Download AKTU B-Tech 4th Sem 2015-16 NCE 402 Geoinfomatics Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2015-16 NCE 402 Geoinfomatics Question Paper

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Printed Pages: 4 NCE-402
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
Theory Examination (Semester-I?V) 2015-16
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Q.l Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (ZXIO=20)
(a) Give any three advantages that an aerial photograph
offers over ground based observations.
(b) How is an aerial photograph taken?
(c) What do you understand by remote sensing?
((1) De?ne spectra] re?ectance curve and what are its
utilities in remote sensing?
(e) Write short notes on orbital calendar and spatial mo-
(l) P.T.O.

(f) What is resolution of a sensor? (e) What are the edvantages and disadvantages of vati-
ous remote sensing platforms?
(g) How can you classify raster data? -
(1) What things can be represented by point, line and
(11) What do you understand by spatial data model? polygon? Explain topological data model to repre-
sent area.
(i) De?ne image histogram.
(g) What are the limitations of 615?
(j) Give the functions GPS satellite signals.
(h) Explain the functions of GIS.
QZ. Attempt any 5 questions from this section.
(10x5=50) Note: Attempt any 2 questions from this sec?on.(15><2=30)
(a) Elaborate the two major ?333 Of an aerial PhOtO' Q3. 3) Explain in detail about the characteristics of photo-
graph. graphic images.
(b) Illustrate the fundamentals 0f aerial photo-interpre- b) Discuss on the spectral re?ectance characteristics of
tation. water and vegetation in spectral bands.
(c) Explain the methodologies of remote sensing data Q4. a) Explain image referencing system.
analysis. .
b) Explain the concept of object-oriented data model
(d) Elaborate the relative advantages of using aerial applied in GIS.
photos and satellite images over products of conven-
tional survey.
(2) (3) P.T.O.
zsos?44/439/10975 2305/144/439/10975

Q5. a) Explain topological model of vector data.
b) Discuss in detail about the following terms:
(i) GNSS
(ii) GPS

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020