
Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2020 Previous Year Question Paper With Answer Key

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DU MSc Human Development and Childhood Studies
Topic: HDCS MSC S2
1) John Bowlby (1969), a clinician, studied adaptive and maladaptive parental behaviours that lead to the development of
the theory of
[Question ID = 5540]

1. Attachment [Option ID = 22154]
2. Childhood illnesses [Option ID = 22155]
3. Cognitive styles [Option ID = 22156]
4. Belief systems [Option ID = 22157]
Correct Answer :
Attachment [Option ID = 22154]
2) If a child of class III is having difficulty in following the teacher's instructions in class, it would indicate that
[Question ID = 5541]
1. The child has a low IQ
[Option ID = 22158]
2. She is hard of hearing
[Option ID = 22159]
3. The teacher's method of instruction is poor
[Option ID = 22160]
4. There could be a combination of all these reasons
[Option ID = 22161]
Correct Answer :
There could be a combination of all these reasons
[Option ID = 22161]
3) A psychologist who wants to emphasize the importance of nature in the naturenurture debate would cite which of the
following factors as being most influential in an individual's intelligence?
[Question ID = 5542]

1. The individual attended preschool [Option ID = 22162]
2. The individual enjoys reading books [Option ID = 22163]
3. The individual does well in school [Option ID = 22164]
4. The individual's parents have high IQs [Option ID = 22165]
Correct Answer :
The individual's parents have high IQs [Option ID = 22165]
4) Which of the following concepts are central to Noam Chomsky's work on linguistics
[Question ID = 5543]

1. Language Acquisition Device (LAD), universal grammar [Option ID = 22166]
2. Silent thought, Inner speech [Option ID = 22167]
3. Loris, Lullabies [Option ID = 22168]
4. Multingualism, egocentric speech [Option ID = 22169]
Correct Answer :
Language Acquisition Device (LAD), universal grammar [Option ID = 22166]
5) A lifestyle defined by avoiding disease, engaging in life, and maintaining high cognitive and physical functioning in one's
later years indicates
[Question ID = 5544]

1. Successful ageing [Option ID = 22170]
2. Materialism [Option ID = 22171]
3. Generativity [Option ID = 22172]
4. Type A personality [Option ID = 22173]
Correct Answer :
Generativity [Option ID = 22172]
6) Which of the following are essential for positive youth development?
[Question ID = 5545]

1. Resilience, emotional competency, bonding
[Option ID = 22174]
2. Emotional dissonance, social distance, bonded labour
[Option ID = 22175]
3. Identity, innerself, early marriage
[Option ID = 22176]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 22177]
Correct Answer :
Resilience, emotional competency, bonding
[Option ID = 22174]
7) The syndrome of autism refers to which one of the following difficulties in the developing child?
[Question ID = 5546]

1. Physical impairment [Option ID = 22178]
2. Delay in the capacity to associate names with faces [Option ID = 22179]
3. Impairment in social behavior and communication [Option ID = 22180]
4. Inability to think in visual images [Option ID = 22181]
Correct Answer :
Impairment in social behavior and communication [Option ID = 22180]
8) The capacity of an individual to think rationally and solve problems is part of
[Question ID = 5547]

1. Fine motor activity [Option ID = 22182]
2. Cognitive development [Option ID = 22183]
3. Language development [Option ID = 22184]
4. Good management skills [Option ID = 22185]
Correct Answer :
Cognitive development [Option ID = 22183]
9) Lifespan development begins with
[Question ID = 5548]

1. Birth [Option ID = 22186]
2. Conception [Option ID = 22187]
3. Embryo [Option ID = 22188]
4. Infancy [Option ID = 22189]
Correct Answer :
Conception [Option ID = 22187]
10) Children frequently believe that their toys have feelings. This is termed as:
[Question ID = 5549]

1. Centration [Option ID = 22190]
2. Animism [Option ID = 22191]
3. Seriation [Option ID = 22192]
4. Categorisation [Option ID = 22193]
Correct Answer :
Animism [Option ID = 22191]
11) What domains of development are utilized when a child reads a book?
[Question ID = 5550]

1. Moral and creative [Option ID = 22194]
2. Social and emotional [Option ID = 22195]
3. Creative and social [Option ID = 22196]
4. Cognitive and language [Option ID = 22197]
Correct Answer :
Cognitive and language [Option ID = 22197]
12) Which of the following criteria can be used to define Intellectual disabilities?
[Question ID = 5551]
1. Significantly below average intellectual functioning
[Option ID = 22198]
2. Impairments in adaptive functioning generally
[Option ID = 22199]
3. These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18 years

[Option ID = 22200]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 22201]
Correct Answer :
All of these
[Option ID = 22201]
13) A research design which examines relationship between variables as they happen to occur, without any intervention is
[Question ID = 5552]

