Download MBBS 3rd Year 2023 June 526073 Community Medicine I MCQs Question Paper

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[MBBS 0623] JUNE 2023 Sub. Code :6073

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526073

Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks

Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Not included in the human poverty index is
A) % of population not surviving upto 40 years of age
B) Underweight for age
C) Occupation
D) % population not using safewater supply
2. Sullivan index
A) Measures disability
B) Measures life years adjusted with disability
C) Measures life expectancy adjusted without disability or free of disability
D) Measures life expectancy
3. Screening of the disease is which type of prevention
A) Primordial B) Primary C) Secondary D) Tertiary
4. Which one of the following is better indicator of the severity of an acute disease
A) Cause specific death rate B) Case fatality rate
C) Standardized mortality ratio D) Five year survival rate
5. Cross sectional study is
A) Longitudinal study B) Prospective study C) Retrospective study D) Prevalence study
6. Sterilization and disinfection of blood spills is done by
A) Formaldehyde B) Sodium hypochlorite C) Tincture iodine D) Phenols
7. Reliability of a test means
A) It measures what it is supposed to measure
B) It is able to correctly predict the presence of disease
C) It is able to correctly exclude the possibility of disease
D) It yield same value/reading when repeated under same conditions
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8. For the calculation of positive predictive value of a screening test, the denominator is
A) True positive+False negative B) False positive+True negatives
C) True positives+False positives D) True positives+True negatives
9. Organism multiplying and developing in the host is called as
A) Cyclopropagative B) Cyclodevelopmental C) Developmental D) Propagative
10. A 12kg child presents with diarrhoea and signs of dehydration, fluid to be replaced in first four
hours is
A) 0-400ml B) 400-800ml C) 800-1200ml D) 1200-1600ml
11. In all of the following diseases chronic carriers are found except
A) Measles B) Typhoid C) Hepatitis B D) Gonorrhea
12. Contacts of sputum positive tuberculosis patient who should be given preventive
A) Pregnant women B) Old people C) Children above 6 years D) Children below 6 years
13. Chandlers index is used for
A) Ankylostoma duodenale B) Ascaris lumbricoides
C) Strongyloides
D) Trichuris trichiura
14. All of the following sites are used for measuring skin fold thickness to asses obesity except
A) Mid-triceps B) Biceps C) Sub scapular D) Anterior abdominal wall
15. Blood smear must be made at night for which of the following conditions
A) Malaria B) Filaria C) Leprosy D) Onchocerciasis
16. Contact time for chlorination
A) 4hrs B) 1hr C) 1?hrs D) 2hrs
17. Chikungunya is transmitted by
A) Aedes B) Culex C) Mansonoides D) Anopheles
18. Sickness Benefit under ESI act extended into
A) 91days B) 61days C) 1year D) 2year
19. Cluster testing is useful in detecting cases of
A) STD B) Cancer C) Diabetes D) Measles
20. In a standard normal curve , mean + 2 standard deviation covers
A) 60% B) 65% C) 95% D) 99%.
[MBBS 0623]

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