Download AKTU B-Tech 4th Sem 2014-15 Indroduction To Soft Computing Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2014-15 Indroduction To Soft Computing Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm Question Paper

Printed Pages : 3
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(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in yourAnswer Book)
PAPER ID : 199407
Roll No.
B. Tech.
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks 1 100
Note : Attempt all the questions. Ail questions cany equal
1. Attempt any four parts of the 5X4=20
following : '
(a) Discuss the analogy between biological and
arti?cial neuron.
(b) Discuss the various learning techniques in.
(c) Is it possible to use Arti?cial Intelligence in
Neural network? If yes give the proper
((1) Compare and contrast between the single
layer. Feed Forward Network and Multilayer
Feed Forward Network.
199407] 1 I Contd...

How the soft computing differ from the hard
computing? Also illustrate the applications of
the soft computing.
(f) Comp are and contrast between auto
Associative Memory and hetro associative
2. Attempt any four parts of the 5x4=20
following :
(a) How will you train the Arti?cial Neural
Network? Give proper justi?cation for that.
(b) Explain the factors Which may affect the back
propagation N eural N etwork.
(c) What do you mean by Recurrent Networks?
Illustrate the pros and cons of such network.
((1) Brie?y explain the Back propagation
(9) Illustrate the" application areas of N eural
N etworks in detail.
(1) Explain the effect of learning in Neural
N etwork detail with the help of proper diagram.
3. Attempt any two parts of the 10X2=20
following :
(a) What is Fuzzy system? Compare and contrast
between Fuzzy logic and crisp logic in detail
with proper example.
00) Explain the following:
(1) Application areas of fuzzy logic
(ii) Linguistic variables
199407| 2 [ Contd...
(c) What is the role of Defuzzi?cation? Explain
the types of Defuzzi?cation in detail.
Attempt any two parts of the lOXZ=20
following :
(a) What is Fuzzy Quanti?ers? Compare and
contrast between absolute and relative
quanti?ers. Also illustrate Fuzzy Controller.
(b) De?ne membership function in detail. Also
de?ne its roles and applications.
(c) Explain the following.
(i) The Role of Fuzziness in Arti?cial
(ii) Fuzzy Inference.
Attempt any two parts of the 10X2=20
following :
(a) Explain the creation of offspring?s in detail
with example. Also write down the working
principle of Genetic algorithm and application
of Genetic algorithm.
(b) Draw the Evolutionary Cycle diagram and
explain each component in detail.
(c) Explain the following.
(i) Fitness Evaluation
(ii) Mutation.
199407] . 3 [ 1700 ]

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020
