Download AKTU B-Tech 1st Sem 2015-2016 NAS 102 Engineering Chemistry Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2015-2016 NAS 102 Engineering Chemistry Question Paper

Printed Pages: 5 349 NAS-102
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Book)
Paper ID: 19?9102 R011 No,
[Time:3 hours] [MaximumMarksleO]
Q.1 Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer ofeach part in short. (2 X 10:20)
(a) Explain why Te?on is highly chemical resistant.
(b) Write a short note on Walden inversion.
(c) De?ne pour point & cloud point of lubricants.
(d) What are the monomers of Buna?S and
(6) Why is TMS is used as a standard reference in NMR
37900 (1) P.T.O.

(1) How many phases are present in an unsaturated salt
(g) The density of NaCl is 2.163 g/cc. calculates the
edge of its cubic cell. Assuming that. four
molecules ofNaCl are associated per unit cell.
? . (h) What is pemianent hardness??Write the constituent
responsible for permanent hardness.
(i) Give the composition of bio-gas,
(j) Explain why bond energy of N2 is greater than
bond energy of 02'
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section. (IOXS=50)
Derive Bragg?s equation. When an electron in an excited
molybdenum atom falls from the L to the K shell, an
x?ray is emitted. These X-rays are dif?'acted at angle of
7.75? by planes with a separation of 2.64- A. What are
the difference in energy between the K shell and K shell
in molybdenum, assuming a ?rst order differaction?
(Give that h =6.62><10??).
37900 (2) NAs?ioz
( i) A sample of coal was found to have the following
percentage composition:
C=75%, H=5.2%O=12.1%;N = 3.2% and ash =
4.5% Calculate the minimum amount of air is
required for complete combustion of 1 kg ofcoal
(ii) Write short note an conducting polymers.
De?ne the term Chromophore and Auxochrorne in UV
spectroscopy. An organic compound having molecular
formula (371'160 shows absorption peaks at 3010, 2700,
1600, i580, 1520, i480, and 1270 cm? in its IR
spectrum. Suggest its stru cture.
Discuss the stereochemica-l rmlica?ms of SN1 & SN2
De?ne phase ruie Apply phase rule to water system.
What is the basic principle of Lime Soda process? A
water sampie, using R2504 - 7H,O as a coagulant at the
rate of 339 ppm gave the following results on analysis.
Ca2+: 160 ppm; CO; 88 ppm
Mg?: 72 ppm; ECO; 488 ppm
Calculate the iime and soda required to so?en 1 ,00,000
liters of water.
37900 ' (3) RIO.

8. Write short notes on:
E,Z nomenclature.
Conformation of n-butane.
9. Explain various methods of preparation of Grignard
reagent and also write it?s at least ?ve applications.
Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 ><2=30)
10. (a)
11. (a)
What is Portland cement? Give the chemical
reactions involved during setting and hardening of
cement. ?
Explain reverse osmosis.
What are biodegradable polymers? Discuss their
Write the preparation, properties and applications
of :
(i) Butyl rubber
(ii) HDPE
(4) NAS-102
12. (a)
How will you distinguish between the following
pairs of compounds on the basis of infrared
(i) CH3 COOH and CH3 COOC2 H5
(ii) CZHSOH and CZH5 OCZH5
With the help of Molecular orbital diagram explain
why NO molecule is paramagnetic.
What is Crystal imperfection? Explain the one
dimensional imperfection in solid.
Explain sacri?cial anodic and impressed cathodic
protection method for prevention of corrosion.
In an experiment in a bomb calorimeter, a solid
fuel of 0.90 g is burnt. It is observed that increase
of temperature is 3.8?C of 4000 g of water. The
fuel contains 1% of H. calculate the HQ V. and
L.C.V. value (Water equivalent of calorimeter=
385g, latent heat of steam=5 87 can).
(5) NAS-102

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020