Download AKTU B-Tech 5th Sem 2016-2017 Fundamentals Of E.M. Theory Nec 508 Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2016-2017 Fundamentals Of E.M. Theory Nec 508 Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 . ? I NEC-508
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
Paper ll) : 201238] Roll No,
Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem - V), 2016 ? 17
Time : 3 Hours , ' Max. Marks .- 100 .
Section -?A
Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks.
Write answer of each part in short. (10X2=20)
1. a) Given two vectors 1: 4fy +10f2 and
E = 21f; + 3fv . Find the projection of)?! on 'B.
b) Given 2! = Sfx ? 2 fy + f, , ?nd the expression of a
unit vectorfB such that fB is parallel to Z! .
c) Transform the vector 4fx ? 2fy ? 4fz into spherical
coordinates at a point P(x = ?2, y = ?3, z = 4).
_d) A charge Q2 = 12.1 x 10?9 c is located in vacuum at
P2(-?0.03, 0.01, ??0.04). Find force on Q2 due to
Q1 = 100 go at P1(0.03, 0.08, 0.02). All distances
1n meters.
e) _ Find the stored energy in a system of four identical
charges Q = 2nc, at the comers Im on a side.
508/12/2016/5600 (1) [P.T.O.

a .. NEC-508
f)~ What happens when a solid conductor is placed in
I an electric ?eld?
g) De?ne - Polarization. ,
h) Explain - electric susceptibility.
i) Write and explain differential form of Faraday?s law.
j) Explain the signi?cance of displacement current.
Section - ?B
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section
(5 X 1 0:50)
Write and explain integral and differential form of
Maxwell?s equations.
A lossless dielectric medium has 6 = 0, ?r = 1 and at = 4.
An electromagnetic wave has magnetic ?led components
expressed as
?=?0.1cos(wt?z)fx +0.5sin(wt?z)fy$
a) Phase constant B.
b) Angular velocity.
c) The wave impedance.
d) Electric ?eld intensity.
What do you understand by skin effect? De?ne skin depth.
Show that in case of a semi-in?nite solid conductor, the
skin depth S is given by S = L .
\J wya
508/12/2016/5600 (2)
Show that for uniform plane wave in a perfect medium,
E and H are normal to each other and the ratio of their
magnitude is constant of the medium.
State and explain Biot-Savart?s law for static magnetic
fields as applied to different types of current
distributions. ~ '
State and explain Ampere?s law both in integral and
differential form as used in magnetic ?eld.
State and explain Gauss?s law of electromagnetics in
integral form.
Derive Poisson?s and Laplaceis equations from
Section - C
Attempt any two questions from this section-
' (2 x 1 5=3 0)
A total charge of 40 nc is uniformly distributed over'a
circular disc lying in xy plane with its centre at the origin
(0, 0, 0). Find the potential at point (0, 0, 5)m.
Magnetic ?eld intensity in free space is given by
I:I=20(?c?+yf"y)/(x2+y2)A/m V
a) Showthati? =0
b) Find the current density ].
508/12/2016/5600 (3) [P.T.O.

c) Find the scalar vector potential Vm(x, y, 2) if
Vm =~0 atP(l, 1,1).
12. Can a static magnetic ?eld exist in the interior of a perfect
conductor? Explain.
Can a time varying magnetic ?led exists in the interior
of a perfect conductor? Explain. -
508/ 1 2/2016/5600 (4)

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020