Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2014-15 EEE101 Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2014-15 EEE101 Electrical Engineering Question Paper

Printed pages: 4
(Following paper code and roll No. to be ?lled in your answer book)
Roll No.
B. Tech.
TIME : 3 hrs
MaxMarks.: 100
Note: (1) Attempt all questions.
(2) Each question carry equal maiks.
l. Attempt any jbur parts: (4X5=20)
a. Expiain active and passive elements and also unilateral
and bilateral elements.
-b. The equation of an AC. is given as i = 42.42Sz'n 6281.
i. Peak value
ii. Frequency
iii. Rms value
iv. Average value
F orin factor
4c. Explain parallel resonance and show the current va1iation
with frequency
d. Explain the following terms:
Flux density
Relative permeability
6. Find the value of R and the current ?owing through it in
following 11etwork,when the current in branch 0A is

/ o \/
{1 Using mesh analysis ?nd the branch current in following
3 JL; 241.,
. f NAM? ?7
- > L 5?11. ? [-r"
2. Answer anyfour parts of the following: (4X5=20)
7, C, \/ T 141., T
| L?
at Find the impedance and the power factor of a circuit
whose input voltage and current is given by v = 1005mm
and 1' = 8 Sin ([0071: +60?)
State and prove maximum power transfer theorem.
Shqw that in 3 3| star connected system, the line voltage
is V?3 times of the phase voltage.
(1. A dc shunt motor develops and open-circuit emf of 250
volt at 1500 rpm. Find its developed torque for an
armature cun?ent ot?ZOA. "'
6. Describe the construction ofa l-i ?induction energy meter
with neat diagram.
t. Using nodal analysis, ?nd the current through 109
resistor in following network:
J lg? 10% ILL- . i
i? 4'1, ~7-
QJLS . gm j 36 \/
1?, 13v -
i- J
3. Attempt any two parts: (10><2=20)
a. Derive an emf equation of power transformation. Also
draw an equivalent circuit of it.
b. Explain principle of operation and slip torque
characteristics of a 3-:;induction motor.
c. Find the current ?owing through 109 resistance in the
following circuit using superposition theorem.
4. Answer any two parts of the following: (10X2=20)
a. Explain the following:
i.;. Similarities and dissimilarities between magnetic
circuit and electric circuit.
' ii. A coil of 300 turns am} 109 is wound uniformly
over a steel ring of mean circumference of 30 cm
and cross section area 9 cm2. It is connected to a
supply of 20V dc. If the relative permeability of
z the ting is 1500 ?nd (i) the magnetising force, (ii)
the reluctance? (iii) the?mmf and (iv) the ?ux.

b. Discuss the classi?cation of power system in terms'of
voltage level. Also draw line diagram of typical
substation. _
c. .EXplain the two watt-meter method to determine pon'er in
5. Attempt any two parts: (10xz=20)
3. Explain the principle of AC synchronous generator? What
are the advantages of rotating ?eld over stationary
armature? Give the applications of synchronous motor.
b. Explain principle of operation and starting methods of HE
induction motor.
c. A 4 pole. lap wound armature has 144 slots with two coil
sides per slot, each coil having two turns. If the flux per
pole is 20me and armature rotation at 720 rpm, what is
the induced voltage?

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020