Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MCA (Master of Computer Applications) 2014 Sept-Oct Supplementary 3rd Sem 06MC304 Management Information Systems Question Paper
Code: 06MC304
MCA III Semester Supplementary Examinations September/October 2014
(For students admitted in 2008 only)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) What is the need for decision support systems for an organization?
(b) How management information system helps in business?
2 (a) How management information system can be used for feedback?
(b) What is systems approach in the context of MIS?
3 (a) How MIS can be used for making programmed decisions?
(b) Discuss about how MIS can assist in decision making.
4 Explain in detail about business planning.
5 (a) What are the sources for information?
(b) What are the objectives of system design?
6 (a) How do you determine the degree of automation of operations?
(b) What are the aims of detailed system design?
7 (a) What is the need for training and how it will be for operational personnel?
(b) How the space layout is determined?
8 (a) What are the security issues in MIS?
(b) What are the applications of information system? - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 28 July 2020