Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) Feb 2024 526075 Forensic Medicine And Toxicology Paper I PreviousTheory Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code: 6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Answer all the Questions
I. Essay:
(2 x 15 = 30)
1. A 38 year old man, who has been experiencing Delusions, hallucinations and thought
disorder for the past 2 months now display of flattening effects, Lack of Motivation,
Aggressive emotional charges and social withdrawal. How will you proceed
with this Psychiatry patient? Answer the following questions:
a) Write about admission and discharge procedure as per MHCA -2017.
b) Describe in detail Independent Admission and supported Admission.
c) Rights of Mentally ill person and responsibilities of Doctors.
2. A 45 year old man was admitted to the trauma Intensive Care Unit following Motor
Vehicle accident. He had multiple injuries and fractures with several complications.
Then he developed ARDS and AKI, so he was put on ventilator and died on next
day. The patient relatives complained about Hospital and Doctors, regarding inadequate
treatment given to him. Answer the following questions:
a) Define Negligence.
b) Types of Negligence and its difference.
c) Medical negligence and its prevention.
d) Medical indemnity insurance.
II. Write Short notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. What is the First Information Report? Write about documentary evidence.
2. What are all the methods available to estimate the age by using teeth after 21 years?
3. How will you proceed Autopsy in case of Covid-19 (or) SARS Cov-2 infected cases
and HIV infected dead bodies? Write about routine viscera and special viscera.
4. How will you proceed autopsy in case of firearm injuries?
5. Classify Agricultural poisoning and its clinical features, investigation, Postmortem
6. What are the signs of Live birth?
7. Describe the causes of death and post mortem findings in Antemortem burns.
8. Types of Hyoid bone fractures and its significance.
9. Dactylography.
10. Superfecundation and Superfetation.
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