Download AKTU B-Tech 7th Sem 2016-2017 NEN 701NEE 701 Electric Drives Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 7th Semester (Seventh Semester) 2016-2017 NEN 701NEE 701 Electric Drives Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 NEN 701/NEE 701
? (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled In your
' ' Answer Books) ?
Roll No.
Regular Theory Examin?tion(0dd Sem-VlI), 2016-17
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Section - A
l Attempt all parts bf the following : (10X2=2i0).
a) What is meant by the naturepf load torque?
b) - What are the disadvantages of dc drives?
c) Classify various mechanical loads on the basis of
their torque-speed characteristics. i
d) Explain why the characteristics Ofa dc series motor
? is suitable for traction applications? '
e). What are the advantages and disadvantages of
electrical braking?
1".) What are the problems faced in case a motor of
wrong rating is chosen?
g) 011 what factors does the rate of rise oftemperature '
dep end?
h) Why the thyristor control is preferred over Ward
Leonard system of speed control?
701/12/2016/2940 (1) [P.T.O.

NEN 701/NEE 701
A30 kW, 400V, 3 ? (j), 4?PQle, 50 Hz induction motor has
full?load slip 0t?5%. lflhe ratio Ofstandstill reactance to
resistance per rotor phase is 4, estimate the plugging
torque at full speed.
Discuss Static Rotor Resistance Control 01? Induction
motor with suitable circuit diagram.
Describe the construction and principle ofoperation of ?
a switched reluctance n10t0r(SRM).
Explain the chopper control techniques for separately
excited dc motor under different modes of operation.
Explain the Operatioh of 1 - (l) halfcontrolled redti?er
fed separately excited dc. motor under continuous and
discontinuous modes of operation. Write the
nmthematical expression and draw speed characteristics
for different delay angles.
I Section - C
Attempt any two questions from this section
? (2x15=30)
Draw the torque?speed characteristics of an induction
motor with constant V/fcontrol for speed variation from
vety 10w up to the base speed. Also describe an open loop
scheme for Induction motor with \/?_I'fcohtrol.
701/12/2016/2940 (3) [pitcx
701/12/2016/?2940 (2)
' NEN 701/NEE 701
1) Suggest suitable motors for textile and paper mill
drive applications. ?
'j) Why the cooling time constant of a rotating machine
is usually larger than its heating time constant?
Section - B
Attempt any ??ve questions from this section. ;
Derive the relationship between the variatitm of
electromagnetic torque and load torque with tesp?lect to
speed for a stable operation of an electric drive. iWhat
are the drawbacks ofsteady state stability over, trailsient
stability? .
A drive has following equations for motor and! load
torques : T=(1+2a)m) & I; =3./a)?,,
Obtain the equilibrium points and determine their st?ady-
state stability. i
A 23 O V, 870 rpm, 100 A separately excited dc mot?r has
an armature resistance of 0.05 ohm. It is coupledfto an
overhauling load with a torque of400 N-m. Detefrmine
the speed at which motor can hold the load by regenerative
braking. .. I ?

NEN 701/NEE 701
A44OV, 50 Hz, 6?pole, Y?cdnnected wound rotor motor
has the following parameters :
R5 : 05 (2? R t Z 0493 X5: ?X j : 12(2? )(III 2 50 fl
Stator t0 rotor turn ratio is 3.5.
Motor is controlled by static rotor resistance control.
External resistance is chosen such that the breakdown
torque is produced at standstill for a duty ratio ofzem.
Calwlatc the value ol?externzll resistance; How duty ratio'
should be varied with Speed 30 that the 111010; accelerates
at maximum torque.
Discuss static Scherbius scheme for speed control 01"3 ?
slip ring induction motor. Draw a neat circuit diagram at:
the complete scheme. Mention one main advamtages 01?
this scheme compared to rotor resistance control.
701/12/2016/2940 - (4)

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020