Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 6th Semester 7090 Microprocessors Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 6th Semester 7090 Microprocessors Question Paper

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This question paper contains 2 printed pages. Your Roll No. ......................
Sl. No. of Ques. Paper : 7090 - _ FC-2
Unique Paper Code : 2341601
Name of Paper ' : Microprocessors
Name of Course : B.Tech. (Computer Science) (Erstwhile FYUP)
Semester : VI ,
Duration : : 3 hours
? Maximum Mark: : 75
(MiaeyoWRolINo. dldwnwpirrmnediadymma?ptofmmpapa.)
Ammpt au quantum from Sccuon A and uyfaur question: from Section B.
Attempt all parts of a question together.
Section A
Q1.(a) In the real mode, determine the starting and ending address of stack 3 7
memory if the stack segment register holds the value 1234H ?
(b) What are program invisible registers? What is the purpose of GDTR? 3
(c) What is the purpose of granularity bit? 3
(d) The 8086 LOOP instruction decrements a register and tests it for a 0 to 3
decide if a jump occurs. Name the register. Also perform the same task
using conditional Jump.
(e) Contrast the operation of IMP [DI] with a IMP FAR PIR [DI]. ' 3
(t) Explain the ?mction of RET instruction. _ 3
(g) I List the differences between the 8086 and the 8088 microproeessors. 3
(h) Evaluate the address lines and data lines required to map 32K x 8 memory. 3
(i) What is the purpose of the OE pin on a memory device? 3
(j) Design a Control Word for 82C55 to set Port A as Input Port, Port B as 3
' Output Port 1n Mode 0 operation.
(k) The instruction MOV?AL, [ZOOOH] is used to access a peripheral. 3
' Comment on the kind of peripheral and the width of its data lines. ' ?-
(1) Which microprocessor pin and its status forces it to go into Wait state? 2
Section B

Q2.(a) In the protected mode of memory addressing, What arethe three ?elds of 4'
information the selector register holds? If the data segment register holds
( c)
i ' 'e5.(a)
( c) '
Q6-(a).? -
(b) .
' (27(5)
(b) '
OOODH, what does it signify?
Explain with example the instruction LDS BX,?[DI].
What does the instruction STOS do?
Identify the addressing mode of each of the following instructions:
(i) MOV AL, [1234B] contains?
(ii) MOV BAX, [BX] '
(ii) MOV BAX, [BP-+-200H]
(iii) MOV DH, [EBX + 4*EAX +1000H]
Consider the instruction JMP [10000H] andgiven that opcode for far
instruction. '
What are the default segment registers assigned to DI and BP registers?
Jump instruction is EA, write the 5-byte machine language version?of the
Develop a sequence of instructions that copy 12 bytes of data from an area 4
of memory addressed by SOURCE into an area of memory addressed by ?
What will be the value of SP ?lter the PUSI-IFDrinskuction is executed?
, Which. ?ag bit is tested by JA instruction?
Explain the READ operation with the help of bus timing cycle.
Expiain the function ofthe microprocessor pins: ALE, s4, s3 and DEN._
A .15MHz crystal is attached to' the8284A clock generator, what is the .
operating ?equency of: the 8086? microprocessor?
Design a decoder circuit tormap F4000fFSFFF on 8K?x 8 memory
Write the control word for the 8254 ihterval timer and- explain it.
Why does 3086 need two membry banks? 7
Explain the interrupt instructions BOUND and INTO."
Explain how the 8237 DMA controller performs the need and write
operations. V- e - ~ '
How and when is theNMI inten'upt requested?
Describe the operatibns ofPUSHFD. Let the current value if SP=1000H. 4

[This question paper contains 6 printed pages.]
Sr.No.onuestion Paper : 7091 F-6 Your RollNo ............. ,.
Unique Paper Code : 2341602
Name of the Paper 2 System Programming and Compiler Design
Name of the Course 2 B.Tech. (Computer Science)
Semester : VI
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. The Question paper consists of two sections.
3. Section A is compulsory.
4. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
1. (a) List the major data structures used during assembly process. Explain the structure
of any one of them. (3)
(b) Give disadvantages of a single pass assembler over two-pass assembler. (2)
2. (a) Differentiate between static and shared libraries. (3)
(b) What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter ? (2)
3. Describe the languages denoted by the following regular expressions
(a) o (0|1)*0
RT. 0.
k ?2,7, , , , ,7; , , , , A, .2 v, , _ ,, 7, ..
?'sz \

(b) ((8l0)1*)*
(c) (0|l)*0(0|1)(0|1) (1+2+2)
Write the actions of an LR parse for the following string, for the grammar and parse
table shown below :
aa 1 bbbb
Grammar :
A?->0 :
Symbols used in the above table have their usual meaning. (5)
(a) What are the advantages of LALR over Canonical LR parsers ? (2)
(b) Differentiate between synthesized and inherited attributes. (3)

7091 3
6. What do you mean by Intermediate code generation ? List various intermediate code
generation schemes. (2+3)
7. Brie?y explain the structure of an activation record. ' (5)
8. (3) Given the following section tables for two object ?les a.obj and b.0bj, explain the
linking process and show the layout of the ?nal executable module. (7)
Name Size Align Name Size Align
.text 200 16 .text 100 16
.data 60 4 .data 155 4
.datal 75 4 .dataZ 300 4
Section Table for a.obj
Section Table for b.obj
Brie?y explain the Intel hex format for storing object ?les. (3)
What is relocati
on? Explain the different ways by whieh an assembler can pass
relocation information to the linker. (3)
Assume the following description :
Token Informal Discription
if charactersi, f
.else characters 6, 1, s, 6
comparison or <= or >= or = or ! =
id letter followed by letters and digits
number A numeric constant
literal anything but ", surrounded by " 's
Ass_op =

Generate the appropriate tokens, lexemes and attribute values for.ev_ery token that
can be generated for the following c++ code fragment:
if (xc=lO;
c=20; (7)
Consider the following context-free grammar :
S ?> Sa
S ?> bS
S ?> c
(i) Write the canonical collections of LR(1) items for this grammar. (6)
(ii) Identify all con?icting items, and the types of the con?icts. (4)
(a) What are the differencestbetween Panic mode error recovery and Phrase level
error recovery in LR parsing ? (3)
Consider the following grammar:
S ?> S S +
S ?> S S *
S ?) a
Show by constructing a SLR parsing table whether the above grammar is SLR or
not. (7)
12. (a) Translate the arithmetic expression a"(b+c) into :
(i) Quadruples
(ii) Triples
(iij) Indirect triples (6)

7091 5
(b) Write type expressions for the following :
(i) A two-dimensional array of integers (i.e., an array of arrays) whose
rows are indexed from 0 to 9 and whose columns are indexed from ?10 to
(ii) Functions whose domains are functions from integers to pointers to
integers and whose ranges are records consisting of an integer and a
character. (2+2)
13. (a) Consider the following Syntax directed De?nition :
1) T?+FT? T?.inh=F.val
T.val = T?.syn
2) T? ? *FT{ Tl?.inh=T?.inhx Rm!
1 T?.syn = Tl'.syn
3) T? ?) e T'.syn = T?.inh
4) F ?) digit Eva! == digitlexval
Draw an annotated parse tree for the string: 9*6*7 (4)
(b) Show the stack with all activation record instances, including all the links, when
execution reaches position 1 in the following skeletal program. (6)
void 80
void f2()
80H -9(1)

void f1()
void main()
7 ?7? 7 ~ - 7 77-? 7* ?n_;"'

This post was last modified on 31 January 2020
