Download MBBS Final Year (Final Year) 2024 March 526085 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mcqs Previous Question Paper || MGR University Final Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Papers
[MBBS 0324] MARCH 2024 Sub. Code :6085
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526085
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Occipito posterior position is common in
A) Gynaecoid pelvis B) Anthropoid pelvis
C) Android pelvis D) platepelloid pelvis
2. The maximum number of oocytes is seen in ovaries at
A) Birth B) puberty C) 20 weeks of gestation D) 20 years of age
3. Causes of polyhydramnios are all except
A) Multiple pregnancy B) Hydrops fetalis C) Anencephaly D) Renal agenesis
4. Uterus is enlarged more than the period of amenorrhoea in all except
A) Vesicular mole B) Concealed accidental haemorrhage
C) Uterine tumours D) Missed abortion
5. The diameter of presentation in face presentation is
A) Submento bregmatic B) Suboccipito bregmatic
C) Verticomental D) Occipitofrontal
6. Hyperemesis gravidarum is seen in all except
A) Primi B) Multiple pregnancy C) Molar pregnancy D) Ectopic pregnancy
7. Decompensated anaemia is diagnosed if the Hb is less than
A) 6gms% B) 5gms% C) 4gms% D) 3gms%
8. Postpartum eclampsia is common within
A) First 48 hrs of delivery B) First 24 hours after delivery
C) After 72 hours of delivery D) After one week of delivery
9. Complications of eclampsia are:
A) Aspiration Pneumonitis B) Pulmonary edema
C) Cerebral haemorrhage D) All the above
10. All are components of HELLP syndrome except
A) Low platelets B) Hemolysis C) Abnormal liver enzymes D) Angiogenesis
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11. Discordant twins is diagnosed when the fetal weight difference is more than
A) 5% B) 10% C) 15% D) 20%
12. Indications for caesarean section for heart disease is all except
A) Aortic dissection B) Heparin treatment
C) Severe aortic stenosis D) Endocarditis needing valve replacement
13. The antimalarial drug contraindicated in pregnancy is
A) Quinine B) Chloroquine C) Primaquine D) Artemisinin
14. Congenital rubella syndrome is characterised by all except
A) Cataract B) Renal agenesis C) Deafness D) Heart disease
15. The desirable level of HbA1c at first booking is
A) 3 ? 4 B) 4 ? 5 C) 5 ? 6 D) 6 ? 7
16. GDM is associated with the significant increase in the risk of following except
A) Macrosomia related morbidity B) Still birth
C) Oligohydramnios D) Congenital malformation
17. Obstructed labour occurs in all except
A) CPD II B) Brow presentation C) Transverse lie D) Mento posterior presentation
18. Causes of face presentation are all except
A) Anencephaly B) Multiparity C) Postmaturity D) Dolichocephalic head
19. In case of PPH, ideal fluid replacement is initiated by
A) Ringer lactate B) Normal saline C) Dextrose saline D) Isolyte M
20. The predisposing factors for DVT are all except
A) More fluid intake B) Anaemia C) Obesity D) Immobilisation
[MBBS 0324]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024