1. Experimental study [Option ID = 22202]
2. Correlation study [Option ID = 22203]
3. Longitudinal study [Option ID = 22204]
4. Cross sectional study [Option ID = 22205]
Correct Answer :
Correlation study [Option ID = 22203]
14) In learning disabilities, the name for mathematical disorder is
[Question ID = 5553]

1. Dyspraxia [Option ID = 22206]
2. Dyslexia [Option ID = 22207]
3. Dyscalculia [Option ID = 22208]
4. Dysphasia [Option ID = 22209]
Correct Answer :
Dyscalculia [Option ID = 22208]
15) Which of the following is a key difference between an adolescent and a child in middle childhood?
[Question ID = 5554]

1. An adolescent can use language [Option ID = 22210]
2. A child can relate with the world around [Option ID = 22211]
3. A child gives importance to school and peers [Option ID = 22212]
4. An adolescent is capable of propositional thought [Option ID = 22213]
Correct Answer :
An adolescent is capable of propositional thought [Option ID = 22213]
16) Critical periods are:
[Question ID = 5555]

1. Times when children get hurt. [Option ID = 22214]
2. Times when children are very vulnerable and susceptible to positive and negative influences of development. [Option ID = 22215]
3. Times when children have examination. [Option ID = 22216]
4. Times when development goes wrong. [Option ID = 22217]
Correct Answer :
Times when children are very vulnerable and susceptible to positive and negative influences of development. [Option ID = 22215]
17) The ability to experience emotions similar to another person in specific situations may be called
[Question ID = 5556]

1. Reflex reaction [Option ID = 22218]
2. Egotism [Option ID = 22219]
3. Forgiveness [Option ID = 22220]
4. Empathy [Option ID = 22221]
Correct Answer :
Empathy [Option ID = 22221]
18) The name of B.F Skinner is associated with
[Question ID = 5557]

1. Evolution [Option ID = 22222]
2. Operant Conditioning [Option ID = 22223]
3. SelfActualization [Option ID = 22224]
4. Regression [Option ID = 22225]
Correct Answer :
Operant Conditioning [Option ID = 22223]
19) Acculturation means:
[Question ID = 5558]

1. Rejecting the culture of the dominant group [Option ID = 22226]
2. Non participation in aspects of prevalent culture [Option ID = 22227]
3. Process of social and cultural change that stems from balancing two cultures [Option ID = 22228]

4. Complete integration of the conflicting cultures [Option ID = 22229]
Correct Answer :
Process of social and cultural change that stems from balancing two cultures [Option ID = 22228]
20) Who introduced the concept of `anomie', or the breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community
[Question ID = 5559]

1. Durkheim [Option ID = 22230]
2. Spencer [Option ID = 22231]
3. Comte [Option ID = 22232]
4. Marx [Option ID = 22233]
Correct Answer :
Durkheim [Option ID = 22230]
21) Who coined the terms Sanskritization and Westernization?
[Question ID = 5560]

1. G. S. Ghurye [Option ID = 22234]
2. B. R. Ambedkar [Option ID = 22235]
3. I. R. Desai [Option ID = 22236]
4. M. N. Srinivas [Option ID = 22237]
Correct Answer :
M. N. Srinivas [Option ID = 22237]
22) An example of a projective personality test would be the
[Question ID = 5561]

1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) [Option ID = 22238]
2. Goodenough DrawaMan Test [Option ID = 22239]
3. Rorschach Inkblot Test [Option ID = 22240]
4. Bayley Scales for Infant Development [Option ID = 22241]
Correct Answer :
Rorschach Inkblot Test [Option ID = 22240]
23) Kohlberg's stages of moral understanding involve
[Question ID = 5562]

1. Preconventional and postconventional levels [Option ID = 22242]
2. Heteronomous and autonomous morality [Option ID = 22243]
3. Theoryofmind tasks [Option ID = 22244]
4. Reward and reinforcement for good behavior [Option ID = 22245]
Correct Answer :
Preconventional and postconventional levels [Option ID = 22242]
24) Sex ratio is the number of females
[Question ID = 5563]

1. per 1000 males [Option ID = 22246]
2. per 100 males [Option ID = 22247]
3. per 10,000 males [Option ID = 22248]
4. per 10 males [Option ID = 22249]
Correct Answer :
per 1000 males [Option ID = 22246]
25) Which of the following is NOT part of Piaget's cognitivedevelopmental perspective?
[Question ID = 5564]

1. Circular reaction [Option ID = 22250]
2. Inhibition [Option ID = 22251]
3. Assimilation [Option ID = 22252]
4. Anot B Search error [Option ID = 22253]
Correct Answer :
Inhibition [Option ID = 22251]
26) The following are temperament styles as studied by Thomas, Chess and Birch
[Question ID = 5565]

