Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 8th Semester (Eight Semester) 2014-15 ECS 087 Mobile Computing Question Paper
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(Following P_?aper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in yourAnswer Book)
PAP}; R H?) : 1 10857
Roll No. ?
B. Tech.
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100
Note: Attempt all questions, each question carries equal marks
1 Attempt any Four parts of the following: (4XS==20)
(1,) ? Explain the word "Mobile Computing" and also give any
suitable live example with merit of mobile computing.
(2) Draw a diagram showing the positioning of wireless
networks via wired networks. Why is a wired network
usually part of the ?wireless infrastructure?
(3) What is General-packet Radio service (GPRS)? Desaibe
its architecture.
(4) Describ? the following multiple access protocol
(i) TDMA (ii) FDMA
(5) Discuss the concept of index Replication What purpose
it serves in mobile computing environment?
(6) Emlain
The GSM location updating signalling sequence with
suitable diagram.
110857] ~ 1 . [Contd...
2- Attempt any four parts of the following
Draw and de?ne 802.11 protocol Stack regarding the
following paints
('1) Physical layer ?
(n) MAC layer protocol
(iii) Frame structure I
What is Bluetooth? What are the ?nictions of di??erent
layers of Bluetooth protocol stack? Also disCuss the
concept of Bluetooth architecture.
Explain the architecture and protocol stack of wireless
Application protocol (WAP)..
Suppose that A,-B, & C are simultaneously transmitting
" 0, 1 bits using CDMA system with following sequence
What is' the resulting chip sequence?
Why does traditional TCP not perform well in wireless
networks? Discuss di??erent approaches for TCP
In Context to cellular network, discuss the following:
- (1) Cell splitting
(ii) Near &' Far problem
(lit) Hidden terminal problem
2 . [ Contd...
3 Attemt any Two pans of the following.
(2) V
Attempt any Two parts of the following.
Design the CODA ?le system and explain the different
states. Draw the state TransitiOn diagram and
disconnected operation in CODA ?le system.
Explain Adaptive clustering forMobile Wu'eless networks
Discuss the impact of mobile computing on following
aspects of data management.
('1) Data dissemination
(n) Q?ay processing
(m) Caching
(1v) Database over?ow
' What is mobile agent? Describe the server architecture
with the help of diagram. Also list the security threats
to a mobile agent system.
Desc?be fault tolerance issues involve in mobile
computing? What are the monitbn'ng processes?
Discuss the challenges in transaction processing. What
are the counter measures to security threat in computing
' 3 [ Contd...
Attempt any two parts of the following (2X10=20)
Explain the following terms
i. Global State Routing (GSR)
ii Dynamic Source Routing(DSR)
iii Destination Sequence Distance Vector routing
What do you understand by Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
(MANET)? De_scribe some real life scenarios where it
can be used. ?
chnbe route discover and route nmhxtmance mechanism
of AODV and TORA.
4 [15:25]
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020