Download AKTU B-Tech 3rd Sem 2016-2017 NCE 301 Fluid Mechanics Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 3rd Semester (Third Semester) 2016-2017 NCE 301 Fluid Mechanics Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 NCE - 301
(F ollowmg Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled' in your
Answer Books)
Paper ll) : 2289775 Roll No.
Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem?III), 2016-17
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry ?qual marks. Write?
answer of each part in short. (10X2=20)
Ia) De?ne surface Tension.
b) What is Vapour Pressure?
0) De?ne Control Volume.
(1) De?ne Rotational and irrotational ?ow?
e) De?ne Impulse Momentum Equation.
0 What does Haige-n-Poiseulle equation refer to?
What is Haigen-Poiseulle?s formula?
g) What is Kinetic energy correction factor?
h) De?ne Hydraulic gradient line & Total energy line.
i) Differentiate between Model and Prototype.
j) What is Displacement thickness? I
301/12/2016/27700 (1) [P.T.O.

Note : Attempt any five questions from this section
What is boundary layer separation? Explain with neat
sketches, the necessary conditions for boundary layer
separation. What are common methods to control
boundary layer separation?
Classify different types of ?uid ?ow with example. Derive
the continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates.
De?ne the terms: Maj or energy losses and minor energy
losses in pipe. Derive expression for calculating loss of
head due to sudden enlargement and sudden contraction.
'What are differential manometers? A.?U? '- tube
manometer containing mercury of density 13600 kg/m3
is used to measure the pressure drop along. a horizontal
pipe. If the ?uid in the pipe has a relative density of 0.8
and the manometer reading is 0.6m, what is the pressure
difference measured by the manometer?
Assuming the drag force, F, exerted on a body is a function
of the following:
Fluid density p, F luid Viscosity ,u , Diameter d
Velocity u
Show the drag force can be expressed as,
Where q) is some unknown function and Re is Reynolds
number. '
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NCE - 301
7. A horizontal venturimeter with a discharge coef?cient
of 0.98 is being used to measure the low rate of a liquid
of density 1030 kg/m3. The pipe diameter at entry to the
venturi is 75mm and the venturi throat has an area of
lOOOmmZ. If the ?ow rate is 0.0l1 m3/s determine the
height difference recorded on a U-tube manometer
connecting the throat to the upstream pipe. Take the
relative density of mercury to be [3.6.
8. A circular plate 3 meters in diameter is submerged in
water in such a way that the greatest and least depths of
the surface, (below water surface) are 2m , and 1m
respectively, calculate:
i) The total pressure on front face of the plate, and
ii) The position of center of pressure.
9. In a Two-Dimensional ?ow ?eld for an incompressible
fluid the velocity components are:
V =xy2 -2y-?x3/3
F ind an expression for the stream function y/
Note : Attempt any two questions from this section.
(2 x 15:30)
10. What are the characteristics of a laminar ?ow? Derive
the expression for the velocity distribution for viscous
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NCE - 301
?ow through a circular pipe. Also sketch the distribution
ofvelocity and shear stress across a section of pipe.
11. Water is ?owing in a 300mm pipeline ?tted with a 450
bend in the vertical plane. The diameter at the outlet of
the bend is 150mm. The pipe axis at the inlet is horizontal
and the outlet is 1.5m above the inlet. If the ?ow through
the bend is 0.4m3/s and a head - loss of 0.5m occurs in
the bend, calculate the magnitude and direction of the
resultant force the bend support must withstand. The
volume of the bend is 0.075m3 and the pressure at the
inlet is 300 kN/mz. ?
12. Using continuity and the Bernoulli equation derive the
following expression that can be used to measure ?ow
rate with a Venturi meter.
Qaz'tual = Cd A1 A2 7
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This post was last modified on 29 January 2020