Download KUHS MPT 2nd Year 2015 Nov 201376 Advanced Physiotherapy Management, Manual Therapy And Evidence Based Practice Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MPT ( Master of Physiotherapy) 2nd Year (Second Year) 2015 Nov 201376 Advanced Physiotherapy Management, Manual Therapy And Evidence Based Practice Previous Question Paper

Q.P.Code: 201376 Reg. No.:???????

Second Year MPT Degree Examinations - November 2015

Advanced Physiotherapy Management, Manual Therapy
and Evidence-Based Practice
(Common for all specialities)

Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100

? Answer all questions

Essays: (2?20=40)
1. What is constraint induced movement therapy. Explain the underlying mechanism of
constraint induced movement therapy. Discuss about the use of constraint induced
movement therapy with suitable clinical examples. Add a note on its evidence.
2. Explain about different schools of thought in manual therapy. Describe in detail about
the principles and uses of McKenzie?s approach. (10+10=20)

Short essays: (6x10=60)
3. Explain in detail about phonophersis.
4. Discuss in detail about role of physiotherapy in antenatal and post natal care.
5. Enumerate the steps involved in evidence based practice.
6. Discuss about the mental imaginary and motor imaging technique in neuro-
7. Recent advances in below knee prosthesis.
8. Pilates ? effects and its application with suitable examples.

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