Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2014-15 NCS 201 Computer System And Programming In C Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2014-15 NCS 201 Computer System And Programming In C Question Paper

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Printed Pages : 3
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(Foua'wing Paper 11) and Roll No. to be ?lled in your Answer Book)
PAPER Hf) : 199225
Ron No.
B. Tech. ;
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100
Note: Attempt all questions as per instructions.
1 Note: Attempt any. FOUR parts. Each part canies equal
marks. (5X4=20)
(a) Draw the memory hierarchical structure of a computer
system. Explain each memory unit in bn'ef.
(b) What is an operating system? Describe the ?mctionaliu'es
of operating system. _
(c) . Describe Compiler, interpreter, assembler? Write the
names of compiler that are used in c programming.
((1) What do you mean by Algorithm? Explain the properties
? of algorithm.
(e) Di?erentiate high level and machine level language.
(D What is pseudo code? Di?erence between ?ow Chan
' and algorithm with example.
199225] 1 a [ Contd...

Note: Attempt any TWO parts. Each pan cam'es equal marks.
( l 0x2=20)
(a) What do you understand by ASCII value of a character?
Can we use expressions including both integer data type
and character data type? Justify your answer.
(b) Write the di?erenoe between Type Conversion and Type
Casting. What are the escape sequences characters?
(c) Convert following number into:
(1) (11010.0110)2 = (...)10 '
(ii) (1101010110110110)2 = (...)8
(iii) (236D)16 I = (~--)2
CW) (AB4F?C1)16 ' = (-~)10
(v) (54):; = (...)4
Note: Attempt any TWO parts. Each pan carries equal marks
(a) Give the loop statement to pn'nt the following sequence
of integer.
-6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6;
(b) What are the main principles of recursion?
(c) If int a=2, b=3, x=0; Find the value of x= (~H-a, b+=a)
Note: Attempt any TWO parts. Each part canies equal mks.
(a) What are the different types of Operator in C language
and also write down the di?erence between the
associatively and precedence of operators.
199225] 2 [ Coutd...
(b) (1) What is the role of SWITCH statement in C
programming Language? Explain with example.
(11') Distinguish between ?actual & formal arguments'
and ?global and extem van'ables'.
(c) Describe call by value and call by reference with
Note: Attempt any TWO parts. Each part cames equal marks?
(a) Write a program in C language to generate the Fibonacci
(b) What do you mean by dynamic memoty allocation?
Explain the following ?mctions in detail: .
(I) 1306- '
(ii) calloc
(c) Write a program to add two matrices of dimension
3 * 3 and store the result in another matn'x.
199225] 3 [38325]

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020