Download AKTU B-Tech 6th Sem 2015-2016 NBT 602 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 6th Semester (Sixth Semester) 2015-2016 NBT 602 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 NBT?602
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Answer Books)
Theory Examination (Semester?VI) 2015-16
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Q.l Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write?
answer of each part in short. (2X10=20)
(a) De?ne the term pollution and its types.
(b) How do rotatory biological reactors work?
(c) What do you understand by the term Solid waste
(d) De?ne the term Biomarkers and Bio-indicators.
(e) What the factors that affect the anaerobic process?
(1) P.T.O.
2305/62/3 1/775

(f) Name the devices that are used for the control of air (d) Describe the various physical, chemical and biological
pollution. characteristics of waste water.
(g) What are biodegradable wastes? Write few' examples. (e) How can you enhance the ef?ciency of an activated
sludge process. Write basically its modi?cations.
(11) What are the necessary steps involved in the ef?cient
degradation of waste material? (0 Name the various bacterial species and classes present
in the sewage ef?uent.
(i) Explain the terms Microorganisms Ratio and Sparging
Time. ' (g) What is the thermal conversion of solid waste? Is this
process safe for the environment?
(j) De?ne the term methanogenesis and activated sludge.
(h) What are steps involved in the primary treatment of
Sect' B waste water.
Q2. Attempt any ?ve parts. All parts carry equal marks: Section-C
Note: Attempt any two questions from this section.
(a) What are the harmful effects of air and water pollu- (2X15=30)
tion on ecosystem?
Q3. Estimation of total volatile components and lignin in a
(b) What are tickling ?lters? Describe them with the help of given known sample.
a suitable diagram and also write the formation of bio?lms
over trickle beds. Q4. ?Activated sludge process is an aerobic biological process
. in the treatment of waste water?. Explain in detail w'ith
(c) Name some important alternative fuels that are renew? signi?cant diagrams and the growth kinetics involved.
able sources of energy. Explain in brief.
(2) (3) P.T.O.
2305/62/31/775 2305/62/31/775

Q5. (a) What are the various ef?cient steps towards manage-
ment of solid w'aste. Also write about the bioreactbrs
which help in this process.
(b) Give details of thermal and biological conversion of
solid waste.

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020