Download AKTU B-Tech 4th Sem 2015-16 NEC 404 Electromagnetic Field Theory Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2015-16 NEC 404 Electromagnetic Field Theory Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 NEC-404
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
Theory Examination (Semester-IV) 2015-16
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Q1. Attempt all parts. All carry equal marks. Write answer
of each part in short. (10x2=20)
(3) Find shape intersection surface where p=2, z=1
intersect each other.
(b) De?ne and derive divergence theorem for a vector.
(c) State point form of ohms law & Gauss?s Law.
(d) Find electric ?eld density for in?nite line charge using
Gauss?s law.
(e) Explain Biot-Savart?s Law.
0) P.T.O.

Write difference between magnetic and electric
De?ne re?ection coef?cient of a plane wave at
normal incidence. ,
Explain the signi?cance of loss tangent.
Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.
De?ne Laplace?s equation for electn'c ?eld.
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section.
Transform vector A = ya, + (x+ z)??iy it into spheri-
cal coordinates system. Also evaluate it?s value at
P(-2, 6, 3).
Find expression for electric ?eld intensity for an
in?nite sheet charge.
De?ne and derive Laplace?s equation for electric ?eld
Discuss Polarization in dielecu'ic medium.
Three point charges- lnC, 4nC, 3nC are located at
(0,0,0), (0,0,1), (1,0,0) ?nd energy in the system.
Derive continuity current equation. Also de?ne
relaxation time.
Prove that magneto static energy is given by
Wm = 1 IV ?szv.
What do you mean by displacement current also
derive Ampere?s law for time varying ?eld.
Section-C '
Note: Attempt any two questions from this section.
Q3. State and prove divergence theorem; Determlne the ?ux
over the closed surface of cylinder 0(mentioned case.
Q4- 6)
Write down Maxwell?s equation in all forms for static,
dynamic and time hmmonic ?elds with their signi?-
(3) P.T.O.

(ii) Calculate electric ?eld intensity due to continuous
in?nitely long sheet charge having line charge density
p3 C/mz.
Q5. State and prove boundary condition at interfaces for mag-
neto static ?elds. Given that HI = ?2 5x+ 6ay+ 4axA/m
in region y-x-2(a) M1,Bl
(b) H2 and BZ in region y-x-2>0 where u2=2po.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020