Download AKTU B-Tech 5th Sem 2017-2018 NCS501 Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2017-2018 NCS501 Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Question Paper

Printed pages: 01 Sub Code: NCSSOI
Paperldz "?u R011N0=l l l l l l l l l l l
T ime: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Notes: Attempt all Sections. Assume any missing data.
1. Define/Explain the following: (2*10=20)
(a)Difference between Complete Binary Tree and Binary Tree?
(b)Difference between Greedy Technique and Dynamic programming.
(c) Solve the following recurrence using Master method:
T (n) = 4T (11/3) + n2
(d)Name the sorting algorithm that is most practically used and also write its Time Complexity.
(e) F ind the time complexity of the recurrence relation
T(n)= n +T(n/10)+T(7n/5)
(1) Explain Single source shortest path.
(g) Define Graph Coloring.
(h)Compare Time Complexity with Space Complexity.
(i) What are the characteristics of the algorithm?
(j) Differentiate between Backtracking and Branch and Bound Techniques.
2. Attempt any three of the following: (10X3=30)
(a)Solve the following By Recursion Tree Method
(b)lnsert the following information F,S,Q,K,C,L,H,T,V,W,M,R,N,P,A,B,X,Y,D,Z,E,G,I.
Into an empty B-tree with degree t=3.
(e) What is Minimum Cost Spanning Tree? Explain Kruskal?s Algorithm and Find MST
of the Graph. Also write its Time-Complexity
(d) What is Red?Black tree? Write an algorithm to insert a node in an empty red?black tree
explain with suitable example.
(e) Explain HEAP-SORT on the array. Illustrate the operation of HEAP-SORT on the array
A={6,14, 3, 25, 2,10, 20, 7, 6}
3. Attempt any one part of the following: (10 x 1:10)
(a) Explain Convex ?Hull problem.
(b) Find the shonest path in the below graph from the source vertex 1 to all other vertices
by using Dijkstra?s algorithm

4. Attempt any one part of the following: (10 x 1=10)
(a) What is backtracking? Discuss sum of subset problem with the help of an
(b) Write down an algorithm to compute Longest Common Subsequence
(LCS) of two given strings and analyze its time complexity.
5. Attempt any one part of the following: (10 x 1= 10)
(a) The recurrence T (n) =7T (n/2) +n2 describe the running time of an algorithm A.A
competing algorithm A has a running time of T? (n) =aT? (n/4) +n 2 lWhat is the largest
integer value for a A? is asymptotically faster than A?
(b) Discuss the problem classes P, NP and NP ?complete with class relationship.
6. Attempt any one part of the following: (10 x 1=10)
(a) Explain properties of Binomial Heap in .Write an algorithm to perform uniting
two Binomial Heaps. And also to find Minimum Key.
(b) Given the six items in the table below and a Knapsack with Weight 100, what is the
solution to the Knapsack problem in all concepts. Ile. explain greedy all approaches and ?nd
the optimal solution
A 100 40 4
50 35 7
C 40 20 5
D 20 4 .2
E 10 10 1
F 10 6 6
7. Attempt any one part of the following: (10 x 1=10)
(a) Compute the prefix function 71: for the pattern P: a b a c a b using KNUTH-
MORRIS ?PRATT Algorithm. Also explain Naive String Matching algorithm.
(b) Explain Approximation and Randomized algorithms.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020