Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 8th Semester (Eight Semester) 2016-17 ECE052 Analysis And Design Of Hydraulic Structures Question Paper
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : Be precise in your answer. In case Ofnumerical problem assume data wherever not provided.
1. Atempt the following: 10 x 2 = 20
(3) Write the component parts of a diversion head works.
(b) State the principles of cross regulator.
(c) When the level crossing is provided?
(d) Under what circumstance type of cross drainage work are selected?
(e) Write any two conditions for stability of earth dam.
(f) Enumerate the zone of storage
(g) Find the width of the elementary gravity dam, whose height is 80m.c It is given:
Specific gravity of dam material(G)=2.22,uplift 0r seepage coefficient (c)=0.82
(h) What are the forces acting on gravity dam?
(i) List the types of spillway.
(j) Write the merits and demerits of power plant
2. Attempt any five of the following questions: 5 x 10 = 50
(3) Write design principles of
(i) Sarda type fall.
(ii) Glacis type fall
(b) Explain with neat sketch the difference between weir and barrage.
(c) Brie?y discuss types and the factors affecting the selection of site for a dam.
(d) An earth dam made of homogenous material has the following level of top of dam
=300.0m level of deepest river bed = 278.0m H.F.L of reservoir = 297.5m, width of the
top of dam = 4.5m V/V slope = 3:1, D/S slope = 2:1, K=5x10?4 cm/s. Determine the
discharge passing through the body of the dam.
(e) Describe various modes of failure of a concrete gravity demand explain the elementary
profile of gravity dam.
(f) Describe and detailing the power house layout.
(g) What is meant by an energy dissipator? Discuss the various methods used for energy
dissipation below spillways.
(h) (i) What is stilling basin? Why they are provided? Enlist the components of it.
(ii) Discuss the function of the canal head works.
Attempt any two of the following questions: 2 x 15 = 30
3 (i) Describe various design principles of cross regulator and distributory head
(ii) Explain the method of determining uplift pressure on the roof of a siphon
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(ii) Write short notwm?gmmew?mduring thwww?mme?mmam
& its remedial measures?.
A ogee type spillway has 20 crest gates each having 10m clear span.Find the maximum
?ood that can be safety passed by lifting all the gates when the maximum reservoir
level is 105m and the crest level is 101m. Take coefficient C =2.16.Coefficient of end
contractions for piers =0.05.C0efficient of contractions for abutments=0.1.Neglect
velocity of approach.
Also design d/s profile of this spillway of gravity dam having d/s face slope 0.7H:1V.
This post was last modified on 30 January 2020