Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2014-15 EE 201 Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2014-15 EE 201 Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Printed Pages : 4
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(Following Paper 1]) and Roll No. to lie filled in your Answer Book)
PAPER ID : 199213
Roll No.
B. Tech.
. Wed? 3 Hours]g233 ed 33; [Total Marksnw?
Note : Attempt All Questions. All Questions carry equal niarks.
_1 Answer any four parts of the following : 5x4=20
a) Three resistances 1,21 and 31 are connected in delta.
Determine the chep f0]; anequivalent star connection
Prove formula used. !
.b) State and explain Super position theovem Determine
the current through 6 Q resistor.
5Q 4Q _
199213] 1 [ Contd...

Attempt any two of the following questions : 7 X2;14
2 (a) EXplain the working principle of stroboScope.
Explain the principle of thermo couple. Also explain theit V-
calibration method. '
(b) With neat sketch explain the construction and working
of bourdon tube pressure gauge.
Discuss different types of load cells.
(c) Describe strain gauge. What are Rosette gauges, explain
with advantages, limitations and application?
Write working of vibrometer.
Attempt. any two of the following questions : 6x2=12
'3 (a) A hole and mating shaft are to have a nominal assembly
size of 50 mm. The assembly is to have a maximum
clearance of 0. 15 mm. and a minimum clearance of 0.05
mm. The hole tolerance is 1.5 times the shaft tolerance.
Determine the limits for both hole and shaft. By using
i. Hole Basis system
i. Sha? Basis system.
(b) Describe with sketch the construction and working of
a micrometer. Explain how least count is found and
reading is taken. What is zero error?
(0) Explain why special attention should be given to GO
gauges compared to NOT GO gauges during the design
\of gauges.
140404] 2 [ Contd...

Attempt any two of the following questions : 6x2=12
4 (a) Explain the terms "Primary texture" and "Secondary
texture". Also explain principle of Auto-Collimator.
(b) Sketch two wire methods for measuring effective
diameter of screw thread. Also giVe its limitation. Also
de?ne Flatness and describe a method to ?nd out the
?atness of a surface plate.
(c) Wn'te the p?nciple of interferometers and also descn'be
working of Tomlinson surface tester for surface
140404] 3 [ 2825 ]

Explain the principle of operation of a single phase
A 230/460 V transformer has a primary resistance of
0.2 Q and a resistance of 0. 5 Q and the corresponding
values for the secondaryare "0.75 Q and 1728 9
respectively. Find the secondary terminal voltage when
(1) 10 A at 0.8 p.f. lagging
(ii) 10 A at 0.8 p.f. leading.
Answer any two parts of the following: 101112=2,
Explain two wattmeter method to measure three phase
power with suitable diagram.
Power in a 3-phase circuit is measured by two
wattmeters and the readings of the wattmeters are
5 kW and 01151 kmm daytem reading beingcobtained
a?er reversal of the current coil connection. Find the
total power, and power factor of the circuit
Explain di??erent types of d. 0. machines and derive emf
Answer any two parts of the following: 10:12:20
Rotor of 3 phase induction motor cannot run at
synchronous speed. Explain a three phase slip ring, 4
pole induction motor has rotor frequency 2.0 Hz while
connected to 400 V 3 phase, 50 Hz supply determine
slip and rotor speed 1 tutu, t ?.10 ?1
Draw torque-speed characteristics of 3 phasein'duction
motor. Show the different operatingregions. What will
happen if rotor resistance ofmotor changes?
Why single phase induction motor is not self-starting?
Explain method to start it.
11211 Wumng, 2w?. -u

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020