1. Eager child, Curious child, Slow to make friends child [Option ID = 22254]
2. Easy child, Tough child, Slow learner child [Option ID = 22255]
3. Easy child, Difficult child, Slow to warm up child [Option ID = 22256]
4. Angry child, Happy child, Balanced in attitude child [Option ID = 22257]
Correct Answer :
Easy child, Difficult child, Slow to warm up child [Option ID = 22256]

27) Information carrying chemicals that are transferred between the gaps in the neurons are called
[Question ID = 5566]

1. Hormones [Option ID = 22258]
2. Axons [Option ID = 22259]
3. Neurotransmitters [Option ID = 22260]
4. Pheromones [Option ID = 22261]
Correct Answer :
Neurotransmitters [Option ID = 22260]
28) Which of the following is not related to language development?
[Question ID = 5567]

1. Pragmatics [Option ID = 22262]
2. Syntax [Option ID = 22263]
3. Semantics [Option ID = 22264]
4. Synapses [Option ID = 22265]
Correct Answer :
Synapses [Option ID = 22265]
29) Identical twins are also called
[Question ID = 5568]

1. Monozygotic twins [Option ID = 22266]
2. Triplets [Option ID = 22267]
3. Genetic siblings [Option ID = 22268]
4. Dizygotic twins [Option ID = 22269]
Correct Answer :
Monozygotic twins [Option ID = 22266]
30) The validity of a test refers to:
[Question ID = 5569]

1. Its consistency [Option ID = 22270]
2. The extent to which two raters agree on its result [Option ID = 22271]
3. The degree to which it measures what it is intended to measure [Option ID = 22272]
4. Its measurability [Option ID = 22273]
Correct Answer :
The degree to which it measures what it is intended to measure [Option ID = 22272]
31) Astha is 9 months old. One of her favorite games is peekaboo. She tries to remove the cushion when her mother
hides her face behind it. Astha has developed an understanding that her mother is still behind the cushion even if she is not
visible. This is referred to as
[Question ID = 5570]

1. Sensory operations [Option ID = 22274]
2. Object constancy [Option ID = 22275]
3. Conservation [Option ID = 22276]
4. Object permanence [Option ID = 22277]
Correct Answer :
Object permanence [Option ID = 22277]
32) The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign of the Government of India aims to
[Question ID = 5571]

1. Address the issue of domestic violence [Option ID = 22278]
2. Address the issue of female feticide and declining sex ratio [Option ID = 22279]
3. Address the issue of dowry deaths [Option ID = 22280]
4. Universalize Indian education [Option ID = 22281]
Correct Answer :
Address the issue of female feticide and declining sex ratio [Option ID = 22279]
33) Which of the following is not a practice adopted while using the interview method?
[Question ID = 5572]

1. Using suggestible questions [Option ID = 22282]
2. Rapport formation [Option ID = 22283]
3. Transcription [Option ID = 22284]
4. Audio and video recording with permission of respondent [Option ID = 22285]
Correct Answer :
Using suggestible questions [Option ID = 22282]
34) Which among the following is not a model of intelligence?
[Question ID = 5573]

1. Emotional Intelligence [Option ID = 22286]
2. Multiple intelligences [Option ID = 22287]
3. Ecological intelligence [Option ID = 22288]
4. Bipolar intelligence [Option ID = 22289]
Correct Answer :
Bipolar intelligence [Option ID = 22289]
35) Cerebral Cortex is found in
[Question ID = 5574]

1. The ecological settings [Option ID = 22290]
2. The human brain [Option ID = 22291]
3. The circulatory system of a neonate [Option ID = 22292]
4. Fossils [Option ID = 22293]
Correct Answer :
The human brain [Option ID = 22291]
36) Which of the following statements best describes a student with identity diffusion?
[Question ID = 5575]

1. The student has explored career paths and actively trying to achieve it [Option ID = 22294]
2. The student has accepted someone else's idea for a career [Option ID = 22295]
3. The student has not explored career paths and lacks a goal [Option ID = 22296]
4. The student has clear direction and is goal directed [Option ID = 22297]
Correct Answer :
The student has not explored career paths and lacks a goal [Option ID = 22296]
37) Which one of the following is not a reflex
[Question ID = 5576]

1. Moro [Option ID = 22298]
2. Stepping [Option ID = 22299]
3. Babinski [Option ID = 22300]
4. Crawling [Option ID = 22301]
Correct Answer :
Crawling [Option ID = 22301]
38) Ethological studies on imprinting have contributed to research in understanding of
[Question ID = 5577]

1. Gross motor skills in early development [Option ID = 22302]
2. The milestone of walking [Option ID = 22303]
3. Early environment and attachment patterns [Option ID = 22304]
4. Early feeding patterns and attachment [Option ID = 22305]
Correct Answer :
Early environment and attachment patterns [Option ID = 22304]
39) In the traditional family system, the head of the family used to be
[Question ID = 5578]

