Download PTU B.Arch 2020 March 1st Sem 77240 Communicative English Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) B.Arch 2020 March (Bachelor of Architecture) 1st Sem 77240 Communicative English Previous Question Paper

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Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Architecture PIT (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : UC/BTHU-101-18
M.Code : 77240
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is compulsory. It consists TEN questions of two marks each.
2. Attempt one question each from SECTION- B,C,D and E.

1. Answer the following :
a) Derive two words each with the prefixes: Inter, Sub
b) Give synonyms: Hard, Funny
c) Give antonyms: Gloomy, Arrogant
d) Give full form: ASAP, ETA
e) Correct the following sentences:
a. No matter what that I do, I can?t make her happy,
b. He is clever but he lacks of experience.
f) Fill in with prepositions:
a. The dog jumped __________ the well.
b. What is the time __________ your watch?
g) What should we keep in mind while drafting an essay?
h) Give salient features of a good resume/CV.
i) What is the importance of providing evidence in writing?
j) Write a note on features of business emails. - FirstRanker's Choice

1 | M-77240 (S17)-2651

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Architecture PIT (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : UC/BTHU-101-18
M.Code : 77240
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is compulsory. It consists TEN questions of two marks each.
2. Attempt one question each from SECTION- B,C,D and E.

1. Answer the following :
a) Derive two words each with the prefixes: Inter, Sub
b) Give synonyms: Hard, Funny
c) Give antonyms: Gloomy, Arrogant
d) Give full form: ASAP, ETA
e) Correct the following sentences:
a. No matter what that I do, I can?t make her happy,
b. He is clever but he lacks of experience.
f) Fill in with prepositions:
a. The dog jumped __________ the well.
b. What is the time __________ your watch?
g) What should we keep in mind while drafting an essay?
h) Give salient features of a good resume/CV.
i) What is the importance of providing evidence in writing?
j) Write a note on features of business emails.

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2. Explain techniques for writing precisely. (10)
3. Directions: Use subordinating and coordinating clauses to join the clauses into a single
sentence. Rewrite the sentences and change words and tenses if necessary, but do not
remove information. Conjunctions which can be used are given below : (10)
Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Subordinating Conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, even if, if, now that, once,
since, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while
a) He looked into the well. He was stunned.
b) She finished her studies. She went abroad.
c) She worked hard. She wanted to pass the examination.
d) He is poor. He is honest.
e) I will come. He must invite me.
4. What are redundancies and clich?s? Explain in detail. (10)
5. Make a pr?cis of the following passage : (10)
Extensive studies by group of Bombay doctors have confirmed that vegetarianism offers
protection from coronary diseases. It prevents and helps management of most of the gastro-
intestinal diseases and is suitable for all non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent
diabetics. Nephrologists use the diet as a major part of their therapeutics. A vegetarian diet
is more useful in the treatment of liver disorders including the last stage of liver failure,
when the dietary intake of fat is to be reduced. Vegetarians tend to have lower blood
pressure. Lacto-vegetarian diets with their high fibre content, low acid and high vitamin
and minerals prevent and to a certain extent relieve the pain felt with the progression of
6. Explain what should be kept in mind while writing a conclusion. (10)
7. Write an essay on any of the following :
Corruption, Social Media (10) - FirstRanker's Choice

1 | M-77240 (S17)-2651

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Architecture PIT (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : UC/BTHU-101-18
M.Code : 77240
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is compulsory. It consists TEN questions of two marks each.
2. Attempt one question each from SECTION- B,C,D and E.

1. Answer the following :
a) Derive two words each with the prefixes: Inter, Sub
b) Give synonyms: Hard, Funny
c) Give antonyms: Gloomy, Arrogant
d) Give full form: ASAP, ETA
e) Correct the following sentences:
a. No matter what that I do, I can?t make her happy,
b. He is clever but he lacks of experience.
f) Fill in with prepositions:
a. The dog jumped __________ the well.
b. What is the time __________ your watch?
g) What should we keep in mind while drafting an essay?
h) Give salient features of a good resume/CV.
i) What is the importance of providing evidence in writing?
j) Write a note on features of business emails.

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2. Explain techniques for writing precisely. (10)
3. Directions: Use subordinating and coordinating clauses to join the clauses into a single
sentence. Rewrite the sentences and change words and tenses if necessary, but do not
remove information. Conjunctions which can be used are given below : (10)
Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Subordinating Conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, even if, if, now that, once,
since, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while
a) He looked into the well. He was stunned.
b) She finished her studies. She went abroad.
c) She worked hard. She wanted to pass the examination.
d) He is poor. He is honest.
e) I will come. He must invite me.
4. What are redundancies and clich?s? Explain in detail. (10)
5. Make a pr?cis of the following passage : (10)
Extensive studies by group of Bombay doctors have confirmed that vegetarianism offers
protection from coronary diseases. It prevents and helps management of most of the gastro-
intestinal diseases and is suitable for all non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent
diabetics. Nephrologists use the diet as a major part of their therapeutics. A vegetarian diet
is more useful in the treatment of liver disorders including the last stage of liver failure,
when the dietary intake of fat is to be reduced. Vegetarians tend to have lower blood
pressure. Lacto-vegetarian diets with their high fibre content, low acid and high vitamin
and minerals prevent and to a certain extent relieve the pain felt with the progression of
6. Explain what should be kept in mind while writing a conclusion. (10)
7. Write an essay on any of the following :
Corruption, Social Media (10)

