Download AKTU B-Tech 2nd Sem 2018-2019 KCS201 Programming Problem Solving Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 2nd Semester (Second Semester) 2018-2019 KCS201 Programming Problem Solving Question Paper
| 08-May-2019 08:57:18 | | 08-May-2019 08:57:18 |
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Printed Pages:02 Sub Code: KCS 201
Paper Id: 110265 Roll No.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief.
Marks CO
a. What is the difference between .obj and .exe files in C? 2 2
b. List the components of C language. 2 1
c. Differentiate assignment and equality operators in C. 2 1
d. Correlate else if ladder and switch case statement. 2 3
e. Differentiate while and do while loop. 2 3
f. Differentiate recursion and iteration. 2 3
g. Explain the significance of null character in string. 2 5
h. Differentiate linear and binary search. 2 4
i. Differentiate static and dynamic memory allocation. 2 5
j. Define the structure of a node in linked list. 2 5

2. Attempt any three of the following:
Marks CO
a. Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Explain its different
components with suitable example.
10 1
b. Differentiate operator precedence and associativity. Write a program in
C to elaborate the use of logical AND and logical OR operators in C.
10 1
c. What is the use of break statement in loops? Write a program in C using
while loop to elaborate the use of break statement.
10 3
d. Write a program in C to input two 3x3 matrix from the user and print
multiplication as the result in matrix form. (Write comments also at
appropriate places in the program)
10 3
e. Explain the importance of pointers in C. Write a program in C to swap
the values of two numbers entered by user using function call by
reference method.
10 4

3. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the sum of digits of an
integer number entered by the user.
10 2
b. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to reverse an integer number
entered by the user.
10 2 - FirstRanker's Choice
| 08-May-2019 08:57:18 | | 08-May-2019 08:57:18 |
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Printed Pages:02 Sub Code: KCS 201
Paper Id: 110265 Roll No.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief.
Marks CO
a. What is the difference between .obj and .exe files in C? 2 2
b. List the components of C language. 2 1
c. Differentiate assignment and equality operators in C. 2 1
d. Correlate else if ladder and switch case statement. 2 3
e. Differentiate while and do while loop. 2 3
f. Differentiate recursion and iteration. 2 3
g. Explain the significance of null character in string. 2 5
h. Differentiate linear and binary search. 2 4
i. Differentiate static and dynamic memory allocation. 2 5
j. Define the structure of a node in linked list. 2 5

2. Attempt any three of the following:
Marks CO
a. Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Explain its different
components with suitable example.
10 1
b. Differentiate operator precedence and associativity. Write a program in
C to elaborate the use of logical AND and logical OR operators in C.
10 1
c. What is the use of break statement in loops? Write a program in C using
while loop to elaborate the use of break statement.
10 3
d. Write a program in C to input two 3x3 matrix from the user and print
multiplication as the result in matrix form. (Write comments also at
appropriate places in the program)
10 3
e. Explain the importance of pointers in C. Write a program in C to swap
the values of two numbers entered by user using function call by
reference method.
10 4

3. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the sum of digits of an
integer number entered by the user.
10 2
b. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to reverse an integer number
entered by the user.
10 2
| 08-May-2019 08:57:18 | | 08-May-2019 08:57:18 |
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4. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Define the term mixed operands in an arithmetic expression with few
examples. Write a program in C to elaborate the use of type casting.
10 1
b. Explain the use of default in switch statement. Write a program that
takes two operands and one operator from the user and perform the
operation and prints the result by using switch statement.
10 3

5. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Write a program in C to print following pattern with appropriate
9 8
7 6 5
4 3 2 1
10 3
b. Discuss the concept of assembler. Explain complier, interpreter, loader
and linker with example.
10 3

6. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Write the importance of sorting in problem solving. Write a program in
C using bubble sort technique to sort 10 numbers entered by the user.
10 4
b. Explain the importance of structure in C programming. Write a program
in C using structure to enter and print the record of 10 books available in
your library. Following fields may be included in the record: -
book_title, book_price and number_of_pages.
10 5

7. Attempt any one part of the following:
Marks CO
a. Define various file operations in C. Write a program in C to count and
print the number of characters in a file.
10 5
b. Explain the following:
(i) Macros. (ii) Union (iii) Enumerated data types (iv) Type conversion
10 5 - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020