Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 8th Semester 2341802 Mobile Applications on Android Platform Question Paper
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(b) Defin?the purpbse of start. Activity For"
Result () method in Android applicatign.
(c) Bri?yz explainKX?liirtual device and, SD?1KI ?
manager. 7' ?~ ? 1? 1 *2
(d): HOW 1S thelmenumesource (defined 1n XML'
file, Shy ?aIan__m?-cl-n11 ?) inflated in the
function?an'reate Options Menu () ? V 3
(e) Expla1n DelegationgEvent Model in JAVA. ?. .
(f1 How is the data fe?clggcg fromSQlete
anabase using C?rsoy ? 1 , r .1 3
(g) Describe the use of intent in Android ?
Write a code to view the webpage 4
(h) Br1e?y explaJn the following ?classes : 4?
1- Check Box '
ii. Image View . ,
?1 I~EXP1alin th roubwiagiayoat's : 4
1. Relative Layout
ii. Frame L ayout
*1; _ 2
. ~.. I
. (b) Cons1der the followmg intent present in:
(j) Differentiate between ?I'pner Class"'v.?and
?Anonytrious Cl?ss?with suitable examples.
(k) Differentiate between ?throw and ?Throws
I 111 JAVA with a Suitable example (S). ' 4
. " SECTION --13 ?
(a) Brie?y describe on Item Selected Iiis'terier
() used by the Spmner class. . 4 p.
' I
Activity Q11"
Int?nt: intent = new ,1 Intent (Intent; '
Intent. set Data (Uri parse (?httpz / /du 210. in ?));
Ch?f?k the campaubllity?of the f0110W}!.l?C?Yi?E$
(Activity A, A'ctivi'ty B and Activity c with? actib?n
? and data of Act1v1ty Q, given above ? Justify. Xqur '
1. r
answer. " ? ' ' _?
3_ p _ . .? 'IPV.'1?..Q\.?_?'IK
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t?1v y. android: name=? Activity A? > J, .1 1. ,1?- .,
~<,{;1(:1;'1Qnandmid;1:1.e1me? android. intent action.
< catchr-y android: name=? android.inte?nt.
category. LAUNCHER? / >
< / aCtivity>
Activity B:
? ? ?
< / a'ctiv1ty>
3H"; #2,": ' ?n;
, A
?< qtion andrmd hame= ?android. intent. action;
ViEW? ?/ >
_< category android: _n'am?= ?android. intent}
? '?' - categomDEFAULT/R
(h) Describe SQ Lite database Wnte code for '
adding and removing data.? fromSQ, Mtg,
database'.? ? , 1 6 '
4; (a) Differentiate between Abstract class and
InterfabesggJAVA _.f, ,3 1, 4:,
1'! 1-:
(b) Create a simple reg1strat?on form
(including ? ?.mai1 id,passwordlw1th
appropriate input type and a button) On
chckmgihe button: pass the details to
another activity and display the data
3.33 . z.?,.1'f; ?,?=:, 1 h. 111-16 '
'5, (a) Explain activit31 11fecycle of Andrmd
apphcatlon. v ? ? r -' 1' 3 . 7v _ 4
?1 ? I t i
(b) Write a code snippet to Create a dialog box
7? 1 ? L :A ?6
(a) Brie?y describe the fe-am?rrga?sfany f6ut)"6f
Andfgid Application. . ' ? - ? .4?
"?~1*'3? lwim ?-s~mm.-~ ,1 1,. % ...
- ~ 4 ? x ?
? L 1 A
,_/?_v?:--.-wr.1wv~?,. . _ A n _
1 740A
6 .
WE? 'S?ort note on any ?ve ?f the following :
.1 . 1 . 10
115-)ART- 1
(b) an?ity? independent 1 pixei?
(c) file ?
' (1?)" Finally Block (JAVA)
(g) Static Class in JAVA
7 _ ' 2100
This post was last modified on 31 January 2020