Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2015-2016 Integrated Circuits Eec 501 Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your
Answer Book) .
Roll No.
[Time:3 hours] [Total Marks:100
N ote : Attempt a_ll parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answer of each part in short. (2 X 10:20)
1. (a) De?ne current mirror circuit and current steering
(b) Explain the type ofdistortions that can occur in an
(0) By what factors is the frequency of an op-amp
oscillator limited?
((1) Differentiate between positive feedback and
negative feedbaek.
(e) De?ne the terms VOH and VOL.
(f) Explain Barkhausen criteria for oscillations.
(g) Sketch properly labeled Master Slave D ?ip-?op
EEC 501 . (1) . P.T.O.
(h) What are the uses of Monostable Multivibrator?
(i) De?ne lock range. ?
(i) What are the applications of analog multiplier?
Note: Attempt any ?ve questions from this section
Find out the output impedance of cascade current mirror
circuit. State characteristics of Widlar and Wilson
current mirror circuit.
What is 10g ampli?er and what are its applications?
Draw & explain its operation. Find out the expression
for its out voltage equation.
A combinational circuit has 3 inputs A, B, C and output
F. E. is true for following input combinations.
A is False, B is True
A is False, C is True
A, B, C are False
A, B, C are True
(i) Write the Truth table for F. Also write the simpli?ed
expression for F. Use the convention True=l and
False =0.
(ii) Draw CMOS logic circuit for expression obtained
for F using NAND gates only.
(2) EEC 501
Explain Wein Bridge Oscillator using op-amp and
derive the equation for its frequency of oscillation.
Draw and explain the principle of working ofdigital to
analog converters with R/2R ladder.
Discuss the frequency respOnse ofIC 741 0p-amp.Also
discuss the simpli?ed model of IC 741 op-amp.
Design a wide band reject ?lterwith lower cutoff
frequency fL=5kHz, higher cutoff frequency fH=100Hz
and a passband Gain=2. Draw frequency response p1 ot
for that also.
Draw the pin diagram of IC 555 and explain the ?lnction
of each pin. Discuss the modes of operation of 555
timer IC. '
Note: Attempt any M questions from this section.
10. V
(1 5 X 2=3 0)
Sketch the logic gate symbolic representation Of
clocked SR ?ip ?op using NOR gate. Also sketch its
CMOS circuit implementation and explain its
Explain the working of a practical differentiator using
op-amp and give steps required to design it.
Sketch the circuit and transfer characteristics of
Schmitt trigger. What are the applications of Schmitt
trigger? Explain its working.
(3) EEC 501/5000 .
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020