Download AKTU B-Tech 6th Sem 2016-2017 NEC023 Analog Signal Processing Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 6th Semester (Sixth Semester) 2016-2017 NEC023 Analog Signal Processing Question Paper

Printed Pages : 1 Roll No.| l l l l I l l l l l NEC023
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : Be precise in your answer. In case Ofnumerical problem assume data wherever not provided.
1 Explain the following: (10x2=20)
3) Voltage Feedback Amplifier f) Properties of Lossless ladders
b) Transconductance Amplifier g) GIC
c) Current Conveyor h) Realization of simple ladders
d) Filter Realization i) Filter Design Parameters
e) General Impedance Convertor j) Analog Signal Filtering
2 Attempt any five of the following: (10x5=50)
a) Explain the working of op-amp as an amplitude demodulator and op?amp as peak
b) Draw the circuit of capacitance multiplier and find the equivalent circuit of
theimpedance you obtain.
c) How do you compensate input error sources in op?amp? Explain in detail. Draw and
find the transfer function basic voltage amplifier using OTA.
(1) Draw the circuit diagram of full wave precision rectifier using op?amps also plot its V?
e) Draw the circuit diagram of KHN?biquad. Find the transfer function of band reject,band
pass and all pass functions. Also draw the phase plot of all pass function.
f) Explain with suitable diagram of Buttreworth and Chebyshev magnitude response.
g) Define with suitable diagram of Gorski?Popiel?s Embedding Technique,Bruton?s
FDNR technique.
h) What do mean by Bode sensitivity and Delay equalization? Explain with an example.
Attempt any two of the following: (15x2=30)
3. Using OTAs draw the circuit which realizes a grounded inductor and ?oating inductor and
derive the expression for equivalent inductances. Also explain the operation of a voltage
limiter circuit with the help of a neatly labeled circuit diagram.
4. Explain the effect of finite gain of op-amp with suitable example. A first order active high pass
filter has- a pass band gain of two and a cut?off corner frequency of 1 kHz. If the input
capacitor has a value of 10 HF, calculate the value of the cut-off frequency determining resistor
and the gain resistors in the feedback network. Also plot its frequency response curve.
5. Write short note of the following with suitable diagram:
a. First-order and Second?order filter Realization
b. Strategies for Equalization Design

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020
