Download PTU B.Arch 2020 March 6th Sem 72291 Building Services Iii Question Paper

Download PTU (I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar (IKGPTU) B.Arch 2020 March (Bachelor of Architecture) 6th Sem 72291 Building Services Iii Previous Question Paper

1 | M - 7 2 2 9 1 ( S 1 7 ) - 2 1 8 5

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
B.Architecture (2012 & Onwards) (Sem.?6)
Subject Code : BACH-605
M.Code : 72291
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. Attempt any FIVE questions in all with at least ONE question from EACH UNIT.
2. Select Fourth question from any UNIT.
3. Q.1. Is compulsory.
4. Draw neat sketches where necessary.
5. Assume any missing data/dimension.

Q1. a) What is refrigeration?
b) Explain briefly natural & artificial ventilation.
c) Explain absorption, reverberation time (give formula also).
d) Enlist disadvantages of acoustic materials.
e) Enlist various disadvantages of building management system. 2?5=10
Q2. Discuss air conditioning with respect to its role & importance along with the principles
govern the air conditioning? What is cooling load & air cycle? 12.5
Q3. Explain different types of air conditioning systems with their parts. Also explain where
are they used? 12.5
Q4. Explain the acoustical design considerations for an auditorium with the help of a neat
section. Also explain the method of acoustical treatment. 12.5
Q5. What are acoustical materials & their different types available in the market? Explain
each along with its application. 12.5 - FirstRanker's Choice

1 | M - 7 2 2 9 1 ( S 1 7 ) - 2 1 8 5

Roll No. Total No. of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 08
B.Architecture (2012 & Onwards) (Sem.?6)
Subject Code : BACH-605
M.Code : 72291
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. Attempt any FIVE questions in all with at least ONE question from EACH UNIT.
2. Select Fourth question from any UNIT.
3. Q.1. Is compulsory.
4. Draw neat sketches where necessary.
5. Assume any missing data/dimension.

Q1. a) What is refrigeration?
b) Explain briefly natural & artificial ventilation.
c) Explain absorption, reverberation time (give formula also).
d) Enlist disadvantages of acoustic materials.
e) Enlist various disadvantages of building management system. 2?5=10
Q2. Discuss air conditioning with respect to its role & importance along with the principles
govern the air conditioning? What is cooling load & air cycle? 12.5
Q3. Explain different types of air conditioning systems with their parts. Also explain where
are they used? 12.5
Q4. Explain the acoustical design considerations for an auditorium with the help of a neat
section. Also explain the method of acoustical treatment. 12.5
Q5. What are acoustical materials & their different types available in the market? Explain
each along with its application. 12.5

2 | M - 7 2 2 9 1 ( S 1 7 ) - 2 1 8 5

Q6. Explain the relevance, importance and scope of building automation. 12.5
Q7. What is building management system? Explain its functions & applicability to different
services. 12.5
Q8. Explain intelligent buildings along with their concept, applicability & limitations. 12.5

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page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 31 March 2020