Download KUHS BPT 3rd Year 2017 Sept 2010 Scheme 301014 General Medicine and General Surgery Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) BPT ( Bachelor of Physiotherapy) 3rd Year (Third Year) 2017 September 2010 Scheme 301014 General Medicine and General Surgery Previous Question Paper

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QP CODE: 301014 Reg.No.......................
Third Year BPT Degree Supplementary Examinations September 2017

General Medicine and General Surgery
(2010 Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks:100
? Answer all questions
Essays: (2x14=28)
1. Mention the causes and clinical features of megaloblastic anaemia. Add a note on
the investigations and treatment in a case of megaloblastic anaemia. (3+4+3+4)
2. Define cerebral palsy. Explain the aetiology and classification of cerebral palsy. Add
a note on the long term complications and management of cerebral palsy.
Short essays: (4x8=32)
3. Explain the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and mention the clinical features of
the disease. Mention the acute and chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
4. Clinical features, investigations and treatment of hyperthyroidism
5. Complications of blood transfusion.
6. Describe Jones criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Add a note on management
of rheumatic fever.
Answer briefly: (10x4=40)
7. Atrial septal defect.
8. Achalasia cardia
9. Pulmonary function tests
10. Biopsy
11. Laparoscopy
12. Mastectomy
13. Dermatitis
14. Effects of infection on the body.
15. Skin grafts
16. Pneumonectomy
************************ - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 28 March 2020
