment of Indian Constitution
II. Abortion
C. Equal Remuneration Act
III. Wage Parity
D. MTP Act
IV. Sex Selective Abortions

V. Political reservation Bill
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6398]
1. A IV, B V, C III, D II

[Option ID = 25586]
2. A III, B II, C I, D IV
[Option ID = 25587]
3. A II, B IV, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25588]
4. A II, B V, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25589]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25586]
100) Match List I with List II
List I List II
A. Kheda Project
I. Community Radio
B. Radio Mirchi
II. Television for education
C. Gyandoot
III. Intranet based service portal
D. Khabar Lehariya
IV. Community Newspaper

V. Commercial Radio
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 6399]
1. A III, B II, C V, D IV
[Option ID = 25590]
2. A II, B V, C III, D IV
[Option ID = 25591]
3. A II, B IV, C III, D I
[Option ID = 25592]
4. A II, B I, C IV, D III
[Option ID = 25593]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 25591]

This post was last modified on 27 December 2020
