Download MBBS 2nd Year (Second Year) 2024 Feb 526066 Microbiology Paper II Mcqs MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University 2nd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code :6066
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526066
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Clue cell is characteristically seen in
A) Candidiasis
B) Bacterial vaginosis
C) Trichomoniasis
D) Herpes
2. Agent used in interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) for diagnosing latent
A) MPT 64 B) Mycolic acid C) Lipoarabinomannan D) ESAT-6
3. 17D Vaccine is used for prevention of
A) Rabies
B) Yellow fever C) Poliomyelitis
D) Hepatitis B
4. Culture media used for EHEC.0157:H7 is
A) O7culture B) Sorbitol MacConkey C) XLD agar
D) HEC57culture
5. Beefy red bleeding ulcer is
A) Chancroid
B) Syphilis
C) Donovanosis
6. Pseudomembranous colitis ? all are true except
A) Toxin A is responsible
B) Toxin B is responsible
C) Summit lesion is an early histo pathological finding
D) Blood in stools is a common feature
7. Embryonated eggs are used in vaccine development for all except
A) Hepatitis B
B) Rabies
C) Yellow fever
D) Influenza
8. Viral inclusion bodies are all except
A) Negri body
B) Molluscum body C) Bollinger body
D) LD body
9. All are true about Chagas disease except
A) Romana's sign
B) Tse tse fly is a vector
C) Culture in NNN medium D) Has both amastigote and Trypomastigote
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10. A farmer presents with multiple discharging sinuses in the leg not responding to
A) Actinomycetoma B) Madurella
C) Nocardia
D) Sporothrix
11. PAIR in Hydatid disease stands for
A) Puncture, aspiration, injection and reabsorption
B) Percutaneous, aspiration, injection and reabsorption
C) Parenteral, aspiration, injection and reaspiration
D) Puncture, aspiration, injection and reaspiration
12. Regarding respiratory virus all are true except
A) RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants
B) EBV caused pleuritis
C) Mumps causes septic meningitis
D) Measles causes SSPE
13. Waterlily sign is seen in
A) Neurocysticercosis B) Hydatid cyst C) Elephantiasis
D) Amoebiasis
14. Highly infective stage of pertussis is
A) Convalescent stage B) Catarrhal stage
C) Paroxysmal stage D) Whooping stage
15. Tropical spastic paraperesis is caused by
A) Ebstein barr virus
B) Human T cell lympho tropic virus (HTLV)
C) Human immunodeficiency virus D) Hepatitis B virus
16. A renal transplant person developed fever with bilateral diffuse interstitial
pneumonitis after two months. Most probable cause of infection is
B) Hepatitis C
17. Avian influenza is due to
A) H1N1
B) H3N1
C) H5N1
D) H2N2
18. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by
A) Type I dengue virus
B) Reinfection with same serotype of dengue virus
C) Reinfection with a different serotype of dengue virus
D) Infection in an immune compromised host
19. Tabes dorsalis is seen in
A) Primary syphilis B) Secondary syphilis
C) Tertiary syphilis D) Latent syphilis
20. People with HLA type ________________ are protected from Pl.falciparum.
B) HLA B27
[MBBS 0224]
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