Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA 4th Semester 2016 July International Business Dynamics Question Paper

Download BU (Bangalore University) MBA (Master of Business Administration) 4th Semester 2016 July International Business Dynamics Question Paper

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IV Semester MBA. Degree Examination, July 2016
4.1 : International Business Dynamics
Time :3 Hours Max. Marks :70
Answerany five questions. Each question carries five marks: (5x5=25)
1. What is meant by international business ? How is it different from domestic
business ?
2. What are Conflicts ? How are they resolved in International business ?
3. Why do international businesses fail ? Discuss with an example of your choice.
4. How does the WTO facilitate international business ?
5. What is meant by Intellectual Property Rights ? Discuss briefly.
6. Is it necessary for an international business to follow a code of conduct ?
7. What is meant by e-business ? What are the issues to be taken care of when an
e-business is international ?
Answer any three questions. Each question carriesten marks : (3x10=30)
8. What is the importance of strategic alliances in international business ? Discuss
using suitable examples.
9. Discuss the theories of international trade and investment.

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10. Write in detail the documentation required for exporting from India and importing
? ? to India.
11. What is FDI ? Explain the current situation of FDI in India. Discuss whether India
requires more FDI and why.
Compulsory Case Study. ? (1 x15=1 5)
12. You are a manufacturer of herbal skin care and hair care products based in
Bangalore. You intend to sell these products all over the European Union. Given
the policies of the EU and considering the cultural aspects discuss in detail the
procedure and customisation you would require to do.

This post was last modified on 28 January 2020