Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 6th Semester (Sixth Semester) 2015-2016 EEC 609 Analog Digital Communication Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Books)
Roll No.
Theory Examination (Semester-VI) 2015-16
T ime : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N ote: - Attempt all the questions. Each question carries equal
1. Attempt all parts of this Section: y(2><10=20)
(a) What is Modulation?
(b) Explain capture e?'ect in PM receivers.
(c) What is noise? Noise is dif?cult to eliminate but its e?'ect
can be minimize, justify.
((1) De?ne Channel Capacity.
(6) What is Entropy? How is it melt] in determining
information ?
(f) List the Spread Spectrum Techniques.
(g) Explain VSB modulation method.
(1) P.T.O.
What is Radio transmitter? What are di?erent blocks
used in the transmission of radio signal?
De?ne Inter Symbol Interference (ISI).
What is Shanon Limit for Information Capacity?
Attempt any ?ve parts of the following: (10X5=50)
What is sampling theorem? What is the relevance of
Discrete Fourier Transform in relation to Nyquist criterion?
What is pulse code modulation ? Using suitable diagram
explain the quantization of signals.
Draw and Explain the block Diagram of TDM system.
Also list the basic problems involved in design of a digital
Write a short note on Shannon-Fano Coding.
Explain the working of Delta modulation. How does
Adaptive Delta Modulation improve the performance of
Delta Modulation?
Find the earlier and modulating frequencies,the modulation
index and the maximum deviation of the EM. wave
represented by the voltage equation V = 12 sin (6 X 108
t + 5 sin 1250 t). What power will this F.M. wave
dissipate in a 10 Q resistor?
(2) P.T.O.'
(g) Evaluate the auto correlation and cross correlation ?m?ction
of in phase and quadrature components of the nanode
noise at the coherent detector input for
(i) The DSB-SG system
(ii) The SSB system for Lower Side Bands
Attempt any two parts of the following: (15X2=30)
3. An AM ampli?er provides an output of 106 W at 100 %
modulation. The internal loss is 20 W :
(i) What is un-modulated carrier power?
(i1) What is the side band power ?
4. The ?mction given below represents which type of signal ?
f (t) = cos (wc t) + 0.3 cos (2nf m t) sin (21tf mt).
Sketch its phasor diagram at t = O.
5. Draw the block diagram of an SSB-SC transmitter employing
sideband suppression ?lter and explain.
(3) P.T.O.
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020