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8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind, and we enjoy reading
books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a
guest in the house; it must be treated with punctiliousness, with a certain considerate
formality. You must see that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your
roof. You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages,
you cannot use it familiarly. And then, someday, although this is seldom done, you really
ought to return it. But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate
intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no
book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face
down. A good reason for marking favourite passages in books is that this practice enables
you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in
later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure
of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own
earlier self. Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of
private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every
advantage. One should have one's own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass
windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye. The
best of mural decorations are books; they are more varied in 'colour and appearance' than
any wallpaper, they are more attractive in design, and they have the prime advantage of
being separate personalities so that if you sit alone in the room in the firelight, you are
surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both
stimulating and refreshing. You do not have to read them all. Most of my indoor life is
spent in a room containing six thousand books, and I have a stock answer to the invariable
question that comes from strangers. ?Have you read all of these books ? ?Some of them
twice?. This reply is both true and unexpected. My devotion to reading has never made me
a recluse. How could it be? Books are of the people, by the people, for the people.
Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of
personality. But book-friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoy the
most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The great dead are
beyond our physical reach, and the great living is usually almost the inaccessible; as for our
personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep,
or away on a journey. But in a private Library, you can at any moment converse with
Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy.
Questions : (2?5)
a) What are the advantages of our own books?
b) What are the disadvantages of borrowed books? - FirstRanker's Choice

1 | M-77240 (S17)-2651

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 04
Total No. of Questions : 09
B.Architecture PIT (Sem.?1)
Subject Code : UC/BTHU-101-18
M.Code : 77240
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is compulsory. It consists TEN questions of two marks each.
2. Attempt one question each from SECTION- B,C,D and E.

1. Answer the following :
a) Derive two words each with the prefixes: Inter, Sub
b) Give synonyms: Hard, Funny
c) Give antonyms: Gloomy, Arrogant
d) Give full form: ASAP, ETA
e) Correct the following sentences:
a. No matter what that I do, I can?t make her happy,
b. He is clever but he lacks of experience.
f) Fill in with prepositions:
a. The dog jumped __________ the well.
b. What is the time __________ your watch?
g) What should we keep in mind while drafting an essay?
h) Give salient features of a good resume/CV.
i) What is the importance of providing evidence in writing?
j) Write a note on features of business emails.

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2. Explain techniques for writing precisely. (10)
3. Directions: Use subordinating and coordinating clauses to join the clauses into a single
sentence. Rewrite the sentences and change words and tenses if necessary, but do not
remove information. Conjunctions which can be used are given below : (10)
Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Subordinating Conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, even if, if, now that, once,
since, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while
a) He looked into the well. He was stunned.
b) She finished her studies. She went abroad.
c) She worked hard. She wanted to pass the examination.
d) He is poor. He is honest.
e) I will come. He must invite me.
4. What are redundancies and clich?s? Explain in detail. (10)
5. Make a pr?cis of the following passage : (10)
Extensive studies by group of Bombay doctors have confirmed that vegetarianism offers
protection from coronary diseases. It prevents and helps management of most of the gastro-
intestinal diseases and is suitable for all non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent
diabetics. Nephrologists use the diet as a major part of their therapeutics. A vegetarian diet
is more useful in the treatment of liver disorders including the last stage of liver failure,
when the dietary intake of fat is to be reduced. Vegetarians tend to have lower blood
pressure. Lacto-vegetarian diets with their high fibre content, low acid and high vitamin
and minerals prevent and to a certain extent relieve the pain felt with the progression of
6. Explain what should be kept in mind while writing a conclusion. (10)
7. Write an essay on any of the following :
Corruption, Social Media (10)

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8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind, and we enjoy reading
books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a
guest in the house; it must be treated with punctiliousness, with a certain considerate
formality. You must see that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your
roof. You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages,
you cannot use it familiarly. And then, someday, although this is seldom done, you really
ought to return it. But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate
intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no
book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face
down. A good reason for marking favourite passages in books is that this practice enables
you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in
later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure
of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own
earlier self. Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of
private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every
advantage. One should have one's own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass
windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye. The
best of mural decorations are books; they are more varied in 'colour and appearance' than
any wallpaper, they are more attractive in design, and they have the prime advantage of
being separate personalities so that if you sit alone in the room in the firelight, you are
surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both
stimulating and refreshing. You do not have to read them all. Most of my indoor life is
spent in a room containing six thousand books, and I have a stock answer to the invariable
question that comes from strangers. ?Have you read all of these books ? ?Some of them
twice?. This reply is both true and unexpected. My devotion to reading has never made me
a recluse. How could it be? Books are of the people, by the people, for the people.
Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of
personality. But book-friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoy the
most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The great dead are
beyond our physical reach, and the great living is usually almost the inaccessible; as for our
personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep,
or away on a journey. But in a private Library, you can at any moment converse with
Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy.
Questions : (2?5)
a) What are the advantages of our own books?
b) What are the disadvantages of borrowed books?

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c) When should we have our own library?
d) What does the author calls books?
e) Find words from the passage which mean the same:
a. extreme carefulness to behave correctly
b. destroys completely
9. Draft a business letter to the Branch Manager, Punjab National Bank, Chandigarh seeking
finance for a new plant being set up by your company. Imagine details. (10)

NOTE : Disclosure of Identity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request on any
page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 31 March 2020