Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 1st Semester (First Semester) 2016-2017 REC 101 Basic Electronics Question Paper
?I (Following Paper ID andRoll No. to be filled in your i
Answer Books):
Paper ll) : 2012295 ? Roll No_
, B.?TECH.
Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem - 1), 2016-17
T ime : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Section - A
1 Attempt all parts..All parts cafry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (10X2=20)
a) Distinguish between avalanche and zener
b) Calculate the dynamic forward resistance of pn
junction diode when applied voltage is 0.80 V at ,
temperatur? 0f 43 degree Celsius and reverse ,
saturation current is 8 microampere?
101/11/2016/47560 . ( 1) [P.T.O.
_ . REC-lOl
Explain the principle of operation of LED.
Derive the relationship between 0L and B.
The thickness of base is typically smaller than
emitter and collector. Why?
Explain F ET as voltage variable resistor.
An operation ampli?er has differential gain of I 1 0A2
and CMRR of 80 dB, input voltage are 100
microampere and 60 microampere. Determine
oqtput voltage.
?Write the characteristics of an ideal Op?Amp.
State the advantages of digital instruments over
analog instruments.
Give advantages of FM over AM?
101/11/2016/47560 (2)
REC-lOl '
' Section - B
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section
2 a) Explain the V-I characteristic ofp-n junction diode.
Draw well labelled characteristic.
b) Draw the circuit and discuss the working of 11111 wave
bridge recti?er with suitable input-output waveform.
3 a) For the given clamper circuit shown in ?gure below
determine the output voltage and also draw the
waveform of output signal.
b) Explain the V-I characteristic of tunnel diode.
4 a) Draw the circuit diagram of BJT in CE
con?guration. Draw output characteri stic curves and
indicate the different regions of operation.
101/11/2016/47560 (3)
b) , 'An n?p-n transistor with B = 98 is operated in the
CB con?guration, if the emitter current is 2 mA
and reverse saturation current is 12 HA. What are
the base and collector current?
5. a) , Why is transistor biasing required? Describe
collector to base biasing in CE n- -p- -n transistor
b) Explain various current components in npn
transistor with help of suitable diagram. -
6 a) , Draw the circuit and explain the drain characteristic
for N-channel J FET
b) Describe the construction and basic connection of
Depletion - MOSFET.
7 a) Draw the circuit diagram of an integrator using Op-
Amp and explain its working.
b) Design and draw an inverting amplifier using Op-
Amp with a gain of? 5 and R1: 10 KO.
8. a) Explain how unknown signal frequency 15 measured
using CRO.
101/11/2016/47560 - (4)
b) Explain the basic principle of a digital. multimeter.
9. De?ne Amplitude modulation. Derive the expression for
AM modulated waveform. De?ne modulation index of '
Section - C
Attempt any twa_questions from this section
(2x 15=30)
10. a) For the circuit shown in ?gure below determine
b) Draw and discuss voltage tripler circuit.
c) Explain principle of operation of LCD.
101/11/2016/47560 ' (5) [9.10.
11. a) Discuss AC equivalent model of voltage divider
biased ampli?er in CE con?guration.
b) For the circuit shown below determine VB, IC, VC.
Given that B = 80, VBE = 0.7 V.
' * V?c= 20 V
c) Explain the formation of depletion region in JFET.
12. a) Dretw and derive relationship for Op-Amp as closed
loop non-inverting ampli?er circuit. .
b) A 500 W carrier is modulated to a depth of 60%.
Calculate the total power in amplitude modulated
wave. ?
c) If a F M wave is represented by the equation :
101/11/2016/47560 . (6)
V = 8sin(6 x 108 + 35in ZQOOt)
Calculate r
i) Carrier frequengy
ii) ? Modulating frequency
iii) Modulation index.
101/11/2016/47560 (7)
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020