Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2015-16 ME 201 Engineering Mechanics Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2015-16 ME 201 Engineering Mechanics Question Paper

Printed Pages: 7 ME-201
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
PaperID:199218 RollNo.| || | | I II I l I ll
Theory Examination (Semester?II) 2015-16
T ime : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note: This paper having three sections. Attempt question
from each section as per instruction.
Q1. Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
a) Write the equations of equilibrium for concurrent and
non concurrent force system.
b) Explain the principle of transmissibility.
0) Explain Lamis? theorem, also write down the limitations
of Lamis? theorem.
d) Explain the terms: (i) Angle of friction (ii) Angle of
repose (iii) Cone of ?iction.
(1) P.T.O.

e) Write down the statements of (i) Parallel axis theo-
rem (ii) Perpendicular axis theorem.
f) Write down the work energy principle.
g) Di?erentiate between centroid and centre of gravity.
h) De?ne radius of gyration of a rigid body.
i) Explain the principle of Virtual work.
j) Write down the principle of conservation of Linear
Q2. Attempt any ?ve question this section (5X10=50)
(21) Find the force to pull the roller over the hurdle as
shown in the ?gure. Radius of roller is 200 mm.
. \ L 150 mm
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Fig. 1
(b) F ind the support reactions at B and E for the beam
system as shown in ?gure.

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Fig. 2
(c) A ladder of length L rests against a wall, the angle
of inclination being 45 degree. If the coef?cient of
friction between the ladder and the ground and that
between ground and the wall is 0.5 each, what Will
be the maximum distance on ladder to Which a man
Whose weight is 1.5 times the weight of ladder may
ascend before the ladder beings to Slip?
((1) Find the moment of inertia about centroidal axis X-
X and Y?Y 0f the section shown in ?g. 3.
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(3) P.T.O.

(e) A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 40 m
height. At the same instant, another stone is thrown
upward ?om the foot of tower with an initial velocity
of 20 m/s. At What distance from the top and after
how much time the two stones cross each other?
Further proceed to calculate the relative velocity With
which the stones cross.
(f) A disc of radius R r011 Without slipping between two
plates A and B. If plates are having velocities V and
2V as shown in ?g. 4. Determine the angular veloc-
ity of disc and velocity of centre of disc.
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Fig. 4
(g) A string is wound several time around a solid cylin-
der 0f 2Kg mass the free end of the string is ?xed
to ceiling and the cylinder is released from rest.
Determine the velocity after it has fallen through a
height of 2m. In addition, determine tension in the

(h) A uniform ladder of 300 N weight rests against a smooth
vertical wall and a rough horizontal ?oor making an angle
of 600 with the horizontal. Use the method of Virtual
work to ?nd the frictional force between the foot of
ladder and the rough horizontal ?oor.
Attempt Any two question from this section (2X15=30)
Q3. Find the forces in all members 0ftruss as shown in below ?g.
5 using Method of Joints.
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Fig. 5
(5) P.T.O.

Rod AB weighing 200N is supported by cable wrapped
around a semi cylinder having coff. Of friction 0.2. A
weight C having mass of lOKg can slide on rod AB. What
is the max range X from the centre line that centre of C can
be replaced With slippage as Shown in ?g. 6.
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Fig. 6
A block mass M1 resting on a rough horizontal plane is
pulled by an inextensible string, Whose other end is at-
tached to a block of mass M2 and passing over a pulley as
shoown in ?g. 7. Assume the pulley to be frictionless and
mass less. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the
plane and the block is u, derive the expression for the
acceleration of the system and tension in the string. If m1:
(6) P.T.O.

3kg, m2: 2kg and p = 0.2 them determine the acceleration
of the system and tension in the string.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020