Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2015-2016 ECS 101 Computer Concepts Programming In C Question Paper
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(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your
Answer Book)
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' B.Tech.
[Time:3 hours] [Total Marks: 100]
1. Attempt All parts of this section. Answer in brief.
- ( 1 0 x 2=2 0)
What is the need of function?
Why operating system is required?
What is the role of dynamic memory allocation?
, What do curly braces denote in C?
Differentiate between do?while and while loop.
Explain the role of the C pre-processor.
What is a string?
What do you mean by an algorithm?
Explain in brief the? purpose of the ?stremp?
(1) Ecs-101
(i) What is the meaning of prototype of a function?
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section. (lOXS=50)
Convert the following: .
(a) (FA1.2C)IG=(?)8
(b) (756),o =(?)4
(c) (11011.011)2 =(?)l6
(d) (574.32)8 =(?)2
A program in ?C?language contains the following
declaration? static int x[8]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}:
(a) What is the meanin g of x?
(b) What is the meaning of (x+2)?
(c) What is the meaning of *x?
(d) What is the meaning of (*x+2)?
(e) What is the meaning of *(x+2)?
Describe structure. Differentiate betweenstructure and
array. De?ne a structure data type called time_structure
containing three member?s integer hour, integer minute
and integer second. Write a program in C?that would
assign values to the individual members and display the
time in the following form : 16:40:52 ?
(2) P.T.O
De?ne the following terms and give at least one example
of each : '
(a) Interpreter
(b) Linker
(c) Editor
(d) Procedural Programming
Simulate calculator using switch statement.
(a) Differentiate between iteration and recursion.
(b) Write a function in C langauge to ?nd the reverse
of a given integer number,
A number is said to be an Armstrong number if the sum
of the cube of its digit is equal to the number itself. For
example, 153 is an Armstrong number as 153 =
13+53+33. Write a C program to check weather a given
number is Armstrong or not.
Write the various input ?mctions used in ?le handling in _
C. A ?le name DATA contains a series of integer numbers,
write a program to read these numbers and then write all
?odd? numbers to a ?le to be called ODD and all even
numbers to a ?le to be called EVEN,
(3) - P.T.O
Answer any'two questions from this section: (2 X15=30)-
Discuss the following :
(a) Scope of variables.
(b) Five mathematical library functions in C.
(0) Mixed operands and type conversion.
A program has been complied and linked successfully.
When you run this program you face one or more of the
following situations :
(a) Program executed, but no output.
(b) It produces incorrect answers.
(0) It does not stop running.
Explain all above condition in detail. I
What is dynamic memory allocations? How does it help
in building complex programs? What is the task of
. following memOry allocation functions?
(a) malloc
(b) ? calloc
(4) ECS-lOl
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020