Download MBBS 1st Year 2023 March 526052 Human Anatomy Paper II CBME MCQs Question Paper

Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2023 March 526052 Human Anatomy Paper II CBME MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers

[MBBS 0323] MARCH 2023 Sub. Code :6052

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526052

Time: 30 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No
overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)

1) The Area of the lateral aspect of skull that overlies the anterior division of middle meningeal
artery is known as
A) Bregma B) Asterion C) Pterion D) Inion
2) All of the following are the components of gray matter except
A) Cell bodies B) Neuroglia
C) Myelinated nerve fibre D) Dendrites
3) The shape of lens of the eye is altered by the action of
A) Pupillary muscles B) Ciliaris and pupillary muscles
C) Superior oblique D) Ciliaris muscle
4) Torticollis is caused by
A) Paralysis of Sternocleidomastoid
B) Contraction of Sternocleidomastoid
C) Avulsion of Sternocleidomastoid
D) Complete paralysis of Trapezius
5) Function of dust cell is
A) Phagocytosis B) Secretion of surfactant
C) Gas exchange D) Absorption
6) The parotid gland develops from
A) Ectoderm B) Mesoderm C) Endoderm D) None of the above
7) The Passavant's ridge is formed by
A) Salpingopharynageus B) Stylopharyngeus
C) Palatopharyngeus D) Thyropharyngeus
8) All structures traverse the whole length of mediastinum except
A) Trachea B) Esophagus C) Thoracic duct D) Sympathetic trunk
9) Great cerebral vein of Galen is formed by the union of
A) Anterior cerebral vein B) Posterior cerebral vein
C) Internal cerebral vein D) External cerebral vein
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10) Failure of fusion of Lateral nasal process with maxillary processes result in
A) Hare lip B) Cleft palate
C) Hare Lip and Cleft palate D) Oblique facial cleft
11) Aortic knuckle, a projection in the upper part of the left margin of cardiac shadow in X-ray
chest PA view is cast by
A) Ascending aorta B) Arch of aorta
C) Descending aorta D) Aortic sinuses
12. The lingual is a tongue shaped projection from
A) Upper lobe of right lung B) Upper lobe of left lung
C) Lower lobe of right lung D) Lower lobe of left lung
13. The auricle develops from
A) 1st branchial cleft B) 1st branchial arch
C) 1st and 2nd branchial arches D) All of the above
14. Lymphatics from the lower end of oesophagus drains into
A) Deep cervical lymph nodes B) Pretracheal lymph nodes
C) Posterior Mediastinal lymph nodes D) Celiac lymph nodes
15. The skin over the angle of the mandible is supplied by
A) Greater auricular nerve B) Lesser occipital nerve
C) Greater occipital nerve D) Third occipital nerve
16. The postural drainage of maxillary sinus is best when
A) The Head is erect B) Head is tilted forwards
C) Lying on the affected side D) Lying on the unaffected side
17. The rib commonly fractures
A) At its posterior angle B) At the middle of its shaft
C) At its neck D) At its anterior angle
18. Trochlear Nerve Nucleus is present at the level of
A) Mid brain at the level of Superior colliculus
B) Mid brain at the level of Inferior colliculus
C) Upper part of Pons
D) Lower part of Pons
19. Supra meatal triangle corresponds to
A) Fossa incudis B) Fenestra cochlea
C) Tegmen tympani D) Mastoid antrum
20. Charcot's artery of cerebral hemorrhage belongs to
A) Medial striate group B) Lateral striate group
C) Thalamogeniculate group D) Long circumferential group.
[MBBS 0323]

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