Download AKTU B-Tech 5th Sem 2015-2016 Environmental Engineering I Nce 503 Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2015-2016 Environmental Engineering I Nce 503 Question Paper
Printed Pages: 3 194 NCE-503 (h) What are the causes oftemporary hardness?
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your 0) What percentage ot'fotal water demand contributes
Answer Book) to losses in pipes?
Roll No_[J 1 1 L[ I 1 | 0) How much [)0 and BOD is desired in drinking
. water?
B. Tech.
: (SEM. V) THEORY EXAMINATION, 2015-16 g .5, smmn'B
'3 . . ' ,- v - 'x _
g ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEIERINC-I g g Attempt any me Parts. (10 5 50)
E1 |Time:3 hours] [MaximumMarksleO E. E. 0.2 Explain Various types of'joints used in water supply
5 , 2 ?:9 system.
a Sectwn-A a b '
3 Q1 Attempt all the parts. (10)! 2 :20) g g 0.3 Explain effects of am polluuon m detall.
Q4 Differentiate between design of sewer pipes and water
(a) What are manholes "? supply pipes. A city has a population of 1.00000 with a
(b) Which source or water contains maximum amount water supply rate 0f200 lpcd. Assuming 75% of water
a: ot?turbidity? a: 1:: reaches the sewer, what will be the DWF in (m?l?s)?
5 E". 5 , . . . . .
g (c) Which type of pump is. commonly used hand g g 0.5. Write a short note on varmus plumbing ?ttings used m
a pump? E. g buildings and houses.
5' . . . . , = =
g (d) What lSthc ?111011011 OtSCOUI WWW" : : Q6 The population of 5 decades from |930 t0 I970 arc
g (c) What is permissible limit of nitrates in drinking g g given. Find out the population after one. ?V0 and three
water? decades beyond the last known decade by using
. . . . arithmetic mean method.
(?0 Sewers are generally lald, starting from thexr ........
point. Year 1930 1940 1950 1960 [970
Population 25.000 28.000 34.000 42.000 47.000
(g) Pumps are connected to be in ............. to double
the discharge and keep the head same. ?
. ( 1) , NCE-SO3 . (2) _ P.T.O aktuonlmexom

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Q? What is sclf?cleanising vel?city?? What wnuld be 111::
design discharge: Ufa 20 cm diamater sewer baing laid
at a slope 010.004 and designed t0 carry discharge 31a
dapth :1)le cm with Manings n={}.014.
0.3 A combined sewer ofcircular section is m be dasigned
for a :2:in ufpcupulaliun LOUIE??! and an area :31? HR} ha.
The mean flaw ofihe Rewage f'rnm the city i5: 250 lpcd.
The critical rainfall intensiit}: is; 4 cnn?hr. Takc Meanings
mefficient as 0.012. Dcteminc the gradient of the
sewer from Maning? Equatiun tn can?? a pal?; flaw with
a vcfucity of 1.2 m-?s. Take 194).?.
0.9 What aer the types m?S?weragc system? Explain.
Attempt any two parts : {2 K15=30J
Q. H] What i5?: plume? Explain L'ariuus plume behavinr in detail
with the help ?f?nuat sketches.
Q. 11 Diacuss various, populati?n i?m'euastmg methods. in dctml.
Q. IE Writt: short nut?: 0n variuus methods USEd fur unaly?is
0f E?mplex pipe networks. Explain Lh?' Hardy Cruss
mcthod in detail.
{3} N(?F-?i??

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020