1. The wisest member of the family [Option ID = 22306]
2. The eldest member of the family [Option ID = 22307]
3. The smallest member of the family [Option ID = 22308]
4. The richest member of the family [Option ID = 22309]
Correct Answer :
The eldest member of the family [Option ID = 22307]
40) The events that take place during the period of zygote include all of the following EXCEPT:
[Question ID = 5579]

1. Cell differentiation [Option ID = 22310]
2. Blastocyst development [Option ID = 22311]
3. Appearance of embryonic disc [Option ID = 22312]
4. Critical periods of organ growth [Option ID = 22313]
Correct Answer :
Critical periods of organ growth [Option ID = 22313]
41) The following are attachment patterns as studied by Mary Ainsworth
[Question ID = 5580]

1. Secure, Disorganized, Avoidant, Resistant [Option ID = 22314]
2. Secure, Organized, Insecure, Disoriented [Option ID = 22315]
3. Normative, Disorganized, Organised, Subjective [Option ID = 22316]
4. Permissive, Authoritative, Democratic, Ambivalent [Option ID = 22317]

Correct Answer :
Secure, Disorganized, Avoidant, Resistant [Option ID = 22314]
42) A cultural value that prizes the concepts of sharing, cooperation, interdependence and duty to the group is termed
[Question ID = 5581]

1. Asceticism [Option ID = 22318]
2. Collectivism [Option ID = 22319]
3. Monism [Option ID = 22320]
4. Chasm [Option ID = 22321]
Correct Answer :
Collectivism [Option ID = 22319]
43) Which of the following would be the most appropriate practice for a parent explaining something to an adolescent?
[Question ID = 5582]

1. Discussing and listening [Option ID = 22322]
2. Scolding [Option ID = 22323]
3. Comparing with others of his/her age [Option ID = 22324]
4. Giving instructions [Option ID = 22325]
Correct Answer :
Discussing and listening [Option ID = 22322]
44) Adaptation of a standardised test essentially improves
[Question ID = 5583]

1. Its pictures and diagrams [Option ID = 22326]
2. Its universal appeal [Option ID = 22327]
3. Its cultural applicability [Option ID = 22328]
4. Its refractive index [Option ID = 22329]
Correct Answer :
Its cultural applicability [Option ID = 22328]
45) Choose the best example of seriation:
[Question ID = 5584]

1. Reema lines her blocks in a straight row [Option ID = 22330]
2. Aslam lines his blocks by color [Option ID = 22331]
3. Jay lines his blocks from biggest to smallest [Option ID = 22332]
4. Reena stacks her blocks [Option ID = 22333]
Correct Answer :
Jay lines his blocks from biggest to smallest [Option ID = 22332]
46) Pick the odd one out
[Question ID = 5585]

1. ego [Option ID = 22334]
2. superego [Option ID = 22335]
3. id [Option ID = 22336]
4. egocentric [Option ID = 22337]
Correct Answer :
egocentric [Option ID = 22337]
47) Puberty in boys is marked by
[Question ID = 5586]

1. Change in voice [Option ID = 22338]
2. Lightening of hair of body [Option ID = 22339]
3. Stooped body structure [Option ID = 22340]
4. Teeth loss [Option ID = 22341]
Correct Answer :
Change in voice [Option ID = 22338]
48) Identify the school, which stated `the whole is greater than the sum of its parts'
[Question ID = 5587]

1. Behavioral Psychology [Option ID = 22342]
2. Gestalt Psychology [Option ID = 22343]
3. Cognitive Psychology [Option ID = 22344]
4. Evolutionary Psychology [Option ID = 22345]
Correct Answer :
Gestalt Psychology [Option ID = 22343]
49) A theory related to adulthood, `The Seasons of a Man's Life' was proposed by:

[Question ID = 5588]
1. Levinson [Option ID = 22346]
2. Erikson [Option ID = 22347]
3. Johnson [Option ID = 22348]
4. Gilligan [Option ID = 22349]
Correct Answer :
Levinson [Option ID = 22346]
50) Osteoporosis in women means:
[Question ID = 5589]

1. Increase in bone mass [Option ID = 22350]
2. Hormone disturbance [Option ID = 22351]
3. Decrease in bone mass [Option ID = 22352]
4. Menopause [Option ID = 22353]
Correct Answer :
Decrease in bone mass [Option ID = 22352]
51) The approach to motivation that forced psychologists to consider the hereditary factors in motivation:
[Question ID = 5590]

1. Arousal approach [Option ID = 22354]
2. Drive reduction approach [Option ID = 22355]
3. Innate approach [Option ID = 22356]
4. Instinctive approach [Option ID = 22357]
Correct Answer :
Innate approach [Option ID = 22356]
52) The written description of a culture that anthropologist produce from their research is called:
[Question ID = 5591]

