Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2015-2016 Engineering Chemistry I As 103 Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll' No. to be ?lled In your
Answer Book)
Roll No.
1 B.Tech .
[Time:3 hours] [Total Marks:100
Attempt all parts._ All parts carry equal marks. Write answer
of each part in short. ' (IOXZLZO)
(a) Explain why Te?on is highly chemical reSistant.
(b) Low density and high density polythene differ 1n
density why?
(c) 3.25 g coal was?kjeldahlized and NHsgas thus
evolved was absorbed in 45_m1 ofO.l N H2804. To
neutralize excess of acid, 11.5 ml of 0.1 N NaOH
was required. Calculate ?the % of N in the coal
sample.' 7
(d) Giving examples differentiate between intra and
inter molecular hydrogen bonding.
3800 (1) . P.T.O.?
(e) Calculate density of a BCC crystal. Side of cube is
4A"~ and M=60.
(f) Explain why Toluene undergoes electrophilic
substitution reaction more easily than
(g) Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell in SCC,
BCC and FCC.
(h) Write down the chemical unit of Nylon and
(i) Explain why methyl amine is a stronger base than
(j), Why is TMS used as a stande reference in NIVIR
Attempt any ?ve questions 'from this sections
What are liquid crystals? Write the classi?cation and
applications of liquid crystal.
Explain why N2 is diamagnctic while 02 is paramagnetic
with the help of molecular orbital diagram.
Explain classi?cation of conducting polymers with
their applications.
(2) AS -103
Explain Zeolite process of water softening. 100 m1 of
water sample has a hardness equivalent of 12.5 ml of
0.08 N MgSOrl What is its hardness in ppm?
Explain the construction and working of a galvanic cell.
What is biogas?- How biogas is produced? With the help
of diagram, explain Biogasi?cation. .
What is electrochemical corrosion? Write-down the
mechanism involved in electrochemical corrosion.
How much rust (Fe203.3H20) will be formed when 100
kg of iron have completely rusted.
What is chemieal shift? Two Isomers I and II of the
molecular formula C3H6O give IR. absorption band
near'3550 cm?l and 1717 cm?l respectively. Assign
structural formula to I and II consistent with their IR
absorption bands.
Attempt any two questions from this section.
(a) For an XY2 bent molecuie, show various types of
stretching and bending in IR spectroscopy?
(3) . P.T.0.
(b) What is hardness of water? The hardnass of 10,000
litres of a sample of water was removed by passing
it through ~a zerlite softener. The zeolite softener
then required 200 litres of sodium chloride
solution containing 150 ?gm/litre of NaCI for
regeneration. Find the hardness of water sample.
(c) Describe the possible optical isomerism in tartaric
11. Attempt all parts of the following:
(a) De?ne Gross Calori?c Value(GCV) and Net
Calori?c Value(NCV) of a F uel
(b) Write mechanism of Hoffmann rearrangement.
(c) With the help of Data given show that
decomposition of H202 in aqueous solution is ?rst
order ? ? .
Time(min): 0 10 20 3 0
Volume of KMn?O 4 required? 0
To decompose H202(ml) 12.5 25.0 20.0 15.7
12. Attempt all parts of the following:
(a) Show, how SN2 reaction gives rise to inverted
. product. I
.(b) What are organometallic compounds? Give their
classi?cation & two applications.
(0) Draw the potential energy diagram for the various
Conformations of n-butane.
3800 _ ('4) AS -103
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020