Download PTU Engg Physics QP MAY 2018 Question Bank

Download PTU (Punjab Technical University) Engg Physics QP MAY 2018 Question Bank

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[Total No. of Questions: 09] [Total No. of Pages: 02]
Uni. Roll No. ?.
Program/ Course: B.Tech. (Sem. 1
Name of Subject: Engg. Physics
Subject Code: BTAS-17102
Paper ID: 15857
Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 60
1) Parts A and B are compulsory
2) Part-C has two sections: section C1 and section C2. Attempt one question each from the
section C1 and C2.
3) Any missing data may be assumed appropriately
Part ? A [Marks: 02 each]
a) Give classification of superconductors.
b) Define Poynting vector. Give its unit.
c) What is the physical significance of wavefunction?
d) Draw block diagram of fiber optic communication system.
e) ?Gravity affects light?. Comment on the statement.
f) Can lasing action take place without stimulated emission? Justify your answer.

Part ? B [Marks: 04 each]
Q2. Derive Lorentz transformation equations. Under what condition these reduce to
Galilean transformation equations.
Q3. Write Maxwell?s equations and give their significance
Q4. Define nanomaterials and discuss in detail their classification.
Q5. Using London?s equations explain Meissner effect (flux expulsion) and flux
Q6. A plane makes intercepts of 1
A , 2
A and 3
A on three crystallographic axes such that
a:b:c=3:2:1. Determine Miller Indices of the given plane.
Q7. Find de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated to such a high potential
that it starts moving with relativistic speeds? Hence modify the expression for the non
relativistic case.
Part ? C
Section-C1 [Marks: 12 each ]
Q8(a). Does any kind of energy gap exist in superconductors? If yes elaborate the same and
how is it different from that existing in insulators. Hence find the wavelength of an
incident photon required to break the cooper pair in a superconducting material having
critical temperature 5 K.
Q8(b). (i) What kind of pumping is suitable for gaseous and solid state lasers? Give reasons.
(ii) Why He and Ne are mixed together in He-Ne laser? Discuss their roles in the
working of He-Ne laser.
(iii) What are the characteristics of light being recorded in a holography? On the basis
of these, differentiate holography from photography. - FirstRanker's Choice

[Total No. of Questions: 09] [Total No. of Pages: 02]
Uni. Roll No. ?.
Program/ Course: B.Tech. (Sem. 1
Name of Subject: Engg. Physics
Subject Code: BTAS-17102
Paper ID: 15857
Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 60
1) Parts A and B are compulsory
2) Part-C has two sections: section C1 and section C2. Attempt one question each from the
section C1 and C2.
3) Any missing data may be assumed appropriately
Part ? A [Marks: 02 each]
a) Give classification of superconductors.
b) Define Poynting vector. Give its unit.
c) What is the physical significance of wavefunction?
d) Draw block diagram of fiber optic communication system.
e) ?Gravity affects light?. Comment on the statement.
f) Can lasing action take place without stimulated emission? Justify your answer.

Part ? B [Marks: 04 each]
Q2. Derive Lorentz transformation equations. Under what condition these reduce to
Galilean transformation equations.
Q3. Write Maxwell?s equations and give their significance
Q4. Define nanomaterials and discuss in detail their classification.
Q5. Using London?s equations explain Meissner effect (flux expulsion) and flux
Q6. A plane makes intercepts of 1
A , 2
A and 3
A on three crystallographic axes such that
a:b:c=3:2:1. Determine Miller Indices of the given plane.
Q7. Find de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated to such a high potential
that it starts moving with relativistic speeds? Hence modify the expression for the non
relativistic case.
Part ? C
Section-C1 [Marks: 12 each ]
Q8(a). Does any kind of energy gap exist in superconductors? If yes elaborate the same and
how is it different from that existing in insulators. Hence find the wavelength of an
incident photon required to break the cooper pair in a superconducting material having
critical temperature 5 K.
Q8(b). (i) What kind of pumping is suitable for gaseous and solid state lasers? Give reasons.
(ii) Why He and Ne are mixed together in He-Ne laser? Discuss their roles in the
working of He-Ne laser.
(iii) What are the characteristics of light being recorded in a holography? On the basis
of these, differentiate holography from photography.

(iv) Is there any criteria to differentiate Single mode fiber (SMF) and Multi mode fiber
(MMF)? Hence check whether the fiber with following specification is a SMF or
MMF: a = 25 ? m, N.A. = 0.4 and ? = 800 nm.

Section-C2 [Marks: 12 each]
Q9(a). What are the characteristics of a scalar field and vector field? How can we obtain
vector field from the corresponding scalar field and hence the derive relation
between electric potential and electric field. The scalar potential in a given region
is of the form: V = 3x
y - y
. Find electric field at point (1,-2,-1) and check
whether the vector field thus obtained is uniform or not.
Q9(b). (i) A wavefunction associated with a moving particle in 1-D is given as:

;  > 0

;  < 0

Normalize this wavefunction. Hence find the probability to locate the particle in
the region 0 to ? .
(ii) A rocket is moving away from earth with speed 0.8c. Consider the line
joining the centre of earth and rocket as x-axis. At certain instant of time, the
rocket fires a missile at an angle of 60
w.r.t. x-axis with speed 0.6c relative to
earth. Find the speed and direction of the missile w.r.t. rocket.

************ - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 30 January 2020