1. Ethnocentrism [Option ID = 22358]
2. Ethnicity [Option ID = 22359]
3. Ethnocide [Option ID = 22360]
4. Ethnography [Option ID = 22361]
Correct Answer :
Ethnography [Option ID = 22361]
53) Freud's notion of the `ego' referred to:
[Question ID = 5592]

1. The unconscious mass of instinctive drives that may be repressed [Option ID = 22362]
2. The self as a whole: an unstable mix of conscious and unconscious elements [Option ID = 22363]
3. The conscious part of personality that mediates between the instinctual desires of the id and the critical superego [Option ID = 22364]
4. The neurotic part of the mind that longs for belonging and may suffer an inferiority complex [Option ID = 22365]
Correct Answer :
The conscious part of personality that mediates between the instinctual desires of the id and the critical superego [Option ID = 22364]
54) One of the basic issues in the theories of development is
[Question ID = 5593]

1. Contiguous and deconditioned development [Option ID = 22366]
2. Continuous or discontinuous development [Option ID = 22367]
3. Conflated and Delegated development [Option ID = 22368]
4. Constructed and Derived development [Option ID = 22369]
Correct Answer :
Continuous or discontinuous development [Option ID = 22367]
55) During the period of development known as "middle childhood", a child typically:
[Question ID = 5594]

1. Masters the fundamental skills of writing. [Option ID = 22370]
2. Spends time in thinking about self. [Option ID = 22371]
3. Makes important career decision. [Option ID = 22372]
4. Learns to identify letters of the alphabet. [Option ID = 22373]
Correct Answer :
Masters the fundamental skills of writing. [Option ID = 22370]
56) During infancy the ability to think involves:
[Question ID = 5595]

1. The ability to rely on deductive reasoning [Option ID = 22374]
2. The ability to use mental images to represent the world [Option ID = 22375]
3. The ability to understand conservation of mass [Option ID = 22376]
4. The ability to rely on verbal mediation skills. [Option ID = 22377]

Correct Answer :
The ability to use mental images to represent the world [Option ID = 22375]
57) The `Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act' was enacted in:
[Question ID = 5596]

1. 2012 [Option ID = 22378]
2. 1986 [Option ID = 22379]
3. 2009 [Option ID = 22380]
4. 1995 [Option ID = 22381]
Correct Answer :
2012 [Option ID = 22378]
58) A national scheme for the welfare of children in the age group 06 years is the:
[Question ID = 5597]

1. Shishu Greh Scheme [Option ID = 22382]
2. ICDS [Option ID = 22383]
3. ICPS [Option ID = 22384]
4. Sarva Shiksha Scheme [Option ID = 22385]
Correct Answer :
ICDS [Option ID = 22383]
59) In India, the population of aging adults is increasing due to:
[Question ID = 5598]

1. more efficient census practices [Option ID = 22386]
2. increase in old age homes [Option ID = 22387]
3. better nutrition & health care [Option ID = 22388]
4. overall increase in population [Option ID = 22389]
Correct Answer :
better nutrition & health care [Option ID = 22388]
60) Negative Reinforcement refers to:
[Question ID = 5599]
1. Physical Punishment
[Option ID = 22390]
2. Withdrawal of privileges to negate undesirable behaviours
[Option ID = 22391]
3. Strengthening of behavior by omission of unpleasant stimuli
[Option ID = 22392]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 22393]
Correct Answer :
Strengthening of behavior by omission of unpleasant stimuli
[Option ID = 22392]
61) Applied Behaviour Analysis means:
[Question ID = 5600]
1. Analysis of behaviour in daily situations
[Option ID = 22394]
2. Combination of conditioning and modelling procedures to encourage desirable behaviours
[Option ID = 22395]
3. Applying behaviourist theory techniques to analyse the behaviour of the individual
[Option ID = 22396]
4. All of these
[Option ID = 22397]
Correct Answer :
Combination of conditioning and modelling procedures to encourage desirable behaviours
[Option ID = 22395]
62) Body image is an important component of the adolescent's:
[Question ID = 5601]

1. Sense of identity [Option ID = 22398]

2. Egocentrism [Option ID = 22399]
3. Formal operations [Option ID = 22400]
4. Family image [Option ID = 22401]
Correct Answer :
Sense of identity [Option ID = 22398]
63) According to Elkind, egocentrism reappears in adolescence in the form of:
[Question ID = 5602]

1. Selfishness [Option ID = 22402]
2. Selfcentredness [Option ID = 22403]
3. Selfabsorption [Option ID = 22404]
4. Personal fable [Option ID = 22405]
Correct Answer :
Personal fable [Option ID = 22405]
64) The nomenclature for children who repeatedly indulge in unlawful activity is
[Question ID = 5603]

1. Young truants [Option ID = 22406]
2. Juvenile delinquents [Option ID = 22407]
3. Emerging criminals [Option ID = 22408]
4. Legal offenders [Option ID = 22409]
Correct Answer :
Juvenile delinquents [Option ID = 22407]
65) Beliefs, norms, values and attitudes are
[Question ID = 5604]

