Download DU (University of Delhi) B-Tech (Bachelor of Technology) 3rd Semester 1566 Operating System Question Paper
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This question paper contains 4+2 printed pages]
Roll No.
S. No. onueslion Paper : 1566
Unique Paper Code : 2341301 ? F?3
Name of the Paper : Operating System
Name of the Course : B.Tech. in Computer Science '
'S?mester ' : 111
Duration :3 Hours - ? Maximum Marks : 75?
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
Section A is compulsory. Attempt any 4 questiox?ls from Section B.
Parts of a question must Be answered together.
Name thg scheduler resporisible f0} : .
(1) I sWapping out partially executed programs
1 (ii) controlling the degree of multiprogramxhing '
(iii) shifting a process frbm ready state to ninning?tate ? _
(iv) selecting a proper mix 6f CPU bound andiI/O bound processes. , 2'1tage and a disadvant?ge 6f integrating the user interface into the operating
What may happen if getting the value(s) of- fhe following fegisters is not prix?il?igea ? I
(1') CPU time; ? '1
(i1) baseregister?and limitre'gi'ster " . I _ . 2
P.T.O. ?
? , p ,2 g; )7: L p; I: L_E?L L? L? L L I I.
( 3 ) 1566
(d) Differentiate between the following :
I (e)
_ (n
. (/2)
' (I)
(i) system calls and system programs
(ii) user level thread and kernel level thread
(iii) paging and d?emandpaging. ' I . 2 ' 3x2
Assume that you have a page-reference string for a prece?s with m ?fra'mes (initially al]
empty): The page reference string has length p; n distinctpagehumbers occur in it. Answer,
these questions for any page? replacement algorithm. I
(i) What is the-lewer bohnd on?the number of page faults ?
(i1) - What is the upper bound on the number of page faults ? ? I '2
What is the pur.pcl)ise of keeping, open ?le tatble by operating system ? . I 2
fWhat' ?is 'need-tol-knox'y principa! 1? I V I i ? i 2
Explaihi'any two program threats. , 2 ? ~_ ' ? ' - . 2 .2
' What ,are the-dvo ways 19 specify the. 'pathnarrtes in tree stritctilred direetorives ? 2 .
What ?re the' ehallehges'fl?aeed'by developers of handheld devices ?2 2 _ _ ? ? 2 ?2
?What is e dispatcher and give its various ?mctiohs ?. 2, ' 2 ' I l, ' ? 2
J Why is rouhd;robih algorithm afso 'catled as proceesof.shafing ? 2 . -_2
List foqf necessary leonditions: forfde'adleck to OGCl-Ilf?i-n the systetn. . l 2 ~ 2
Mvmr v.
r p D L,
( 3 ) 1566
(11) How many processes are created by the program segment given below ?.7 Justify your
} _ , . . ' D 2
(o) ? De?ne transfer rateand positioning time With rgs?e?t to magnetic disk. 3
2.' (a) D Consider th? fbllowihg set of processes, with the length ?of CPU burst time given in
D?rocess ? _ VAnl'ival'Tih?me' I 3th Tide - " Priority
?Pl ' - f ' 07?. ' ,8 V. 4- _.
P2 2, 5 3
P3 D 3" _. 6 2
P4 5 2 1
? mm).
(a) '
1 4 ) , 1506?
(1') Draw Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using :
(a) Shortest remaining time ?rst
(b) Priority based (non-preemptive)
(c) Round robin with time quantum = 3
(1'1) -What is the turnaround time of every process for each of the scheduling algorithrhs
given in part (i) ? . 3+3
What is race condition ? Give an example to show race between two different
processes ? 1 - I .' 4,
Consider a paging system with the page table stored in memory.
(1) if a memory reference takes 200 nanoseconds, how long does a. paged memory
reference take ?
(ii) if We add TLBs arid 75% of all page table references are found in the TLBs,
- what 15 the e?ective memory access time ? Assume that the time taken to access
A a TLB is 20 nanoseconds. ? 1 - 7 . . 1+3.
ConSider the following memory address references :
. .0030, '0012, 0315, 0104 0185 0445, 0467, 021.,5 0732, 0749, 0752, 0612, 0204,
. 0239 0226, 01738, 0184, 0426 0781, 0381, 0261, 0286, 0278, 0257, 0189, 0289,
_ 0146, 0178.
i What will the refe?rehce- string con?esponding to the addresses given above (assuming page
' siZe is 100 bytes) ? Determine the number of page faults fer optimal page replacement
' algorithm. Assume that there are three frames and all of them? are initially empty. 2+4 '
[V D
p D) D.
( 5 ) 1566
(0) Suppose the read/write head is at track 97. moving towards track 199 (the highest numbered
track on the dlSk) and the disk request queue contains read/write requests for the sectoxs
on tracks 34, 155, io3, 96 and 197, respectively. What is the tetal number of head
movements needed to satisfy the requests in the queue Using :
(ii) c-Loom ? 6
(b) How are threads di?'erent ?'om processes ? Give an example (an environment/applicatlon)
5 where threads ?u'e more appropriate than processes. 4
(a) Draw a resource allocation graph for the-fbllowing data :
P = {P1,?P2, P3}
EIV= {P -> R], R1'> P3, P2 '> RI, R2 '> 92? R3 '> P2: P3 '> R3}.
The number of Instances of RI and R3 is l and R2 18 2.
Is there a cycle 1n the graph 7 Is the system in a deadlock state ? If not, then give
D p p p LLp LLL?LL?
1566 .5
( 6 ) 1566
(b) Explain the three disadvantages of linked allocation. Which disadvantage can be overcome
using FAT and how ? V 5
Write short notes (any two) :
(z) Microkcmel apprqach
(it) Real time operating system
(in) Segmentation. - ' 5+5
This post was last modified on 31 January 2020