Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2018-2019 RME 503 Manufacturing Science Technology Ii Question Paper
?1"? LM? RouNo. FTTT WTTT r1
Time: 3 H ours T 0111! Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all Sect1ons If require any missmg data; then choose 511112ny
l. Attempt all questions in brief. 2117=14
Write down the properties of cutting tool materials.
What me the different types of ?ame used 1n gas welding?
Differentiate between up milling and down milling.
Write down the function of electrolyte.
De?ne the term glazjng and loading of grinding 1? heel
Why abrasive is not recycled 1n AJM.
De?ne the term chip thickness 121110 and chip rendm 121110 aiso write down the 1e1ation
between shear angle, chip thickness 121110 and take?ngle
2. Attempt any three of the following: ,,_ 1713921
a. The following data relate to orthogqnal cutting of mm steel pan
Cutting speed 7 195 m/mm toolxake angle 7 12?J width of 01117 W 1 75mm unwithickness ?
0 25 mm coef?cient of flip 1 between chip and tool 7 0.52 shear 5111155 Of the work
material= 385 N/mml. ca Nylate (1) sheaI angle (11) cutt1ng and 11111151 component of
machming force
b. Classify the milling ' nes.Exp1ai11 the working of knee and co?lumn type of horizontal
milling machine w1?131?1p of suitable diagram
c. 11 ls required to weld a low carbon steel plate by manual mela1 M6 welding process using a
linea1 V 1 characteristics D C p011 er source. The following data are ava1lable:
Open c1rcuit voltage 762V shun circuit cunent =130A Ar6'3ength- 4 mm transverse speed
of Welding- -?-' 15 cm/min voltage? '7' 20 4 1. 5L (L is are Iiength) ef?ciency 01 heat input 7 U. 84
calculate the heat input to the workpiece
d. Exptain abrasive machining process Also c?gsify ahraswe machining process. Explain
centerless grinding with the help of neat skeych
e. ECM is performed to remove material from' an iron surface of 20 mm1*20 111m. under the
following condition. Inlerelectrode gap??O-Q?'mm, supply voltage 12 V, specific resistance
of electrolyte : Zohm-cm. atomlc weight of iron == 55.85, valency of iron 7? 2, faraday's
constant = 96540 coulomb, ?nd Igg?'g??ierial removal rate in gm/sec.
3. Attempt any one part .1 x ? (7?]=7)
a State the assumptions made 111 Eamest and merchant theory. Also derive the following shear
angle relationship 2?+ ?-a = 1-1/2 Where (p = shear angle, ,6 =friction angle and a =rake
A batch of 1500 steel parts each 120 mm in diameter and 400 mm in length is to be rough
then using a feed ot?0.7 mm/rev. 1f the cost of g11nd1ng I?grind is rupees 75, time required to
reset the cutting edge is 2 min. and the total machining cost rate is Rs. 300/hr. if time taken to
load and unload component is 2 min. and initial set up t1111e 15 3 hrs then for equationV?l?25
:?650. Calculate
1. Optimum cutting speed and corresponding tool life for minimum cost c11teria.
11. Total production time and cost for the batch
111. C alculate above values by using maximum production rate cnterta.
4. Attempt any one part (7?1=7)
What do you understand bv 1ndex1ng?? What are the different methods of indexing? Cut 72
teeth on a blank 01'40 mm diameter using compound indexmg method
Explajn the radial type of drilling mach1ne with suitable example. Also explain various
dn'lling operat1on with neat sketch.
5. Attempt any one part (7*l=7)
Find the limit sizes, tolerances and allowances ?01 21100 mm diameter shaft and hole p.111
designated by I8.h10 Also specify the type of ?t that the above pan belongs to. Given: 100
mm d1ameter lies 1n the diameter step range of 0 120113111- The ?mdamental DeVlat1on for
sha? designation ?1? 1s- -5 5 D? the values of standatid?terances for grades of IT 8 and IT 10
are 251 and 641 respectively Also indicate the l1_mits md tolerance on a diagram
Show that the maximum chip thickness tm 1s s91$11e g11nd1ng, using grinding wheel d1ameter
2!;- :1-
b1? 14D
Where 1. is the table feed C 13 the number of abrasive gmtns per untt area of lifte?rindmg
whee] surface V1. ts the g?ndingjgheel surface speed b 15 the w1dth and d' 15 th?djgpth of cut.
D15g1venb1 r?. =
6. Attempt any one part ;' ' . ( (7*l=7)
Explain the working oPsubmerged arc weldmg with help of suitable diagram also mite
down their speci?c application and advantages and limitations. .
Explain the principle ?of solid- state 11e1d1ng process. Also explam explosive welding 111th
suitable diagram '
7. Attempt any one part I (7?1=7)
What is Ab1a51ve jet macl11ning (AJMV Describe its 1m1k111g 111111 smtable dlagram Also
expla1n the effect of standoff dlstance and abra?i11e gm s1ze on matenal 1em01 :11 rate in the
Derive the expression for the material 1emo1'a1 rate of electro discharge machining Also
d1fferentiate bet? een EDM and EC M proe??ss
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020