Download JNTUA MCA 2014 Oct Supply 4th Sem 9F00405b Social Networks and Semantic Web Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MCA (Master of Computer Applications) 2014 Sept-Oct Supplementary 4th Sem 9F00405b Social Networks and Semantic Web Question Paper

Code: 9F00405b
MCA IV Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations September/October 2014
(For students admitted in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 only)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) What are the features of Web 3.0? Explain in detail.
(b) What is semantic web? Explain with an example.

2 (a) Explain rules designed with the help of OWL.
(b) Demonstrate usage of RDF with real time application.

3 (a) Write down schema using XML to store basic information association with student.
(b) To specify the details of client server communication, draw sequence diagram for the same.

4 (a) What is ontology? How to use it to design web application?
(b) How formation of rule is different from the rule that might be formed by using programming

5 (a) How semantic approach facilitates the searching process?
(b) How to embed web services into web application?

6 (a) What is innovative approach that could be used to enhance popularity of social networking
(b) How to utilize the information from various search engines?

7 (a) Comment on the security of information stored at social networking site.
(b) What is significance of tag analysis?

8 (a) How to analyze blogs and forums?
(b) How to collect information about a person from social networking sites? - FirstRanker's Choice

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