Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 7th Semester 1491 Artificial Intelligence Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 7th Semester 1491 Artificial Intelligence Question Paper

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' This question paper contains 4 printed pages]
Roll No.
S. No. of Ques?ti?o?il Paper : 1491
.Unigu?PaperCode Iii V: 2341701 A r 3? I ' ' P . E7
Name 0fthe Rape} - : Artificiallntelli'gen?e
Name of the Coinse ? .: B.TechLComputer Sci?nc? , A r .
Semester. ? I H :VII
>?Durat10n '3Hours g, I r , A 7 'I , ' I MaximumMaxks: 75
(Write; yoyfr Roll No, on the top imediatebz on receipt of this question paper. )
. 7 QuestiQn No. l' is compulsory.
Attempt ahy four from Question Nos. 2 to 7.
, Parts of a question must he answered together.
I. (a) P * De?ne an Agent,- Agent Function and an Agent Program . , - 3, P
' (b) Di?erentiate between knowledge-based systems and expert systems. ' - 4
(c) .3. Why 18 statg space representation important ? ' . A . , . 2 7?
(ci?) Is mmimax procedure Depth-?tst oeradth?r?st ? Justrfy ?y?er?r answer. , ' 2
I (e) Is the following set um?ablc -? If yes, obtain a most general uni?er far it 3 , 7 '
= {HA 3 B) P(x, Y; 2)}
(f) Obtain Skolem standard form for the following: A ? I A P ? ' V 3',
E? ? 3X(P(f(x))'A Q(x, f(a)?
' " ' P.T.O. "

' (1?
K? ?
' (h) ,
< 2 > 14.91
. Explain utilityufunption measure for an agent. ? 2
Discu$s ispecia'l cases of: hill climbing : Local Maximum, Plateau and Ridge 3
Express the following sentences as Conceptual dependency stmctures : V ?6 _
3(1): '7 Bill is ?a programmer ? [I I
' (ii), Joe ghye Sxiea?ower.
Whiit are the main idifferenees bistweeri scripts arid iiiame istnicture ? 1 3 ?
A 3- feet tall mortkey is in a room, where some bananas are suspended from 8- feet 1
_ high ceiling The room contains two stackable, movable and elimbable 3- feet high
. crates. Give the initial state, goal state, successor function and coSt functidri for getting '
1 ?thebananas. .. 1 I W 4
.Let h? denote the estimate of h (the actual cost of traversing from the current node to
a ?nal state node). Explain 1n what Way the e?ieiency of A* algorithm and reaching of V
.agoaistateisa?ectedif: ? W? , ' ~' ' .16
(i) _ h? always underestimates h..
(ii) h? aways bveresjtihi?t?r'es. h.
Consider a state space where the ?ta1?t space is number 1, and the suceessor function
\forastatenretums two states numberedZnandZn-i-I . .4"
(1') Draw. the portion of state space fer states ,1: to 15.
, (ii) Suppose the goal state' is 11. List the order m which 110des will be visited for
breade ?rst search
Explain Cut, Fail and C11t-fail statements 1n PROLOG-. v , 6
Write a PROLOG' program _to ?nd GCD ?of two numbers. . 4

(3) 1,1w1
(a) Explain Turing Test approach 19 AI. How is TuringTest approach di?ci'ent from Ratiohal
Agent approach ? ' ' I ? . ? 4 6
(b) Develop?PEAS description of fthg task environment? for ? Internet book-shopping
agent ' ' 14- ? ,- 4
' (a) Using constraint satisfaction algon'thm, solve the. follomngaypt arithmetic problem: 2, 6 '
.(b) A_gaxnetreeisasfollgWs.:~ , .. ? " " '4 4'
(3) ?u ///\\\ ////? ' (4)
. ? . (6) (Mn (8)
k: _L' ,
.(0) (7)-
Which nodes would not be examined using alpha-beta pruning procedure ? Write a V
stepwise explanation. ? ,
. . . L ?
(a) Dispuss the di?ereziccsand simila?tio: between problem solving and planning. 5

(b) Consider the follow1ng block world problem and solve it usirig goal stack planning: 5
Suit : ' ' Goal : _A
A . 13 , _c ' _,
6N(c? A) ? - 0N(B, C) and ON(A B_).
(a) Consider the following piece of knowledge
' Some patients like all doctot?, 1 7
No patient like any quack.
, '(z') Represent this knowledge as predicate st3tements;
7 _(17) "Prove the query ?no doctor is a q113ck? is correct, using resolution method.
(b) Derive a parse tree for the sentence ?Mary slept on the chair? using the following
1 rules: ,.
?81?; NP VP ?
NP ?>?N? 1
VP' ?) VPP r
1' PP ?y PERTNP _7
N aAMm/Chah,
V ?-) Slept
"BET ?> the _
PERP ?> on
. 2,500

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