1. Mores [Option ID = 22410]
2. Culture [Option ID = 22411]
3. Law [Option ID = 22412]
4. Role [Option ID = 22413]
Correct Answer :
Mores [Option ID = 22410]
66) If children are given roles in films it must be ensured by law that
i. Children's education is not hampered
ii. Defining age related norms
iii. Setting up of regulatory and monitoring mechanisms
iv. Children above 8 years of age need not be supervised

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5605]
1. i, ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22414]
2. i , ii, iii
[Option ID = 22415]
3. i ,ii, iv
[Option ID = 22416]
4. None of these
[Option ID = 22417]
Correct Answer :
i , ii, iii
[Option ID = 22415]
67) Which of the following are sub stages of Piaget's sensorimotor stage in infancy:
i. reflexive schemes
ii. tentative circular reactions
iii. coordination of secondary circular reactions
iv. mental representation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5606]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22418]

2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22419]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22420]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22421]
Correct Answer :
i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22419]
68) John Locke who was the forerunner of behaviorism in 20 th century viewed the child as a tabula rasa which implied

i. Child is a blank slate
ii. Children were basically evil
iii. Character could be shaped by all kind of experiences
iv. Parents could not mold their child any way they wished

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5607]
1. i & iv
[Option ID = 22422]
2. i & iii
[Option ID = 22423]
3. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22424]
4. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22425]
Correct Answer :
i & iii
[Option ID = 22423]
69) Charles Darwin's theory of evolution emphasised two related principles.
i. Evolution occurs in stages
ii. Natural selection
iii. All species are not descendants of common ancestors
iv. Survival of the fittest

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5608]
1. i & ii
[Option ID = 22426]
2. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22427]
3. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22428]
4. iii & iv
[Option ID = 22429]
Correct Answer :
ii & iv
[Option ID = 22427]
70) Some of the activities listed below promote fine motor skills in children:
i. Jumping and dancing
ii. Threading beads
iii. Cutting and pasting
iv. Skipping and running

Identify the correct pair of responses:
[Question ID = 5609]

1. i & iii
[Option ID = 22430]
2. iii & iv
[Option ID = 22431]
3. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22432]
4. i & iv
[Option ID = 22433]
Correct Answer :
ii & iii
[Option ID = 22432]
71) What are the influences on physical growth of a child
i. Heredity and hormone
ii. Nutrition
iii. Emotional wellbeing
iv. Schooling

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5610]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22434]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22435]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22436]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22437]
Correct Answer :
i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22434]
72) Which of the following are stages during the early infancy
i. Prenatal
ii. Fontanelle
iii. Antenatal
iv. Neonatal

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5611]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22438]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22439]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22440]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22441]
Correct Answer :
i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22439]
73) Identify the two best modes of collecting data for a psychological research involving a small sample size.
i. Personal Interview method
ii. Sociometry
iii. Focused group discussion
iv. Survey
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5612]

1. i & ii [Option ID = 22442]

2. iii & iv [Option ID = 22443]
3. ii & iii [Option ID = 22444]
4. i & iv [Option ID = 22445]
Correct Answer :
74) Identify the provisions that facilitate education of all children:
i. JJ Act
ii. RTE
iii. Article 21 A
iv. Equal Opportunities Act

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5613]
1. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22446]
2. i & iii
[Option ID = 22447]
3. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22448]
4. i & iv
[Option ID = 22449]
Correct Answer :
ii & iii
[Option ID = 22446]
75) Who do you associate with the term infant assessment?
i. Pathak
ii. Alfred Binet
iii. Bayley's
iv. Wechsler

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5614]
1. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22450]
2. i & iii
[Option ID = 22451]
3. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22452]
4. i & iv
[Option ID = 22453]
Correct Answer :
i & iii
[Option ID = 22451]
76) Identify the appropriate pairs:
i. Selfesteem & selfconcept
ii. Phonemes & morphemes
iii. Assimilation & accommodation
iv. Scaffolding & Scaling

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5615]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22454]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22455]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22456]
4. i, ii, iv

[Option ID = 22457]
Correct Answer :
i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22454]
77) Societies need to recognize the presence of diverse citizens. Inclusive societies need to take care that there are
i. Advocates to ensure implementation of disability reservation
ii. Barrier free environments
iii. Educational facilities that benefit intelligent learners
iv. Appropriate toilet facilities for persons with disability in public places

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5616]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22458]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22459]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22460]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22461]
Correct Answer :
i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22461]
78) Arrange in correct sequence the stages of birth
i. Transition, when the cervix opens completely
ii. Mother pushes the baby
iii. Baby is born
iv. Dilation and effacement of the cervix
v. Placenta is delivered

Choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5617]
1. ii, iii, v, iv, i
[Option ID = 22462]
2. iv, i, ii, iii, v
[Option ID = 22463]
3. i, ii, iv, v, iii
[Option ID = 22464]
4. iv, ii, v, i, iii
[Option ID = 22465]
Correct Answer :
iv, i, ii, iii, v
[Option ID = 22463]
79) What are some of the common Chromosomal Anomalies?
i. Multiple sclerosis
ii. Down's syndrome
iii. Klinefelter's syndrome
iv. Turner syndrome

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5618]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22466]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22467]
3. ii, iii, iv

[Option ID = 22468]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22469]
Correct Answer :
ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22468]
80) Eating disorders primarily observed in females as a result of over eating or rejection of food are called
i. Bulimia nervosa
ii. Arthritis
iii. Anorexia nervosa
iv. Obesity

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5619]
1. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22470]
2. i & iii
[Option ID = 22471]
3. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22472]
4. i & iv
[Option ID = 22473]
Correct Answer :
i & iii
[Option ID = 22471]
81) Gardner's theory of intelligence includes the following abilities
i. Logicoinductive
ii. Visualspatial
iii. Verballinguistic
iv. Logicalmathematical

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5620]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22474]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22475]
3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22476]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22477]
Correct Answer :
ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22476]
82) The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act asserts that:
i. Men may adopt with the consent of their wives
ii. Unmarried Hindu women may not legally adopt a child
iii. Unmarried Hindu women may legally adopt a child
iv. A Buddhist, Jain and a Sikh can adopt a Hindu child

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5621]
1. i, ii, iii
[Option ID = 22478]
2. i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22479]

3. ii, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22480]
4. i, ii, iv
[Option ID = 22481]
Correct Answer :
i, iii, iv
[Option ID = 22479]
83) Two sets of theorists who have contributed to an understanding of adolescence are:
i. Bronfenbrenner and Chomsky
ii. Anna Freud and Erikson
iii. Kakar and Marcia
iv. Vygosky and Marcia

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5622]
1. ii & iii
[Option ID = 22482]
2. i & iii
[Option ID = 22483]
3. ii & iv
[Option ID = 22484]
4. i & iv
[Option ID = 22485]
Correct Answer :
ii & iii
[Option ID = 22482]
84) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Language and thought are interrelated
Reason R : According to Vygotsky social interaction plays fundamental role in cognitive development
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5623]
1. Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22486]
2. Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22487]
3. Assertion incorrect and reason correct
[Option ID = 22488]
4. Assertion incorrect and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22489]
Correct Answer :
Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22486]
85) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Research on institutional babies has found that infants who are deprived of regular interactions with responsive
caregivers may have delayed milestones

Reason R : Infants grow because of genetic inheritance, the role of caregivers is insignificant
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5624]
1. Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22490]
2. Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22491]
3. Assertion incorrect and reason correct

[Option ID = 22492]
4. Assertion incorrect and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22493]
Correct Answer :
Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22490]
86) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : When thinking is flexible, fluent and open to new alternatives it is called divergent thinking or creativity.
Reason R : Creativity emerges when one can think unconventionally and in new ways with emotional support.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5625]
1. Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22494]
2. Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22495]
3. Assertion incorrect reason correct
[Option ID = 22496]
4. Assertion incorrect and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22497]
Correct Answer :
Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22495]
87) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Young persons make their own career choices as they learn many things from their peers
Reason R : Adolescents or young adults gain by making informed choices for future careers with the assistance of family
adults or professionals.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5626]
1. Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22498]
2. Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22499]
3. Assertion incorrect reason correct
[Option ID = 22500]
4. Assertion incorrect and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22501]
Correct Answer :
Assertion incorrect reason correct
[Option ID = 22500]
88) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Adults in their late forties and fifties believe in their capacities to manage several tasks often encounter
conflict with younger adults and adolescents

Reason R : During middle adulthood persons become keepers of society because of their crystallized intelligence.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5627]
1. Assertion correct and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22502]
2. Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22503]
3. Assertion incorrect reason correct
[Option ID = 22504]

4. Assertion incorrect and reason incorrect
[Option ID = 22505]
Correct Answer :
Assertion correct and reason correct
[Option ID = 22503]
89) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : During the preoperational stage infants learn by using their sensory inputs and motor skills.
Reason R : Preschool activities should allow children to learn through play and exploration and non formal teaching.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5628]
1. Assertion is correct Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22506]
2. Assertion and Reason are both is correct
[Option ID = 22507]
3. Assertion is incorrect Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22508]
4. Assertion and Reason are both incorrect
[Option ID = 22509]
Correct Answer :
Assertion is incorrect Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22508]
90) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Premature children tend to make faster developmental strides throughout life than those born at full term.
Reason R : The parental over protectiveness leads to positive gains for children who are born prematurely
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5629]
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22510]
2. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22511]
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22512]
4. Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22513]
Correct Answer :
Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22511]
91) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Children less than 3 years should be exposed to more than 3 hours of screen time per day.
Reason R : MRI brain scans showed children who had the most screen time showed greater amounts of grey matter in regions
around the frontopolar cortex which is good for their development.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5630]
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22514]
2. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22515]
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22516]
4. Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22517]

Correct Answer :
Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22515]
92) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Studies have also shown that bilingual children achieve higher scores than monolinguals on a number of tests of
cognitive ability.

