Download AKTU B-Tech 4th Sem 2017-18 RCS405 Data Structure Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU)) B-Tech 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) 2017-18 RCS405 Data Structure Question Paper

Printed Pages: 02 Sub Code: RCS405
Paper Id: 110435 Roll No.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a. The initial configuration of a queue is p, q, r, s (?p? is in the front end). To get the
configuration s, r, q, p, how many minimum dequeues and enqueues are required?
b. Write the structure of binary search tree, threaded binary tree.
c. Define activity network with suitable example.
d. Calculate the minimum number of nodes in AVL tree with height 8.
e. Write a C program to multiply two integer number using recursion
f. What do you mean by priority queue?
g. Explain Transitive Closure.

2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21
a. An array DSUC[50][60] is stored in row major order with each element occupies 2
bytes of memory, and the address of DSUC[12][34] is stored at the location 1000.
Find the address of CS[34][56]. Assume array index starting with ?1?
b Write short notes on following:
(i) Activity network
(ii) Garbage collection and compaction
c. Define stack with suitable example. Write a program to reverse a string using
Stack. Choose a C data structure for such a stack and design push and pop
functions for it.
d. Translate the infix string (a+b^c^d)*(e+f/d) to reverse polish notation using stack.
e.?Explain any three commonly used hash function with the suitable example?
A hash function H defined as H(key) =key%7, with linear probing, is used to insert
the key 37,38,72,48,98,11,56 into a table indexed from 0 to 6.
what will be the location of key 11? Justify your answer,
also count the total number of collision in this probing.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. What are the advantages of linked list over arrays? Implement Doubly Circular
linked list and insert an element at given position in this linked list.
b. Assume that the operators +, -, ? are left associative and ^ is right associative. - FirstRanker's Choice
Printed Pages: 02 Sub Code: RCS405
Paper Id: 110435 Roll No.

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a. The initial configuration of a queue is p, q, r, s (?p? is in the front end). To get the
configuration s, r, q, p, how many minimum dequeues and enqueues are required?
b. Write the structure of binary search tree, threaded binary tree.
c. Define activity network with suitable example.
d. Calculate the minimum number of nodes in AVL tree with height 8.
e. Write a C program to multiply two integer number using recursion
f. What do you mean by priority queue?
g. Explain Transitive Closure.

2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21
a. An array DSUC[50][60] is stored in row major order with each element occupies 2
bytes of memory, and the address of DSUC[12][34] is stored at the location 1000.
Find the address of CS[34][56]. Assume array index starting with ?1?
b Write short notes on following:
(i) Activity network
(ii) Garbage collection and compaction
c. Define stack with suitable example. Write a program to reverse a string using
Stack. Choose a C data structure for such a stack and design push and pop
functions for it.
d. Translate the infix string (a+b^c^d)*(e+f/d) to reverse polish notation using stack.
e.?Explain any three commonly used hash function with the suitable example?
A hash function H defined as H(key) =key%7, with linear probing, is used to insert
the key 37,38,72,48,98,11,56 into a table indexed from 0 to 6.
what will be the location of key 11? Justify your answer,
also count the total number of collision in this probing.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. What are the advantages of linked list over arrays? Implement Doubly Circular
linked list and insert an element at given position in this linked list.
b. Assume that the operators +, -, ? are left associative and ^ is right associative.
The order of precedence (from highest to lowest) is ^, x , +, -.
Then find the postfix expression corresponding to the infix
Expression a + b ? c - d ^ e ^ f
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. Draw the Huffman tree for the following symbols (each of 7 bits) whose frequency
Of occurrence of a message is stated along with the symbols below:
M1: 0.45 M2:0.02 M3: 0.24 M4: 0.18 M5: 0.11
decode the following message
and what is the average number of bits required per message.
b. Write algorithm for Floyd warshall algorithm also explains with a suitable
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. Write C function for following in Binary Tree
(i) Count the number of total nodes.
(ii) Height of Binary Tree.
??????????????b.?Write Prim?s algorithms and Find the Minimum Spanning tree for following graph
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. Construct a binary tree for the following preorder and inorder traversals. Explain with
a neat diagram:
b. Explain Binary Search algorithm and it time complexity? Implement the binary
search in C language.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a. Discuss what type of data structure used in DFS. Write an algorithm for DFS, Traverse
the given graph starting from node A using DFS

b. Construct an expression tree for the expression (?b + ?(b
? 4ac) ) / 2a. Give pre-order,
in-order and post-order traversals of the expression tree so formed - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020