Download AKTU B-Tech 4th Sem 2014-15 NME 401 Applied Thermodynamics Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2014-15 NME 401 Applied Thermodynamics Question Paper

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munummnm M401
PAPER ID : 140408
(Following Paper 1]) and Roll No. to be ?lled in your AnsWer Book)
Roll No.
B. Tech;
Tune : 3 Hours] ? [Total Marks
: 100
l Attempt any four parts : 5X4=20
(a) What is the difference between path function and
point ?mction, explain using p-v diagram. What
is the work done in free expansion process ?
(b) Describe the steady ?ow energy equation for a
single stream entering and leaving a control
volume also explain the various terms involved.
Give the differential ?'om S.F.E.E. Also de?ne
unsteady ?ow process.
(0) What does the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
signify ? Derive and disCuss its applications.
(d) De?ne the following :
(i) Coe?icient of volume expansion
(1i) Isothelmal compressibility and
(iii) \ Adiabatic compressibility
140408] 1 [ Contd...

2 Attempt any two questions :
' (a)
Attempt any No questions :
How tegmeration in gas turbines immense: thermal
ef?ciency of the plant 7
of reaction.
What are boilers ? How are they classi?ed ?
Di??erentiate between mounting and accesson'es.
Whatdo you understand by boiler draught ?
Calculate condition for maximum discharge.
Determine equivalent evaporatiOn/kg of me]
and boiier ef?ciency of a boiler having
steam generation at 3 mpa, 3500C at a rate
of 4><104 kg/hr. Feed Water enters economizer
at, 100?C and dun'ng One hour test 5><103 kg
the] of Cv = 3.5 X104 kj/kg is consumed.
Draw P-V and T-S diagram for a Rankine cycle.
Derive expression for work done and e?iciency
ofcycle. Explain how it is different ??om modi?ed
Rankine Cycle. ?
Dry satm'ated steam at pressure of 6 bar flows
through donverdiver nozzle at rate of 4.5 kg/sec
and exitpressure as 1.6 bar loss due to ??iction
occurs in divergent section at 12% as ?-iction
drop. Determine cross section of exit and throat
2 [ Contd...?
4 Attempt any two questions :
5 Attempt any two questions :
Explain the following :
(1) Saturation curve
(11') Indicated power
(Iii) Metastable state ?ow through nozzle
(1v) Brake power
(V) Missing quantity
(1) Enumerate effect of pressure and temp. on
Rankine cycle.
('11) What is bleeding and how does it a??ects
cycle e?iciency 17
Draw velocity diam for velocity compounded
turbine and ?nd equation for maximum wod< done
and e?iciency.
De?ne steam turbines and classify them. Explain
the tem compounding and its types in brief.
Explain in brief methods of improving e?iciency
of open cycle gas turbine.
EXplain Brayton cycle and obtain expression for
e?iciency in terms of pressure and temp ratio.
Explain working of jet propulsion system and
compare working of Ram jet with Pulse jet
enghns. .
3 . [19825]

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020