Reason R : Bilingualism trains children to focus their attention on the relevant variables in the context, particularly
information that is ambiguous or contradictory.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5631]
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22518]
2. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22519]
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22520]
4. Assertion is incorrect but R is correct
[Option ID = 22521]
Correct Answer :
Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22518]
93) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Children's appreciation of morality changes towards the end of middle childhood.
Reason R : This results due to their ability to view situations from other people's perspectives.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5632]
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22522]
2. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22523]
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22524]
4. Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22525]
Correct Answer :
Both Assertion and Reason are correct
[Option ID = 22522]
94) Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : When the elderly are not cared for by their children they develop early dementia.
Reason R : Caring for the aged leads to a greater sense of wellbeing and this prevents onset of dementia.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
[Question ID = 5633]
1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct.
[Option ID = 22526]
2. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22527]
3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
[Option ID = 22528]
4. Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
[Option ID = 22529]
Correct Answer :

Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
[Option ID = 22527]
95) In the two lists given below, List I provides Bronfenbrenner's levels of environment affecting the complex system of
relationships in which an individual develops while List II indicates their impact.

List I
List II
I. settings that do not contain the
A. microsystem developing person, but affect the
experiences in immediate settings
II. it refers to the values, laws, customs
B. mesosystem and resources of particular culture
III. activities and interaction patterns in
C. exosystem
most immediate surroundings and directly
impacting the child

IV. connections between Microsystems that
D. macrosystemfoster development
V. all of the experiences that a person has

had during his or her lifetime
Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
[Question ID = 5634]
1. A III, B IV, C I, D II
[Option ID = 22530]
2. A II, B III, C V, D I
[Option ID = 22531]
3. A I, B III, C II, D IV
[Option ID = 22532]
4. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22533]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22530]
96) In the two lists given below, List I has marriage practices and List II has their descriptions.
List I
List II
A. Endogamous
I. one man marrying one woman
B. Exogamous
II. one woman marrying many men
C. Monogamous
III. marrying within the group
D. Polyandrous
IV. one man marrying many women

V. marrying outside the group

Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
[Question ID = 5635]
1. A III, B V, C I, D IV
[Option ID = 22534]
2. A II, B III, C IV, D V
[Option ID = 22535]
3. A III, B V, C I, D II
[Option ID = 22536]
4. A IV, B V, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22537]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22536]
97) In the two lists given below, List I provides the stage of development, while List II indicates their main risks in care and
wellbeing needs associated with them.

List I
List II
A. newborn
I. truncated childhood

B. preschooler
II. peer pressure, alcohol and substance abuse
C. middle childhood
III. lack of stimulation
D. adolescence
IV. separation anxiety

V. arthritis
Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
[Question ID = 5636]
1. A III, B V, C I, D II
[Option ID = 22538]
2. A III, B IV, C I, D II
[Option ID = 22539]
3. A I, B III, C II, D IV
[Option ID = 22540]
4. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22541]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22539]
98) In the two lists given below, List I provide names of famous social activists of India while List II indicates their area of

List I
List II
A. Medha Patekar
I. Bachpan Bachao
B. Kailash Satyarthi
II. Narmada Bachao Andolan
C. Rajendra Singh
III. Feminist
D. Kamla Bhasin
IV. Environmentalist

V. Child rights
Match the two lists and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
[Question ID = 5637]
1. A II, B V, C I, D III
[Option ID = 22542]
2. A III, B V, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22543]
3. A II, B I, C IV, D III
[Option ID = 22544]
4. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22545]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22544]
99) List I has prefixes to the incomplete terms in List II. Match the prefix to the appropriate term.

List I
List II
A. Hyper
I. Motor
B. Gross
II. thalamus
C. Body
III. active
D. Hypo
IV. image

V. concept
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5638]
1. A II, B V, C I, D III
[Option ID = 22546]
2. A III, B V, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22547]

3. A III, B I, C IV, D II
[Option ID = 22548]
4. A IV, B III, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22549]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22548]
100) In the following table, select the appropriate abbreviation from List II that matches the description in List I
List I
List II
A. Adoption Authority
B. Disability
II. J.J. Act
C. Children in conflict with law
D. Child Rights

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
[Question ID = 5639]
1. A II, B V, C I, D III
[Option ID = 22550]
2. A III, B V, C II, D I
[Option ID = 22551]
3. A II, B I, C IV, D III
[Option ID = 22552]
4. A IV, B I, C II, D III
[Option ID = 22553]
Correct Answer :
[Option ID = 22553]

This post was last modified on 27 December 2020