Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech 8th Semester 2341801 Web Technologies Question Paper

Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 8th Semester 2341801 Web Technologies Question Paper

r?sign a style sheet with the following speci?cation :
"set the body background colour to light blue
? set colour of H1 header to white
? center align the text of H1 ?header
' 1?? set 'fo11t-family of paragraph to vergana (4)
?6) What iS?the difference between an 'hb?i?ract class
and an interface? Can we have instances of an
? intbrface ? What is meant bdeEfault methods in an
?Wme?aqcr? :(Tjivs?antexampl?e of .an interface with
$531311; mq?m.d.- (4)
var energy= fruits.join();
document.write(ene1?gi);)jl;' ?
W's?r'ipt53" 1 "11% mmggfmmg bctwecn
(b) (1') Explain any three types of JSP elcmcn? wnh he 7 1 'L . ? myClass Obj;
help of examples And
.w 1% V ' myClass obj? = new myClass(), ' (1)
(ii) Explain the following sfa ? ?
? V (iii) Explain the garbage collector feature of Java. (3)
(iv) How can a class call constructor of its superclass ?
Explain with an example. (2)
?Section ?B '
{.(?4- " Attempt-ahy'FOUR? q??stion?s froni this" ?s'ectibn.
"" "41'.
(d) (?iMShouidnv/e usewAJAX 11W ,_ a ,. 53:
Comment. ? $3} (a) Explain HTTP request/rcsponse processing in detail.

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(b)-Explain the anatomy of a JSP page. Give an example.
\ (5).
n. x 1213M? 1 '
3. (a) Name different JDBC drivers. Explaih different types '1 ut the'errors in the followmg code:
of JDBC drivers. , (5). 3 1
bass :my?laSS5=
iht my-ygri;
.1 final void ?mc Hint i)
(b) Write a JDBC program to call a stored procedure named ?
PROCl with one OUT parameter of type int. (5) V
4. (3) Write ? a ?"181" page I't'o "access? the employee, H?t?ils
(Employee name, Employee Id, Salary and Department)
from an HTML form using JSTL actidns.
(b) How can you use custom tags in a JSP page? Explain
with the help _of a diagram. . (5)
5. (a) What is {11?
style sheet;
(b) What 1;:- ' ., public void func2()
-{ // Statements
. , ,1 5.39;? ? . I V ? }
(a) DeSIgn ax; , ? . . y f, ?ends - V. public static void main(String[] argS)
myClass ob= new myClass();
and check whe. cg - , l ob.func2();
valid; valuejsg?ab. '
c use~ df'p'fo?mpt dialog box in JavaScript using

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(ii) interface~my Interface{ ,
int var = 10; ...l.m?1,e:?..+;":1'r151 ?
void func 1(); v
} ,_ 97?1"? 311" e 'V
class ninlass 1mplemgms
void func2()?;
public static void mam?'s? >
{ 752'?
myInterfacc objInt=
objInt.var = 2:0; R", 7
Assume that there are two packages myPackl myPackZ
1_ ,
with a class myClassl 111 mePackl and 112?be 3'52; in
myPack2.myC1ass1 uses a method methO of'myClassZ. 1.,
Give skeleton of class mng?s1 ? '
(i) using import sta't?m' t" '35:"
(ii) without using impart St?cment;

This post was last modified on 31 January 2020