Download JNTUA MCA 2014 Feb 1st Sem 9F00402 Web Technologies Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) MCA (Master of Computer Applications) 2014 Feb Regular-Supplementary 1st Sem 9F00402 Web Technologies Question Paper

Code: 9F00402

MCA IV Semester Supplementary February 2014 Examinations
(For 2009, 2010 & 2011 admitted batches only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) What do you mean by frame? Explain tag with example.
(b) Explain concept of cascading style sheet with example.

2 (a) What do you mean by scripting language?
(b) What is array? Explain array with syntax in java script.

3 (a) What do you mean by document type definition?
(b) How to create XML tags with example?

4 (a) What are the bean constrained properties?
(b) What are the different APIs in JavaBeans?

5 (a) Draw and explain lifecycle of servlet.
(b) What are the various security issues in servlet development?

6 (a) Discuss the two phases of JSP processing with suitable diagram.
(b) What are the different JSP elements?

7 (a) Explain different JSP implicit objects.
(b) Explain page, include and tag lib directives with example.

8 (a) Draw and explain struts framework.
(b) What is connection pool? How it is beneficial?
***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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