Download MBBS Final Year (Final Year) 2024 May 526085 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Previous Question Paper || MGR University Final Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Papers
[MBBS 0524] MAY 2024 Sub. Code :6085
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526085
Time: 20 Minutes Answer All Questions Maximum : 20 Marks
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Deep transverse arrest is common in
A) Platypelloid pelvis B) Gynaecoid pelvis
C) Anthropoid pelvis D) Android pelvis
2. High alpha protein found in? EXCEPT
A) Intra Uterine Fetal Death B) Multiple pregnancy
C) Neural tube defect D) Trisomy 21
3. What is the average weight of placenta?
A) 250 g B) 500g C) 750 g D) 1000 g
4. Softening of the cervix in pregnancy is called
A) Palmer's sign B) Osiander's sign C) Chadwick's sign D) Hegar's sign
5. Minimal antenatal visits recommended by WHO
A) 1 in each trimester B) 4 visits C) 5 visits D) Atleast 3 after 20 weeks
6. Johnson's formula is used to calculate
A) Gestational age B) EDD C) Fetal height D) Fetal weight
7. Which drug causes decrease in Amniotic fluid?
A) Labetolol B) Warfarin C) Tetracycline D) Indomethacin
8. Predictor of pre-eclampsia is
A) NST B) BPP C) Uterine artery Doppler D) Amniotic fluid index
9. Parameters to assess the progress of labour are all except
A) Fetal heart rate B) Descent of fetus
C) Cervical dilatation D) Uterine contraction
10. Perineal tear involving internal anal sphincter is
A) First degree B) Second degree C) Third degree D) Fourth degree
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11. The commonest site of ectopic pregnancy
A) Rudimentary horn B) Ovary C) Cervix D) Fallopian tube
12. Snow storm appearance in ultrasound is suggestive of
A) Ectopic pregnancy B) Placenta previa
C) Hydatidiform mole D) Threatened abortion
13. Pregnant asthmatic women on steroids are at risk of developing
A) Prolonged pregnancy B) Diabetes mellitus
C) Abruption D) Operative deliveries
14. TORCH infections includes all except
A) Toxoplasmosis B) Rubella C) Cytomegalo virus D) Herpes zoster
15. Bandl's ring is associated with
A) Obstructed labour B) Pre-term labour
C) Chorioamnionitis
D) Placental abruption
16. Delivery of arms in breech presentation is by
A) Marshall burn's B) Mauriceau-smellie-viet C) Lovset D) Pinard
17. Postpartum collapse could be due to
A) Amniotic fluid embolism B) Inversion of the uterus
C) Rupture uterus D) All the above
18. Triradiate pelvis is seen in
A) Robert's pelvis B) Naegle's pelvis C) Kyphosis D) Rickets
19. B ? Lynch suture is applied on the uterus for treatment of
A) Rupture uterus B) Incompetent os
C) Placental bed bleeding D) Atonic PPH
20. WHO definition of maternal mortality extends to how many days after delivery?
A) 7 B) 14 C) 21 D) 42
[MBBS 0524]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024