Download AKTU B-Tech 7th Sem 2018-2019 NEE 702NEN Power Station Practice Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 7th Semester (Seventh Semester) 2018-2019 NEE 702NEN Power Station Practice Question Paper

Printed Paes: 02 Sub Code: NEE702/NEN702/EEE042
Paperld:_ Rollei l l l i l i I l l J
Time: 3 Hours. Max. Marks: 100
.N?nze: I. The question paper contains three sections- A, B & C.
? Read the instructions carefully in each section
?, Attempt ALL the parts: [2 x 10=20]
11. What is the total power plant installed capability in India?
h. De?ne load factor & penalty factor.
0. What do understand by tariff? Give its types.
d. Classify hydraulic turbines.
e. What are the functions of moderator & coolant in a nuclear power plant??
1". What do you understand by economic load dispatch &umt commitment?
g. What are the causes of low power factor?
h. What is the power output 01 a quz 5 reactor if it takes 30 days to use of 2 Kg fuel? Given that"
energy is reieased per ?ssion 15 200 MeV and Ang'adro' IS 6 023 x 1023 per mole. 1.1;? ?5
i. What are the advantages of using pulverised cd?al 1n thermal power plant? 1 ?
j. What are the different types of generatots used 1n wind energy generation? '
2. Attempt any THREE parts: [10 X 3=30l
:1. Explain open and closed cycle gas tui'bine plant along with methods to1improve its thermal
e1 ?ciency. What are its n1111; "1nd demerits compared to the steam power) plants?
1:1. Explain following terms: .
(i)Reservoir1W (ii)Spillways
(iii)Trash Rack (iv) Penstock 1 ?
e. A thermal power plant SPE ?25-. Ra. 25 iakhs 1n one year op coal consumption. The coal has a
calori?c value of 5001') ELcai/kg. with cost of Rs 500/tori If thermal eff c1ency is 32% &
electrical efficiency 15 90%. Find the average load on the power plant
d. A genei ating station has the following daily load cynic:
T1me(hours) 0-6 6-8 8 12 12-14 14 18 18-20 20-24
Load (MW): 45 35_ 75 20 80 25
21) Draw the daily load curve 1 1
b) Draw the load duration curve
c) Calculate load factor "
d) Calculate plant capacity factor 1f the capacity of the plant IS 120 MW
Describe the working of oper_1 106p MHD system and closed loop MHD system with the block
.3. Attempt any one part: [.10x1=10]
11. Draw the layout of thermal power plants & describe the working of it. A 100 MW steam
power plant uses a 0011! of calori?c value 6400 kcai/kg. Thermal ef?ciency of station is 30 % and
MANISH KUMAR JHA I 31-Dec-2018 13:35:01 I

electrical ef?ciency is 92%. Calculate the coal consumption per hour when the station is delivering
to full rated output.
b. Classify hydro-electric power plants based on (i) water ?ow regulation (ii) head (i ii) load
4. Attempt any one part: [10x1=10]
3. Explain the working of diesel plants with the help of diagram? Give its advantages &
b. What are the criteria for site selection for nuclear power plant? Explain with a neat sketch
the working of a nuclear power plant. Give the classi?cation of nuclear reactors.
5,. Attempt any one part: ? [10x1=10]
1?1 .
An electIic supply system has a maximum load of 70 MW. The annual expenses of the
stem are:
Generation' Ix?s. ?c1 ? ?-000
Fuel cost Rs. 28,00,003
Transmission Rs, 3,45,000
Distribution Rs. 27,50,000
Repairs etc Rs. 3,00,000
The no. of units generated per year is 600 x 10 6 kWh. The consumers have an aggregate
maximum demand of 75 MW. Evaluate a two?pan tariff to be charged from the
consumers. Assume that the ?xed charges for generatign, fuel, transmission, distribution,
repair etc are 90%, 15%, 85%,95% and 50% irespeetively. Losses in transmission &
distribution are 20%.
b. Explain following:
(i) Substationlayout
(ii) Busbar arrangements
0. Attempt any one part: L ? [1,01513EIOJ
a Explain hydrothermal sehedulm g with various power system constraints.
3,.m- >x'
1 x.
b. What do you understand by econdmic load scheduling: Explain & deriye the expression
(i)Neglecting transmit? I II n 105565 (ii)Considering transmission losses
Attempt any one part; _' 2 ? ~ [10xl= 10]
a. Explain generation of electrICIty by photovoltaic cell & thermOelectrIc converters for
direct conversion of mini energy into electricity.
b. What Is geothermal me: gy? How it is utilized for the poweI generation?
MANISH KUMAR JHA I 33-Dec-2018 13:35:01 |

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020