Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 7th Semester 1492 CS 702 Information Security Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 7th Semester 1492 CS 702 Information Security Question Paper

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This qliestion paper contains 4 printed pages]
' Roll No.
S. No. of Question Paper. :7 1492.
Unique PaperCode A : 2341702 . ' A : 'F-7?
' Narneafthe Paper . A : CSs7i)2 Infbrniatioii secumy ' '
Name of?1e> A : B.Tech.Computer Science
Semester {v11 1
i-rrpuratiph23'H0uli's 7 ' I, I ' 7 ? '_ Ii MaximumMarksz7S
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of tliis question paper.)
it" A I ._ 7 A"; ? SectionAis compulsory.
Attempt any four questions from Section B. '_
. Parts of a'qixestiOn mist be answered together.
Section. A I
I 1. (a) -,_ List the different layers of an organization where security must be implemented to protect
ifitSOperations 1' ' 3.
'(b) Assume a hacker hacks into a network, copies a few ?les, defaces the Web page,
Tand steals eredit Card numbers, how many different threat categories does this attack. I
fallinto? ' ' _ ' -?_ 1 , , 2
i (c) AWh?at measures can individ??tls take to protect against shouldeb sur?ng ? ' V 1
(d) ?7 Di??erentiate between; Honeynet, Honeypot and Padded cell systeine. A , - 3
(e) _
( 2 )- , 1492
(1) I De?ne Generator and Pan'ty Check Matrix. 2
(it) How can parity check matrix be used to generate codeword ?
(iii) Define minimum weight of thelcpde. ' . : I . ' .1 2+2+1
Describe ?ngar hlock code. Explainthe difference between hatnming distanceand hamn?iing
weight -' 7? , , J j, I 3. ?
D??n?? congruence and compare with equality; '_ ' ? 2
Explain modulo operator along-with its application Also de?ne residue classes'Withan
exalnple. _ 7- p ' 2
" (n
, (?9
(1)? _
' (a)
Explain whether the following cipher lS monoalphabetm or not. Given reason also.
Plain text: Frittata V
Ciphertext2LTOHHQJQ -' ?I _. , ? _. 7 , 7 2
Use the Additivg cipher tp rehcrypt theLmespsagT'e ?Helio'Abraham?_" With'key' = 10. 3-
Eicplaih transpositipn cipher with a s11itable example. ' K . I . _ K _3' ?
How many permutation tables are used 111 Data Encryption Standard ?cip'her ? 2' 2
Di??erentlatebeMeenthefollowmg " ? . ,, ,, ?. . ? 2+2
(1') Digital Signature and conventional signatmve '
(ii). Public key and anate key.
S?ction B
Explain the steps of Dif?e-Hellman Key EXChange protocol. What 1s the most common
attack on this protocol ? 1 ' I - A . _ 5

( 3? )' , 1492 ,
_(b) Assume a language-with 8 letters : A, B, C, K, L, O, T, Y, where A is _IO,EBL?is 1,
C is 2, K is 3, L is 4, O~is:5, T is 6, Y is 7. In order to encrypt'a word in this
language, we convert the letters into binary form, apply the Scheme shoWn Hi the diagram
" given below and convert them back to corresponding letters. Using the above algorithm,
encrypt the word: KAL. ' ~ . ? i 7 r '_ ~ ' t j, n 5
? ' '0' 0: I
, ? ?1 1. _ . ' :
"?- 9? 2 12 '?'_?;
_9 3, . .3' _?.?,
?{ 4 4' " .7
.7f 7,
.Fig. for question 2(b)
(a) (b- Describe Playfaik Ci?hereneryption.
. (ii) :Enerypt the plaihtext ?This _is Good? using. playfair .cipherr and the following
? V ._'see;;et lgeyl=? . ,
PIEO. _ '

1 4 ) I V . 1492
_ (1) Show the P-Box for the following table : ,
. . (ii) A megsagethas 2000 bits. It is snpposed tobe enerypted using a block cipher
~14) '
(b) .
' (a)
(b) '
I (C)
? (b) '
(c) .
_1 1492
of 64 bits, '?nd the size of padding and the number of blocks. 3+2
Explain Data Eneryption standard with the help of a diagram I 7
(1);? Give a list of possible 1tems, which could be stored on a smart card, for authentication
and encryption of connections.
1 (ii) How are?those items stored on the smart card ,? . f 2+1 ,
Explain Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) along with the types of models. I ' 5
Given the following Generator matnx; what will be the encoded message for the
word (0101) ? 7? ? ? ' ? . . ? 3
g0 ' 1 I 1 '0 1 ? 0 o ' o I
. jgl' (07'1-_'1' 0.. 1 0-,0~
G = = ' , ? -
g3 l l 1 0V 0 1 0
_? g4: 1 o__1-0,l|o 0,1 .
"Explain Syndrome Decoding. ' i ' v _ i 2
What do you mean by Intrusion Deteetio'n and Prevention System ? Explain any two e
types of IDPS. , - 1, . 1? , ' ' 5
EXplain vulnerability scanner. How IS it used to improve security ? . 2
De?ne network footprinting and network ?ngerprinting? How are these two related. '7 3
Expiain the different phases of security systems development Life Cycle " . ,6
List and eXplain any four types of delibeijnte software .attacks. 4
4 ' .? , ' 2,500

This post was last modified on 31 January 2020